Release that Man

Chapter 8


Although Ye Shuang has never learned serious fighting skills, she can bluff people with her physical fitness alone.

Anyway, after seeing her power to smash rocks with bare hands, I believe no one will want to give it a try, to see if this person has strength but no moves... Take another ten thousand steps, even if she is really clumsy To a certain level, but just grabbing anywhere with this claw, the feeling will definitely not make people feel good.

"Keep the purse, or keep the person. It's your choice."

Under Fang Mo's somewhat dazed gaze, the majestic and handsome man lightly patted off the gravel and ash in his hand, and lightly glanced at the stunned gangsters from the corner of his eyes, before dropping such a sentence lightly.

It was as if he was born with the qualification to look down on everyone, and his understatement also brought out an undeniable aura.

Fang Mo's eyebrows frowned, then stretched out, and carefully observed this unusually dazzling brave man.

Yes, dazzling!

No matter what kind of environment he was in since he was a child, the word dazzling has always belonged to Fang Mo. He really can't be regarded as the best, but if you want to find someone who can excel in all aspects and can reach the upper-middle level From the perspective of a representative, Fang Mo definitely deserves his name.

Knowing how to advance and retreat, capable, famous university, good personality... In the eyes of the elders and the surrounding circle, there may suddenly be someone who is particularly outstanding in a certain aspect that attracts everyone's attention, but after a moment of amazement, it is still Fang Mo will remain in the center of everyone's attention.

It's like a partial subject student who only made a paper with full marks or even extra points, but Fang Mo scored 90 in every subject.

It can be seen from this that no matter how humble the external character is, Fang Mo is still a little proud in his bones, or it can be said that he has never met a friend of the same level that is worthy of his recognition and friendship.

It was a surprise today that he could meet a young man of the same sex who he couldn't help but be curious about.

But what Fang Mo didn't know was that the handsome guys in front of him who were being praised in his heart were not as calm as they appeared on the surface.

Although Ye Shuang looked at the gangsters with a look of "you are all scum, I don't bother to beat you to dirty your hands", but her heart was about to growl... no matter how heroic she is, she is pure after all... well, now Not a pure woman.

From childhood to adulthood, how many girls know how to fight with real swords and guns? ! There is no need to give examples of things like pulling hair and slapping the face. Could it be that there is a younger brother in the family who is showing off and uses Ye Shuang to fight himself? !

The problem is that there are obviously a lot of people on the opposite side, and Ye Xiaodi and his drunk boss have no fighting power. Seeing that she is the only one who can come out to bluff people, of course she has to persist even if she insists.

Ye Shuang felt guilty, but the punks were even more guilty than she was.

A few young people stared straight at the broken cement blocks on the ground, almost unable to move their eyeballs.

One who seemed to be in disbelief stomped on it secretly, and even dared not take a breath after being crushed.

Ye Shuang hoped to scare the gangsters away with one move, but what she didn't know was that these gangsters didn't want to leave now, but they didn't dare to leave.

It has been taught in TV dramas that this kind of super-powerful hero likes to punch and kick little villains the most. If they just want to run away with their front feet, they will shoot a dart from their back... Well, maybe this handsome guy is not so versatile. He is proficient in hidden weapons, but even if he smashes a telegraph pole, everyone will definitely not be able to bear it! ! !

The two sides stalemate for a while, and a strange atmosphere of silence spread among the two groups.

Fang Mo was a little strange, he really couldn't see that this handsome buddy had such a good temper? ! It's enough to just beat people away. People with strong force generally don't need to reason.

But if he really didn't do anything, he wouldn't have much to say as a rescued person.

After a while, the brains of the gangsters seemed to have finally escaped from the horrific fantasy and resumed their operation, and the first message they processed was the sentence that the handsome guy put down just now... keep the wallet or... the second time! You must keep your wallet!

The gangsters quickly woke up, and not only quickly returned Fang Mo's wallet with both hands respectfully, but also handed over their own wallet as a tribute. A few gangsters who didn't have wallets at all were very honest, as if they were afraid that Ye Shuang would be dissatisfied, they fumbled out all the scattered bills that were in a ball in their trouser pockets.

While doing all this, the punks were grateful for one by the way—it’s rare to meet such a good-tempered master who is so powerful and doesn’t directly fight...

Fang Mo took the wallet silently, feeling very speechless about this situation that completely exceeded any kind of development he had expected.

Similarly, Brother Ye, who was in charge of packing up the other wallets, was also speechless.

Wait until the punks retreat and the crisis situation passes safely. Fang Mojiu was also almost awake, raised his eyebrows lightly while holding the roof of the car, and looked at Ye Shuang with more interest.

Not only is he good in skill and appearance, but the key point is that he can have such a humble temper under such an aura.

Not bad, really rare.

"Thank you both for today." Fang Mo originally wanted to ask the other party if he needed to take him to the hospital, but the words slipped away from his mouth, and he caught sight of Ye Shuang's delicate and fair palm without a single red mark, This suggestion was silently swallowed by him again.

He opened the car seat and took a business card from behind the steering wheel. Fang Mo handed it over and said politely: "It's already so late, I'm afraid you two have to go home in a hurry. Then why don't I invite you to dinner another day to thank you... This is my business card , it has my mobile phone number on it, just speak up if you need it.”

Please eat? ! Certainly not at this time.

give money? ! This is obviously a bit of an insult to Qingao Gaoren.

Fang Mo selectively forgot the fact that the other party had just accepted the little gangster's wallet unceremoniously, and regarded him as an outstanding representative of the new era.

Of course, no matter how outstanding you are, it is impossible to just pull people into the car in the middle of the night. What if the front door rejects the wolf and the back door attracts the tiger? !

So suggestions such as "Where are you going, why don't I give you a ride along the way" can also be cancelled... In some respects, Fang Mo is still a social person who is alienated and cautious.

When Ye Shuang was stunned, her boss had already finished talking. She really wanted to say that in fact, the whole company has your phone number. You don’t need to give me a business card. If you really want to thank you, you’d better give me a raise...

But after thinking about her current body, she can only think about it in her mind.

"You're welcome, just do what's right for you!" Ye Shuang forced a smile on his face, and his heart was about to bleed.

"By the way, I'm Fang Mo, may I ask you two?!" Fang Mo finally remembered that there was still a step to exchange names, so he planned to leave the name of the savior in order to thank him in the future.

"..." Ye Shuang was a little cautious: "I'm Ye Shuang..." As if she was caught and criticized by the boss when she was playing web games in the company last week? ! Maybe this one still remembers his name.

"leaf… "

Fang Mo smiled, as if he wanted to say something, but unfortunately just uttered such a word, he suddenly slumped down without warning and slid down the car, losing consciousness and fainting on the ground.