Release that Witch

Chapter 1434: Born for war


"Come on, one, two, three..."

"Celebrate your recovery, cheers!"

In the dormitory of Maleficent, a small celebration is going on. Looking at Xia's happy smile from the bottom of her heart, Bo Shan reluctantly raised her glass.

As a partner who works together, the other party will come to see her almost whenever she is free, and she doesn't care about her current situation at all. When she was in Sleeping Island before, she asked herself that she would never be so concerned about a non-combat witch. This kind of guilt and emotion were intertwined, making her feel as if she owed Xia a lot.

Although Bo Shan knew that Xia would never think of this at all.

But when her eyes moved to another person, her face was not so good-looking.

"Why are you here too?"

Charm drank the wine in one gulp, "I brought this wine, why can't I come?"

"It's as if we wouldn't be able to drink without you." Bo Shan rolled her eyes, "There are so many taverns in Neverwinter, where can I buy them."

"Unfortunately, His Majesty has declared a state of emergency in the Western Region. Drinks are now controlled products. You can't buy them without permission." Sneak out there."


Bo Shan suddenly lost interest in bickering.

Even laying in bed to recuperate these days, she could feel the increasingly tense atmosphere in Neverwinter.

First, there were more and more news about the development in the weekly newspapers, and now it has become two or three additional issues a week, including front-line reports and emergency recruitment and tracing lists. Judging from the contents of the newspaper, although the garrison has gradually stabilized its position and pushed the war back to the outside of the pioneering area, the price paid is not small. Several grassland farms and settlements that were finally built were destroyed in one fell swoop. , those missing workers are undoubtedly more fortunate and less fortunate.

The most intuitive response to this is that eggs and meat are being reduced in every meal, and bread has become a staple again. Of course, this is still many times better than other cities experienced in exile in the past, at least there is no problem filling the stomach.

The second is the scene on the street.

Every day, by the window, she could see a large number of recruits in military uniforms lined up across Central Street, with residents and relatives seeing off along the way. The tension and excitement on the soldier's face contrasted sharply with the reluctance and worry surrounding him. Judging from the number of troops, the number of troops transferred to the Fertile Plains is by no means a small number. This scale is not on the same level as the Knights and the Church Judgment Army in the past.

This is war.

For the survival and continuation of the race, tens of thousands of people fought hard for it, and behind them stood ten or a hundred times as many people to support it.

The battles she went through as a battle witch were indeed insignificant compared to that...

Before choosing to go to the Fertile Plain with Xia, she just didn't want to be bumped into by too many acquaintances. Now that the pioneering land has been destroyed, she will return to the state of "useless person" again.

"Hey, why did you stop talking all of a sudden?" Seeing that Bo Shan didn't come back sarcastically, Cham couldn't help feeling a little surprised. He touched the back of his head and looked at Xiang Xia secretly, "Did I say something wrong?"

"Xia doesn't know," Xia stuck out her tongue, "but Xia knows that those who say the wrong thing need to drink three more glasses!"

"Uh... are you drunk..."

"No, this is only the second cup, Xia is doing well!"

"Dong dong dong..." At this moment, a knock on the door suddenly interrupted Bo Shan's thoughts.

"Come on!" Xia jumped open the door, "Eh... Mr. Camilla?"

Standing behind the door was Camilla Derry, the big butler of Sleeping Island. She glanced at the room, and then walked towards the other two.

"It seems that you have exceeded your visit time." Bo Shan forced a smile. "Ms. Derry hates people who are not punctual. It will be difficult for you to come in next time."

"How come... I clearly remember the time, it's only less than half an hour..." Charm whispered.

Just as Boshan was about to say something else, Camilla crossed Cham and stood in front of her.

"The Witch Alliance has just released a new recruitment order, which is aimed at all witches in Greycastle." The big butler said straight to the point, "The tentative number is currently around fifty, and those with combat experience are preferred. I think you may be more suitable. , so I came here to ask."

Bo Shan couldn't help being stunned. It took her a long time to understand the meaning of the other party's words - centralized recruitment, and combat experience is a priority. Could it be that this job is related to the war? But if this is the case, why is there no requirement for the ability of the recruiter

"You guessed it right," Camilla seemed to see her doubts, "The witch will form a special team to support the front line and assist the main force to deal with more difficult battles. I can't reveal too much specific information, you It should also be clear that as long as you are on the battlefield, there are bound to be risks, so it is entirely up to you whether you want to go. Of course... Although it has nothing to do with ability, it does not mean that you will be selected if you are recruited. The final result depends on you. —”

"I'll go." Bo Shan replied immediately.

There's nothing to hesitate at all, right

Or rather, she had been waiting for such a day for a long time.

"Then... come with me." Camilla turned sideways.

"Hey, are you really going to the front line?" When he passed by Cham, his tone seemed a little worried.

"What, I thought you would cheer loudly," Bo Shan pouted, "that way no one will disturb you when you meet Xia."

"I..." He opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but looking at Bo Shan's back, Cham finally didn't speak.

A day later, Boshan took the train to the starting station of the Hidden Forest.

The person in charge was also changed from Camilla to a woman she had never seen before. She called herself Isabella and was mainly responsible for the selection and guidance of this recruitment. Although it was the first time I saw it, for some reason, Bo Shan always felt a sense of deja vu.

Another thing that surprised her was that more people responded to the recruitment than expected—not only the Sleeping Charm, but also the Witch League. In just half an hour on the road, she met Vanilla, Amy, Hero and others. In addition, she also saw a few very familiar figures in the crowd, such as Yifei, who used to belong to the Bloodfang Society. and sunset.

It seems that they also want to prove their worth on the battlefield.

After getting off the bus, the witches, led by Isabella, walked into a building that looked like a factory.

The moment they entered the house, everyone was attracted by a steel object parked in the center of the open space.

It looks like a "car", as evidenced by the juxtaposed wheels underneath. However, unlike any kind of Neverwinter car, it has five wheels on one side, and they are all made of metal. The bottom is spliced and wrapped by pieces of iron plates, and its shape is very special.

Bo Shan recognized it at a glance. This thing is somewhat similar to the machines that dig mud and reclaim wasteland in the pioneering land... Yes, it is the kind of thing called a tractor.

It's just that compared to the tractor, the iron lumps in front of them are much bigger, especially the upper layer, which is almost completely surrounded by iron plates, with a fort-like tower on its head, and the metal short tube sticking out in the middle is obviously an artillery piece. .

At a glance, it is known that it is a weapon born for war.