Release that Man

Chapter 83: Catch a thief


As soon as Yao Zhixing reported the meeting address, Ye Shuang thought it was familiar, but when he rushed to the place to check, he realized that he was really familiar.

There is a 24-hour barbecue seafood restaurant on the left side of the street. There are people coming and going, and the business is very good. During the day, it sells some squid and seafood porridge, and at night it is a self-service barbecue supper... If you still don’t understand, then let’s say it To put it bluntly, this is the place where Yao Zhixing's car was stolen last time when the team had a midnight dinner...

Ye Shuang had seen Yao Zhixing before, so he looked around and easily locked on the target. He walked over and knocked on the opponent's table.

"Brother Yao?" Ye Shuang sat down, actually recognized the person but still acted like they were meeting for the first time.

"...Ye Shuang?" Yao Zhixing questioned for a while, and after seeing the other party nodding, he looked at her more seriously with interest: "You didn't call to confirm, how did you recognize that I was Yao Zhixing?"

Of course, Ye Shuang couldn't honestly say that Brother Shuang and Sister Shuang were all herself. She lowered her head and thought for a while before explaining, "Because of your habitual little actions?"

Yao Zhixing raised his eyebrows and raised his chin to signal the other party to continue. Ye Shuang had no choice but to speak more clearly: "Racing drivers pursue the speed limit, so they don't slide to slow down and downshift like ordinary drivers. Usually, they operate with the right foot at the same time Brake and accelerator... Although "heel to toe" is only the basic of racing skills, there are still not many people who can practice this basic technique into a habit. Just now I noticed that you are shaking your feet unconsciously, but everyone else is shaking their heels up and down. You are up and down while swinging sideways and fanning..." The movements are much more cheerful than ordinary people.

The explanation was too detailed, not only that, but accidentally broke a bad habit of the other party, Yao Zhixing coughed awkwardly and hurriedly interrupted: "Okay, I see! Your judgment is indeed correct."

Ye Shuang also found that it seemed a little embarrassing for her to say that, so she tried to make up for it euphemistically: "But this is just a habit of the right foot, and the clutch of the left foot will be much better. Next time you switch to the left side, no one will notice."

Yao Zhixing is embarrassing, extremely embarrassing—can we stop paying attention to this habit? Can everyone still have fun in the future? !

If Ye Shuang looked average, Yao Zhixing would definitely not feel much now. But in front of a beautiful opposite sex, even if a man has no special thoughts about this woman, he will subconsciously want to make a good first impression.

Or if Ye Shuang was just an ordinary person, Yao Zhixing might not care too much. After all, if the circle is too poor, no matter how beautiful he is, he can't change the insignificant weight of the other party, so why should he care about the thoughts or remarks of such a person who has nothing to do with him? !

But now sitting in front of Yao Zhixing is a beautiful girl who can use and handle the phone of a racing expert, and is also an elite in Han Chu's talent pool, and most importantly, seems to have a certain understanding of racing... So when all these factors are combined After that, Yao Zhixing would naturally give Shuangmei a high look.

In order to divert the embarrassing topic from before, Yao Zhixing simply skipped this point, turned around and took out a hard-shell envelope from the bag hanging behind the seat and handed it out: "The letter of approval you want."

Ye Shuang took it over for confirmation, and got the third letter of approval. She finally breathed a sigh of relief: "Thank you Brother Yao."

Yao Zhixing waved his hand indifferently, Ye Shuang got up and was about to leave, when he suddenly noticed that Yao Zhixing was looking towards the street outside the store, Ye Shuang looked over curiously, and found that the local tyrant was indeed a local tyrant. The spare parts have been reassembled in just two days... Parked at a slightly remote corner across the street is the sports car that Yao Zhixing was stolen last time and was almost left with an empty shell.

Ye Shuang hesitated, but couldn't help but say, "Brother Yao, I think you'd better park your sports car somewhere else, or simply go to eat somewhere else... I heard that car thefts are rampant around here, and several people have already suffered .”

Indeed, I heard that after Yao Zhixing's car was stolen last time. When Ye Shuang drove Brother Ruan back, the other party wanted to pack a supper, so the two of them turned back again, and Ye Shuang heard the boss at the other table lamenting that the world was getting worse and someone had stolen a car. .

This is a well-known night market street. In addition to the night parties, there are also many beggars and thieves... Yao Zhixing is not the first to be stolen. But he was definitely the most aggrieved one to be stolen.

We have so many cars parked in the same area, but the sum of all the cars is not as good as his. The others were intact, but he was the only one whose steering wheel was removed. It can be seen that the car thief probably also hates the rich...

Yao Zhixing gritted his teeth: "I'm just waiting for them to steal it!"

Ye Shuang didn't quite understand, she looked confused.

Yao Zhixing thought about it. Guessing that the other party probably also heard about his being stolen in the middle of the night from his companion, he simply explained clearly in a lowered voice without fear of embarrassment: "I just want to see if I can keep up with the previous car thief. Stretching out your claws without looking at your own weight... Oh, I'm not talking dirty to you."

Ye Shuang didn't care about dirty jokes at all, she had a younger brother herself, so she naturally knew that the occasional swearing from boys' mouths was something that couldn't be bothered at all, not to mention men, there were not a few women who were tough nowadays.

It was Yao Zhixing's words that reminded her of some rumors she had heard before. It is said that when Yao Zhixing was fifteen years old, he chased him desperately because his wallet was stolen on the road. In the end, he not only beat up the thief, but also took the beaten thief away reluctantly, gathered his own bodyguards, and then formed a group to go Smash the people's lair... At that time, how had the gang ever seen such a violent owner? ! Petty theft is not a big deal. Generally, those with energy don't care about the little money being stolen, and those who care about the money being stolen are mostly ordinary passers-by.

They were unlucky because they happened to meet Yao Zhixing, a strange creature. The boss of the gang of thieves cried bitterly and wanted to send the total income of the day, but he was not forgiven. In the end, he was beaten and then let the police take him away. Suffering heavy losses, the Yao family also won a pennant of brave citizens...

Silently mourning for Yao's parents in her heart for half a minute, since she already knew that Yao Zhixing wanted to repeat the incident of that year here, of course Ye Shuang had to leave quickly, after all, she didn't want to be dragged into the muddy water for no reason.

"Then I'll..." Just halfway through the words of farewell, Yao Zhixing suddenly got up, and because of the violent movement, he even knocked the table away, and the loud noise instantly interrupted Ye Shuang's unfinished sentence .

"Don't come out, I'll finally catch that bastard!"

After Yao Zhixing left such a sentence, he ran out, and when a gust of wind blew past the door of the store, he even startled the young cashier: "Grass! Eat a king's meal?!"

Before this, Yao Zhixing had been sitting in the store for several hours. He wanted to monitor the road to catch thieves, but the people in the store suspected that he had no money to pay the bill and pretended to be a face. The cashier who had been on guard against Yao Zhixing for a long time had been paying close attention to the customer after receiving the boss's order. Seeing that the person really rushed away at this time, he subconsciously cursed and calculated how much the other person's order was worth... While these thoughts were spinning rapidly in his mind, the young man also subconsciously turned his head to look at the seat where Yao Zhixing was sitting just now, and then noticed that Ye Shuang was standing there, and he was filled with righteous indignation: "Grass! It's still a beautiful woman." order!"

Ye Shuang: "..."

On the side of the street outside the window, a white-collar man in a suit and leather shoes was bowing his head next to Yao Zhixing's sports car on the phone. At first glance, it seemed nothing, but if you pay attention carefully, you can taste the meaning of the other party's position and movements.

The man first faced the sports car, then seemed to be arguing fiercely with the person on the phone and patted the roof of the car. Finally, he put his elbow on the roof of the car, and his fingers hung sideways to the window to start operating... Plastic sheets, strings, and wires are now unlocked. The way of refurbishment is different, and skilled car thieves usually only need five or six seconds to get the car door.

Yao Zhixing's sports car is too attractive. The man's previous actions were probably to confirm the location of the owner and whether there was an alarm. If there was a situation or the owner appeared during the first two actions, he could also pretend to pass by as if nothing had happened.

Yao Zhixing was quite patient, and went out straight away when he found something was wrong, and then he was an acting passerby who walked quickly without looking sideways with both hands. The man hadn't noticed anything wrong yet, he was familiar with the technology, just opened the car door and was about to bend down and get into the car calmly. The man who fell in just punched him a few times without saying a word.

"Wait, wait... Pfft!" The man was punched hard in the face, and two front teeth spit out from the side of his face.

Yao Zhixing didn't say a word, and continued to hit him with a cold face and no expression on his face. The man was a little frightened by his ruthless appearance. He hurriedly raised his arms to cover his face, and wailed while holding back the raindrops of fists: "Brother, I was wrong, I don't know Taishan, you let me go this time! I will lose money, and pay for mental damage!"

Brother Yao is not short of the mental damage fee, but he is short of face... Especially when he found out that his car had been pried in front of so many younger brothers that night, this humiliation is simply unforgivable for a person with strong self-esteem.

Ye Shuang sympathized with seeing Yao Zhixing violently beating up the car thief. Just by looking at the other person's appearance, she could tell how much he was holding back his evil fire. Now she hoped that Brother Yao would remember the order in the store after beating him up. Otherwise, she might really have to help someone bleed.

She was bored, resting her chin on her chin and waiting for others to finish work, when suddenly Ye Shuang felt something was wrong. Looking carefully, several people outside the street looked at each other and approached Yao Zhixing's sports car at the same time...