Release that Man

Chapter 75: Accidental overtime


The next day, I put the notebook home first, and then turned to go to work. To Ye Shuang's surprise, Lawyer Lin was rarely there.

Bodyguards have to protect their employers, so they usually come to report and clock in every day, not to mention, the private chef sister spends quite a lot of time at An Zining's place. She has three meals a day, including midnight snacks. She has to come whenever she needs to make food... Considering the appetite and body of pregnant women may have to increase the workload now.

Except for these two regular personnel and assistants for himself and the young trainees, Lawyer Lin is only responsible for legal negotiations. There was no need to meet and say hello to An Zining every day.

What can a lawyer have to talk about with an employer when the work is not progressing? ! The other party couldn't help him with his scope of work, and the discussion was too redundant. The only thing An Zining could do was to make trouble. For example, on the basis that lawyer Lin had difficulty dealing with the opposing lawyer, he suddenly raised some more unrealistic conditions on a whim...

"Lin..." In the middle of the greeting, remembering that she is not the sister Ye who should know the other party now, Ye Shuang hurriedly changed her words: "Lawyer Lin, right? Hello."

Lawyer Lin sat at the table and continued to drink the last sip of rice porridge. After putting down the bowl, he took off his glasses, wiped them, raised his eyelids, and nodded slightly to Ye Shuang: "Hello."

He didn't ask why the other party recognized him as Lawyer Lin at a glance... Yesterday, a friend told me about Ye Ge replacing Ye Mei at work, and he was the only one who was sent to serve An Zining in the studio. It is not surprising that the other party guessed that he was a lawyer after seeing him.

"Miss An is still resting?" Ye Shuang glanced at the closed bedroom door. After receiving positive answers from the others, she originally wanted to sit on the sofa and wait for the boss to wake up, but after thinking about it, she walked back and sat in the forest. The lawyer asked politely: "I heard that lawyer Lin has some contacts in this city, but you don't know if you know the illegal racing situation here?!"

After wiping his glasses, Lawyer Lin put them back on and pushed his head up: "Mr. Han's assessment?"

"..." Could it be that Han Chu really has this hobby? Or did the other party actually hear about it from Brother Wang? How do you know that I have taken over the task from Han Chu... Ye Shuang smiled: "Because I don't have professional performance experience and certificates, Mr. Han probably wants to confirm my ability."

Lawyer Lin glanced at Ye Shuang. After a long while, he seemed to sort out the information in his head before speaking: "The illegal races of drag racers are usually on the Panshan Highway, and the time is mostly during holidays or late at night on weekends. Before the race, there will be special personnel to cut off the track and set up roadblocks. Huge... Strictly speaking, this is also considered a crime. It’s just that ordinary people will not be involved, and the drivers participating in the race are more or less energetic, and they are also thrill-seeking desperadoes in their bones, so the police generally will not take the initiative to intervene in the investigation.”

After a brief introduction, Lawyer Lin paused, and then asked with interest, "Mr. Han asked you to deal with drag racers?"

"Yeah." Ye Shuang smiled wryly: "It sounds like a bunch of rich people are full and have nothing to do?"

"Of course, most of those racing cars were modified illegally by themselves, and ordinary citizens can't afford them." Lawyer Lin said contemptuously, "The rich play more tricks than ordinary people, and ordinary public entertainment can no longer arouse their interest. , Bao Xiaoxing also has to consider the issue of premature ejaculation. Besides, not everyone is interested in women who sleep every day. So some bold young people will play more and more excitingly. For example, racing, drug use, Underground boxing matches, casinos... If compared with these people, Miss An's ex-husband is actually a rare kind, after all, his courage is only to the extent of taking a few mistresses and playing with illegitimate children."

Ye Shuang really found out now that this lawyer also investigates some things underground, and it's probably because he is a man now. The other party's words were obviously less taboo and caring than when he was in front of Sister Ye... To put it more clearly, it seemed to be more sharp and poisonous...

But it's normal for lawyers to know more about things. They deal with all kinds of dark incidents, especially after hearing from Chen He's lawyer that lawyer Lin is good at criminal cases... It is precisely because of this thought that Ye Shuang ran away. Come to collect information from people, delete and delete the official announcements. How can these people who have been involved come to the details? !

"Then Yao Zhixing..."

Lawyer Lin pondered for a moment: "His father is a restaurant tycoon in Shanlin City. He has a good character among the second-generation sons. He likes excitement, but he has never heard of any other bad deeds except illegal racing."

Of course, the person in charge of the introduction letter arranged by Han Chu couldn't be a vicious villain.

Ye Shuang raised her eyebrows and asked again: "Then do you know where he usually likes to hang out?"

"I don't know!" Lawyer Lin pushed his glasses and said flatly, "Because he has no criminal record, so I don't know him well."

"..." I suddenly feel that being your acquaintance will be lowered in an instant.

It's good to chat with well-informed people, sometimes a high IQ doesn't mean you know a lot. For example, from lawyer Lin's casual words, Ye Shuang came into contact with a lot of other sides of Shanlin City that she was not familiar with before.

When it was almost 11 o'clock, the private chef sister came to cook again, went to the dining table to clean up the dishes and saw Ye Shuang in the living room, greeted Ye Shuang with a red apple face, and jumped into the kitchen like a frightened bunny.

Lawyer Lin curled his lips and glanced at Ye Shuang, and then glanced at Brother Wang who was sitting by the bay window and paying attention to the movement in the neighborhood. He lowered his voice and reminded: "Brother Wang is a bit mean to my little sister, please pay attention."

Chatting with Ye Shuang also made Lawyer Lin very happy. Although the other party knew little about the inside story of the world, he was quite proficient in a lot of professional knowledge, especially the keen and powerful analysis and calculation ability opened Lawyer Lin's horizons. I also casually reminded me about the small things that caused misunderstandings.

Sophistication of the world does not seem to have any benefits, but it is better to have a good relationship than to offend people everywhere, especially when there is something that needs help...

"Office romance?!" Ye Shuang said with a smile, and got up to wake up the boss without paying attention at all: "I have a girlfriend."

Having a girlfriend is indeed the best shield, but Ye Shuang suddenly thought sadly that after being bound by herself, it is true that a male body can resist some peach blossoms, but what about a female body? !

Well said ooxx... no! What about finding a partner? !

Walking unhurriedly to the bedroom door, he bent his knuckles and knocked rhythmically a few times. An Zining seemed to have woken up a long time ago, and soon a voice came from inside: "I'll be out in a while."

Ye Shuang shrugged and sat back on the sofa. Now that she is a man, it is naturally impossible for the employer to let her in casually.

More than ten minutes later An Zining finished washing and opened the door. Subconsciously, she put her palm on her flat stomach, but she didn't seem to notice this unconscious movement. After nodding and greeting a few people in the living room, she ate quietly. , holding a glass of warm water after dinner and sobbing slowly, and then opened his mouth to explain a new itinerary.

"In the evening, I will take my cousin home for dinner, and the assistant and bodyguards will go together to spend the night there."

An Zining's order was calm and natural. After all, it was only natural for the hired person to stay by the employer's side when necessary, and it didn't even count as overtime.

But when Ye Shuang heard such a sentence, she was struck by lightning and almost shed tears.

Illegal racing runs late at night, and she still has to go to work during the day, so there is only one and a half nights left to hook up with that drag racer... and now someone has taken one? !

I don't know if a discussion with Han Chu can give the other party an extra day of grace? ! Tears poured down her stomach, Ye Shuang had no reason to refuse An Zining's reasonable request, so she nodded sadly: "Okay, I got it."

Next is the progress of Lawyer Lin's report and negotiations. By the way, An Zining seems to have changed his attitude because of his pregnancy. He is no longer as aggressive as before and wanted to strip off Chen He's underwear, but instead focuses on monetary compensation... Preferably big The pen, and I can get it in the shortest time...

For some reason, Ye Shuang always felt that this person had the idea of escaping with the ball.

"If, I mean if..." Ye Shuang rubbed his chin, poked Wang Ge beside him and asked, "If our employer suddenly runs away in the middle, the family members including Mr. Fang don't know. This entrustment is considered to be Success or failure?!"

I and others put the employer first, so in theory, it is natural to take care of the latter with all my strength, and other people's ideas are not considered in the task assessment.

But if the employer is willing to die or even get out of protective care, should the main focus be obedience or forced protection? !

Brother Wang gloated: "Then Brother Han will have a headache. Anyway, we just need to listen to the arrangement. Besides, your job content is to obey the rules. You don't have to be responsible for the employer's unreasonable demands. What are you afraid of?"

Ye Shuang nodded: "That's true, but Brother Wang, you are in charge of protecting people, how do you count?!"


"Brother Wang?!" Ye Shuang didn't wait for an answer, and turned her head in doubt.

I saw that Brother Wang didn't seem to have considered this issue before, and now he has a constipated expression after being reminded: "I think I'd better report it to Mr. Han, anyway, Brother Han is an intermediary, this should not be regarded as leaking the employer privacy."

Ye Shuang was sympathetic to see the bodyguard, Brother Wang, walking aside to make a phone call. It was indeed a headache to meet the boss with a sudden brain twitch at work, and it was no wonder that his face was so ugly...

An Zining still didn't go out all afternoon, and it was almost five o'clock when the doorbell was suddenly rang.

Ye Shuang went out and opened the door to see that Mr. Fang was already standing at the door.