Release that Witch

Chapter 1432: Beyond the limits


The God of Divine Construct, the lower floor of the birth tower.

This is the core area of the city, where countless mayflies are deposited, forming a crystal-like bright red lake, completely submerging the tower bottom and the divine stone veins. In a sense, it is the "source of magic" created by the ethnic group, which not only strengthens the transformation ability of the Tower of Birth, but is also a necessary place to cultivate high-level magic stones.

Therefore, promotion ceremonies that promote the continuous growth of ethnic groups are often carried out here. Each city may have its own differences, but in the lower level, the sacred area, the structure is basically the same.

When passing through the ceremony square, Silent Disaster stopped for a moment.

Looking at the familiar scene in front of him, it seemed to hear countless people chanting Shalita's name, and Vakiris, who was wearing a white robe, walked slowly to it.

... Just from the mayfly dust scattered on the slate, it is obvious that this place has not been opened for a long time.

Since the symbiosis technology of the underground civilization has been widely used, the promotion ceremony from the primordial body to the ascending body has been replaced by implantation. The primordial body has a higher chance of being promoted, which makes the number of ascending bodies greatly increased. The increase constitutes the backbone of the ethnic group's current combat power.

It is the Masked Lord Nasopelle who dominates this technology, and it claims that as long as the research continues, not only the ascendant, but even the high-level ascendants can hope to be cultivated in large quantities through the same method.

Although many people questioned that this not only undermined the ancient tradition, but also endangered the stability of the ethnic group, but Wang gave affirmation and support.

Although the improvement of the success rate of promotion can greatly enhance the strength of the ethnic group, but its defect is also a fact. In the past few hundred years, the number of newly promoted bodies has increased by dozens of times, but only a handful of people have been promoted to high-level through rituals. Numbers, Maharaja doesn't even have one.

If high-level ascendants and monarchs can be born through magic stone implantation in the future, this sacred place that has witnessed countless glory will probably become unnecessary...

Cerro Shaxi sighed lightly and suppressed all the thoughts that were surging in his mind.

Remembrance means hesitation, and hesitation brings flaws.

That's something it absolutely needs to get rid of.

Crossing the plaza, it entered the central tower located on the rock face.

The rising bodies guarding this place bowed their heads to it.

Almost unobstructed all the way, Silent Disaster found the source of magic that he locked in the control room at the top of the tower.

"What's the matter?" Nasopelle seemed to be focusing on adjusting the structure of the magic core, and asked without looking back.

The hilt is unsheathed.

Cerro Shaxi jumped forward with all his strength and stabbed straight towards the mask.

This is its first shot after recovering from injury, and the first blow has used all its strength!

Masks are not good at fighting. This is something that all monarchs know, but Cerro Shaxi knows that if it is placed outside on a fair battlefield, ten masks are not enough to be afraid of, whether it is magic level or body. Strength, it is far superior to each other.

Not to mention the experience and instinct brought by tens of thousands of life-and-death battles.

But this is not the wild.

No matter how stupid the beast is, it can turn a long-lived lair into a daunting secret cave, not to mention Nasopelle. From the rise of the God of Divine Construct to the arrival at the border of dawn, this period of time is enough for the opponent to transform the lower area into his own territory. In other words, it was on an extremely unfavorable battlefield from the start.

Intuition is also telling it that there must be no contempt!

The distance of dozens of steps disappeared in a flash, and the speed of the increase to the extreme made the blade turn into a cold light, accompanied by the burst of air waves, piercing straight into Nasopelle's body.

The latter let out a roar of shock and pain, and at the same time, the whole room seemed to come alive, and countless stone needles shot out from all directions, blocking all the silent escape routes.

It had to pull out the long-handled sword and quickly retreated. The ghost blade of the protective body formed an airtight blade wall around it, and cut off all the stone needles.

"You... what are you doing!" Nasopelle yelled while covering her wound.

Silent Disaster raised his weapon again and launched the second round of attack. The touch of the blow just now didn't feel like piercing into a living thing at all, but more like stabbing into a pile of grease and metal parts. It vaguely realizes that the other party is transforming into another species, and no matter what it will become in the end, I am afraid that it will be difficult to be classified into the same species again.

Seeing that it didn't answer, the mask stretched out his hand, and the surrounding stone walls rose up, revealing the symbiote buried in flesh and blood. At the same time, it also ran towards a peculiarly shaped symbiote behind it, which actually opened its body and accommodated most of its body in it. The combination of the two is like a deformed monster.

Could this be the symbiote it's newly researched

Cerosaxi threw the long-handled sword without hesitation, the blade passed through the surrounding symbiote gap, and accurately inserted into the body of the mask that was about to close.

This leaves half of the opponent's body still exposed.

Then it released divine will, causing golden lightning to engulf the entire control room! Under the shining light, the stone needle symbiote was suddenly paralyzed, and the new symbiote was not much better. A long string of piercing screams!

Facing the radiating sparks, Cerro Shaxi jumped over the fallen symbiote and grabbed the scorching long sword again. Taking advantage of the fall, it slammed the weapon down and the screaming stopped abruptly. One end of the blade was raised at the same time, and it cut from the front of the mask to the top of the head, cutting its upper body in half.


The mask, which was split in two, slid off Nasopelle's head and fell to the floor.

"Twenty-two... seconds."

It turned its head slowly and said with the only face left.

"...Is this the last thing you want to say?" Sai Luoshaxi pulled out the blood-filled weapon.

"Humans... have a good timing unit, I just... used them." Mask said intermittently, "And this is also... the time the symbiote blocks you. Hehe... I thought it would be longer."

"The closer the battle to death, the more breakthrough I can achieve," said Silently, expressionlessly. "I am stronger now than I was before the serious injury. It's a pity that you and your creatures will never be able to understand this."

"That's why... I hate uncertainty." The mask's voice gradually became lower, "But uncertainty means that it can't be recreated... As long as it takes time, I will be able to surpass... the limits of the race..."

"There will be no more."

"Why are you so... sure?" A strange smile appeared on the only intact face. "Remember... what I said? In front of knowledge, no matter how strong a body is... it's nothing more than that... "

Cerro Shaxi's instinct suddenly felt a strong danger!

"By the way, let me... give you a gift." Mask whispered, "That's something I collected from humans... You should be familiar with it."

As the voice fell, the carapace of the symbiote bound to it opened again, revealing the layers of cysts covered under the body.

The capsule was actually filled with human explosives!

How could it have brought such a thing so close to the Tower of Nativity

What the hell is this guy... thinking

Selaka's complexion changed greatly, and before it had time to step back, a group of extremely dazzling red light suddenly occupied its entire field of vision!

With a loud bang, the fireball spewed out from the top of the central tower, and quickly expanded into a semi-circular light group. Under its illumination, the lake surface reflected a dazzling light. When the fireball exploded, the lower city seemed to tremble, and the violent shock wave caused the rock walls to fall off one after another, falling into the lake, making a thunderous roar!

The fireball quickly decayed after exhausting the light and heat, and left a huge blank area over the Mayfly Lake. The high temperature caused those unignited mayflies to flee, the "blank" could not heal for a long time, and the protists located in this area And the rising body can only struggle to fall, watching the tower of birth not far away suffocated to death.

Serakshahi did not feel the corresponding scorching heat and stinging pain.

At this distance, the explosion will be further reinforced by the filling mayfly, and the violent air wave should be enough to tear it into several pieces.

It slowly lowered the arm in front of it and opened its eyes again.

I saw Hykezord stretched out his hand and propped up a huge twisted door in front of it.

In the place where the door is not blocked, all the furnishings have been turned into powder, and half of the top of the tower has almost been razed to the ground.