Release that Witch

Chapter 123: Church invitation


On the fourth day, Roland recruited the fortress and the large and small nobles around the fortress into the castle hall.

Although most people knew the news, he felt he still had to stress it out in person—the West Territory had a new owner.

When he declared that he would return to Border Town, and at the same time handed over the fortress to the eldest son of the Honeysuckle family, everyone immediately discussed it. Of course, no one was willing to take the lead in expressing dissent at this time. The Duke's head was still hanging at the gate of the city, and the news of Tifeko's defeat made it impossible for speculators to resort to external forces.

Except for the knights of the Honeysuckle family who were redeemed, the other captured knights would not accept the ransom, and they would all be escorted back to Border Town along with those mercenaries. In Roland's plan, all the mercenaries were sent to mine for labor reform, while the knights were recruited as appropriate after examining their repentance attitude—after all, most knights were literate and could be used as enlightenment teachers for popular education. Of course, they were never allowed to use weapons again in this lifetime.

In this way, the power of the honeysuckle family will stabilize the four families, and the force in their hands is basically enough to defend the Changsong Fortress and their own counties. Roland thought, as for the undercurrent surging under the water, that's where Pei Luo should go. worry.

In the past few days, he also took the time to send personal guards to capture a group of officials who caused the residents of Border Town to starve to death two years ago, including the Minister of Finance Fei Renuo, who will be tried by the people in Border Town. The only regret is that the culprit, Earl Hiltai Med, who tried to burn the food and grass to kill the greyhound, died on the battlefield without trial.

Now, the traffic between Changge Fortress and Border Town has been completely restored. In the next week, there will be more than ten sailboats every day to transport material resources to Border Town. Roland guessed that Barov would be busy next time, receiving the coins looted from the duke, and relocating a large number of immigrants, and he didn't know if the temporary wooden shed he had entrusted to Karl was ready.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but want to return to Border Town as soon as possible to preside over the upcoming farming business.

After entertaining the big and small nobles for lunch, and when Roland was going to take a nap, the castle welcomed a special guest.

High Priest Taylor of the Church of Longsong Fortress.

Roland suddenly lost sleep.

Unlike Border Town, the church has taken root here for a long time. Not only has the church been built, but a high priest has also been stationed here. This is also the main reason why the prince decided to return to Border Town for peace of mind - under the long-term indoctrination and influence of the church, any commoner may become their eyeliner, and his plans for public participation will be restricted everywhere, and the witches will be discovered. The risk is also multiplied. Unless the church is uprooted, his reforms will go nowhere.

For the change of the fortress lord, it is normal for the church to pay close attention to it, but Roland is surprised that they can bear to send a representative to deal with him until today. However, the identity of the comer is not simple. The believer who serves as the high priest is already a high-level figure in the church, responsible for supervising one side, and the territory under his jurisdiction is similar to the secular duke.

He met him in the hall as usual.

The High Priest of Taylor was a middle-aged man, wearing a church-style white robe with a blue edge. He was about forty years old. His clothes and appearance were very neat, and he spoke and behaved like a polite nobleman. If it weren't for the witch and the royal family sitting on the side of the buttocks, I am afraid that anyone who talks to such a person will be happy.

The high priest must have a high-quality stone of punishment on his body. To avoid accidents, Roland specifically instructed Nightingale to stay away from the other party's location before the meeting.

After Taylor saluted, Roland invited him to take a seat and ordered the attendant to bring tea.

No matter what you think in your heart, your superficial skills should still be in place.

"His Royal Highness, I send blessings on behalf of the Holy City," Taro said with a smile, "You have become a veritable Lord of the West. May the gods bless you."

"Thank you," Roland replied in a relaxed tone, "It seems that you don't care at all that I kill Duke Ryan and seize Longsong Fortress."

"We rarely interfere in worldly disputes. As long as the people can live better, he is a wise king. As for which family he was born into, or from the royal family, it is not the focus of the church. In fact, the church is never promoted. Judging by my identity, I used to be the son of a farmer, and now I can also serve as a high priest in the church." He smiled, "I beg your pardon, Your Highness, I'm afraid no farmer's son can become a duke, right? "

If he launched an uprising to overthrow the royal family, he would still be king. Roland thought so in his heart, but he didn't refute, and changed the subject, "Then you came today just to send blessings?"

"Blessings are only part of it, I also bring cooperation."

"Cooperation? Cooperation for what?"

"In expanding your territory and power, we can help you within our capacity."

"Wait..." Roland frowned, "You said just now that the church rarely interferes in secular disputes."

"Little interference doesn't mean non-interference," the high priest said calmly, "now the struggle between your brother Tifeko and the third princess Garcia has made life difficult for the people of the southern border. I said that as long as the world can live a stable and peaceful life, the church will Then admit that he is a worthy king. And you are such a person."

Roland was stunned for a while. Is the other party expressing that he wants to help him fight for the throne? He asked subconsciously, "Why?"

"You led the people of Border Town to fight against the demonic beasts and survived the month of demons safely, which proves your courage and ability. From the large amount of food purchased in Liuye Town, it can be seen that you do not want your people to starve and freeze. , this is an expression of kindness. Having three noble qualities and being a royal blood is why we choose you."

Roland didn't believe the reason given by the other party at all, but these words at least proved that even when Border Town was in a state of an isolated island covered by heavy snow, the church was still watching this remote place.

"How to help, send the Judgment Army to fight for me?"

"We also want to quell the war as soon as possible, but doing so will arouse the disgust of most nobles, so we can only help with materials," the high priest took out two balls from his arms, one red and one black, "This It is the Holy City God's Prayer Room - that is, the medicines made by your alchemy workshop. The red pills can temporarily give your subordinates powerful power, while the black pills can increase their tolerance to pain, cold, and heat by several times. With this medicine, your army will be unstoppable. And the church only charges the most basic production fee," he paused, "a metal dragon. As for these two balls, they can be given to you as a gift. Test items to prove what I say is true."

"What do you want in return? Expand the congregation and build churches in every territory?"

"Of course it's good, but quelling the war is our original intention. As long as the people are stable, they will naturally fall into the arms of God."

Roland accepted the pill, "It sounds amazing, but I have no plans to compete for the Greycastle crown for the time being. Whether it's Tifeco or Garcia, they are my blood relatives, and I don't want to hurt them."

"I can understand," the high priest smiled, "but sometimes family love can't stop the temptation of power, especially when you become a stumbling block on their way to seize power. Pills are just the beginning, there are many more help we can provide, If you decide to take that step, you can come to the church to find me at any time." Having said that, he stood up and bowed to salute, "I have brought the resolution of the church, may God be with you, Your Highness."