Release that Witch

Chapter 111: The Battle of Eagle City (middle)


The first group of free people who acted as cannon fodder have not been hindered and have successfully climbed the slope.

Forming an angle with the slope, the wooden fence slanted towards the sky blocked their steps. The fence was not blocked, but left gaps for spears to pass through. As the attackers broke the log, the defenders simply stood behind the fence and killed their opponents with their spears.

However, to the surprise of Duke Fran, those who were still standing on the city wall disappeared, and the entire periphery is currently unguarded. The vanguard troops quickly cut several gaps with small axes, and after knocking down a few logs, the crowd rushed to the top of the city. After a while, the wooden city gate was also put down.

"Let's go," the Duke shook the reins and led the rest of the troops toward the city gate. It was less than two quarters of an hour from the start of the siege until the city gate was dropped, what the hell is Garcia Wimbledon doing? Fran frowned. Anyone with a little combat experience knew that when they abandoned the city and left, they had to leave behind a group of personal guards, or hire a daring person who was not afraid of death to go to the front of the city to block the enemy's offensive and give as much as possible to them. The retreating large force buys time.

The third princess is not a stupid person, otherwise it would be impossible to make the entire southern border turn to her so quickly. Why didn't she arrange a group of men to defend the city wall? No matter how sturdy the defenses and how smart the traps are, without people to operate them, they will only become dead objects. Duke Fran thought for a while and decided to let the Guards enter the city first to investigate the situation.

The result reported by the captain of the guard is still the same. No resisters were encountered in the city, but some streets were indeed blocked by wood and masonry. His subordinates were already calling on the local people to clear the obstacles.

Fran no longer hesitated and led the remaining troops into Eagle City. As a veteran who has been with Wimbledon III for many years, he cannot be fooled by a little girl. However, Tifeko made a slight mistake in this move. If he could wait until he captured the city gate and pass through the city directly, it would save a lot of time.

As he passed the city gate, the duke smelled a pungent smell, not the smell of carrion often seen on the battlefield, but a mixture of pine nut oil, orange peel and incense. If you take a deep breath, it even feels a little fragrant.

What does it taste like? He looked around and found nothing unusual. On the contrary, the ditch used for the drainage of the earth wall was blocked, and the sewage overflowed the channel and slowly flowed along the ground. Those dirty accumulations have been left unattended for some time. They are dark and reflect colorful patterns of light under the sun.

Probably because of the smell of this pile of sewage, Fran shook his head and led his team towards the castle district.

Now that I have won Eagle City, I will naturally go to the Lord's Castle and City Hall to see if there is anything I can take away. Of course, the city may have been looted by Garcia, and the golden dragon may not be left, but some larger crafts and decorations are also very suitable as trophies. The grain carriage that I brought myself is cleaned up a little, and it is better to be used to load and seize it. As for those mercenaries, it is estimated that they have gone to the shops and farms at this time.

Leave them alone, Duke Joey is dead anyway, and it's still a question of who's next to succeed him. At this time, it is a matter of time to rob the city of genius.

After visiting the lord's castle, Fran Cherry found something wrong.

There is space in the castle, he thought, not only the coins, but also the entire basement with no cloth or grain left. In several places where murals were hung, only blank walls were left, there was not a single book in the bookcase, and even the big bed in the lord's bedroom was gone, and the entire castle seemed to be stripped away.

Is this something that can be done in a hasty retreat? Fran felt that it was not good in his heart. If he hadn't slowly moved these things from the beginning, the castle could not have been raided so thoroughly.

Just when he wanted to go to the city hall to have a look, a thick black smoke suddenly rose from the north gate.

"What's the matter, there's a fire?"

"I don't know, my lord, I've asked Moriel to see it," said the captain of the guard. "Perhaps the enemy is setting fire on purpose."

Yes, the first thing the duke thought of was the trap, but he soon realized that this method of sealing the door with fire was pointless. First of all, not to mention that you can bypass the city gate and climb out directly from the soil slope, that is, the light is on fire. If no one attacks in the chaos, an organized team can quickly put out the fire source.

The correct usage should be to set up troops in the city, and when the fire is everywhere, launch a surprise attack while the enemy army is flustered. This move can effectively disrupt the formation of the enemy army and even force the opponent back. As he said, a trap that no one operates is just a dead thing.

At this moment, black smoke was also rising from the other three doors, and the north door could already see the firelight, and the firelight was rapidly expanding, as if there were straws piled up there. The screams of civilians came from the city, and it seemed that someone's house was set on fire.

This is not right... The duke thought, he came in from the north gate, there is no kindling there, there is only an open space! But how could the fire spread so fast without the kindling? Wait... A year suddenly flashed in his mind. Could it be that Garcia Wimbledon secretly recruited witches

Fran touched the God's Stone of Retribution hanging around his neck and felt a little more at ease. If it is the witch's fire, he just needs to walk directly over it, the demon's flame can't hurt him at all. And every member of the personal soldiers wore this thing, so it didn't pose much threat. As for the freedmen who had no money to donate to the church, the duke could no longer care for them at this time.

This city is a bit evil, and he decided to go out first. The army can camp at the South Gate, not only to monitor the Eagle City, but also to respond to the cavalry team returning from the new king. Thinking of this, he ordered the captain of the guard: "We will leave the city from the south, and you will sound the calling horn on the way to gather the team."

"As ordered!"

Everyone immediately set off, but when the group came to the vicinity of the south gate, they found that the flames had burned to the urban area, and the houses were set ablaze. The townspeople who had been hiding in the house and locked their doors, now all ran out, the streets were full of people, and even the swords of the guards could not stop them from panicking and fleeing to the open space that had not yet been burned. For a time, everyone seemed to be caught in a sea of fire, surrounded by thick smoke and flames.

"Calm down! You go to a well and fetch water to put out the fire," Duke Fran quickly issued a series of orders, "don't worry about the house, just douse the burning obstacles in the street and clear a way. Don't stop and let others know where we are!"

"Lord Duke!" A knight came running from the center of the city. Before he could stop the horse, he had already jumped off his horse. It was Moriel, who had been sent to the North Gate by the captain of the guard. "My lord, the fire at the North Gate cannot be extinguished at all!"

"What did you say?" Fra asked in surprise. "Can't be put out?"

"The flames burn on those black waters," she said quickly, "not only will they not be extinguished by the water, but they can also flow along the water! My lord, the entire Beicheng District is now on fire!"

"An inextinguishable flame..." he murmured, "Yes, it seems to be the fire of a demon." Then the Duke shouted, "Everyone, don't panic, this is a demon that Garcia used an evil witch to cast. The fire! As long as you wear the Stone of God's Punishment, this flame looks terrible, but it can't burn you at all!"

"I see, may you be merciful," Moriel patted her chest subconsciously, "Then, what should we do, my lord?"

"What are you afraid of with the God's Stone of Punishment! Everyone mounts, and we rush over," the Duke waved. "As long as these evil fires meet the God's Stone, they will naturally disappear without a trace!" He paused, "Moriel, You take a group of people out first, and I stay here to gather the people who follow."

"Yes!" The female knight nodded, "Sir, take care. Others, pay attention to keep up!"

Then she got on her horse and rushed towards the end of the scorching street without hesitation.