Release that Witch

Chapter 1435: Humanoid fire control system


"You should all already know that our city is under attack!" Isabella clapped her hands and focused everyone's attention, "But the enemy is not only the evil beast, behind this group of mutant animals is a The devil's enemies—according to reliable information, their attack will only increase in intensity and scale until they completely overwhelm us!"

"Neverwinter and the First Army will certainly not allow them to wantonly erode this last human territory. It's just that it's easy to deal with visible enemies, and invisible ones are really dangerous. This is not a metaphor or an exaggeration, but a correct A description of the facts—" She snapped her fingers at this point, and several soldiers lifted a huge sackcloth in response.


There was a sudden breath of surprise in the crowd.

Poshan is no exception.

After she walked into the factory, she was attracted by the steel giant, completely unaware of the large gray cloth on the opposite side.

And what was covered under the cloth was actually a strange monster!

It was half-standing, nearly two meters high, with a pair of sickle-like claws hanging in the air, as if it would pounce on them at any time.

However, if you look closely, you will find that there are many scars all over its body, and one of the thumb-width wounds is almost split from the chest to the abdomen. It is rare that it does not fall apart.

Poshan realized that this guy was dead.

"The monster in front of you is what I call the "invisible enemy." "Isabeca said loudly, "When it moves, its whole body will blend into the background, and it will look like it has disappeared." In order to kill it, the First Army paid the price of more than 30 people, and this happened in the daytime with wide field of vision. If there are more opponents, if the battle takes place at night, the consequences will be disastrous! "

"At present, we have named it the blade beast, and there have been five confirmed records of the blade beast attacked in the pioneer area, and almost every record will be accompanied by a large number of casualties. It was only dragged back by the soldiers after being torn apart. According to A Xia's retrospective reassembled specimen - there is no doubt that it must be the target of our focus in the future."

"Then what can we do?" Amy asked, raising her hand.

"Good question." Isabella nodded, "Although the blade beasts are not devils or hybrids, they still have a certain similarity, that is, magic. In the eyes of ordinary people, they may be difficult to trace, but for As far as witches are concerned, as long as you have a certain training, you can make them nowhere to hide. And the only thing you need to learn to use is this—" She took out two silver-glowing metal plates, "Magic Stone Rune ."

After listening to the other party's detailed explanation, Bo Shan finally figured out the purpose of forming this special unit.

One of the two sigils is called "Scream" and the other is called "Resonance". The original purpose of the former is to guard against devils, while the latter is mostly used to excavate relics. However, after making improvements, they became the key to dealing with blade beasts.

The range of the Scream Sigil is about two to three kilometers, and an alarm will be issued as long as the entry of magical creatures is detected. The witch who was reminded needed to distinguish whether the sound was caused by the blade beast. Once the target is confirmed, switch to the Resonance Sigil to lock the attacker. At this time, a "guide line" will appear between the target and the sigil, and identify the outline of the latter. Just follow the guide line to fire, you can effectively restrain the opponent's actions.

While the principles sound simple, their actual application is much more complex.

The first adjusted listening sigil also reacts to the hybrid, and the witch can only rely on her own experience to discern the difference between the sounds. When encountering a large-scale evil beast group, the alarm will be filled with a lot of noise, so it is difficult for a single monitoring point to be foolproof.

Secondly, its perception will be weakened by various things, including but not limited to hillsides, rocks, trees, etc., especially metal, a piece of iron can shorten its range to hundreds of meters, so it must was placed in the forefront of the open space.

The guiding line of the Resonance Sigil will not be blocked by any obstacles. Its biggest problem is that only witches can see this thin line composed of magic power. In addition, when the target is not within the visual area, they have no other way to confirm the target they locked - in other words, if they mistakenly use the hybrid as a guide, the Resonance Sigil will not. will show any exceptions.

"I can teach you how to manipulate the sigil, but I can't teach you how to protect yourself." Isabella said in an orderly manner, "So Your Majesty has arranged a suitable position for you, that is, the chariot commander!"

"This steel chariot called a tank is a newly developed weapon by the Ministry of Industry. It has both attack and defense. Even if it is besieged by mixed species, it is not difficult to retreat. The short-barreled field gun on it can destroy it. All enemies. As the leader of the car, you don't have to operate this complex machine yourself, you only need to guide the driver and gunner."

"Of course, when necessary, you can also bypass the gunner's control and take the initiative to aim - His Majesty calls this system hunter-killer fire control, and you are the core of this system!"

Command and drive this behemoth...

Thinking of the sight of this thing rolling back and forth on the evil beast, Bo Shan couldn't help feeling eager to try.

"In the next few days, you will train with the tankers of the First Army to understand its basic performance. But the most important thing is to master the use of sigils and the method of distinguishing the enemy." Isabella finally concluded Said, "Time is pressing, I hope everyone can do their best, and those who pass the screening will become members of the first armored corps in Greycastle!"

Dawn North Territory.

When they saw Roland emerge from Fran's body, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief, especially the staff members, everyone's face showed a look of relief. Although this plan was proposed by His Majesty, the specific details and implementation steps were planned by the staff.

The only exception is the Northland Pearl.

She is the only person in the staff who can communicate with Roland as usual.

"I wonder how this meeting will turn out?"

"It went smoother than expected." Roland said calmly. He had already made a decision the day after he talked with Vakiris, but considering that the conventionally agreed method is extremely risky and full of uncertainty for both parties, he intends to use the most straightforward method. way to complete the meeting—that is, directly pulling the other person into a dream without telling them.

Facts have proved that the thick formation will not have any effect on the beam of light, and when both sides are "blindfolded", the alert beholder will not play any warning role. At that time, there were several God's Punishment witches guarding him, and even if Hykezord discovered his whereabouts, he could not pose a threat to him.

It’s just that the same method can’t be used more often. It is estimated that they will soon realize that they are not far from the hillside when they go back. If they are prepared in advance, even if they are deep underground, they cannot be said to be absolutely safe.

"If there is any new progress in the future, the devil should contact us by letter." Roland turned his head and explained to Iron Axe, "Leave a team in this area and report to me immediately if the other party has any movement. Besides, they are still the enemy, especially the monstrous beasts - once the cordon is crossed, the troops must not hold back."

"As ordered." The commander-in-chief nodded.

It is estimated that he will not deal with the Devil Lord for a long time, Roland thought. In the dream, he could faintly see that Vakiris had an unusual relationship with the monarch named Serashaxi. At first, he had some regrets that the devil who came to win the trust was not Hykezord, but now, the effect may be better than expected.

After all, what this kind of thing needs most is trust.

However, just two hours later, before Roland could return to Glorious City from the Northern Territory, he received two shocking news.

The God of Divine Construct suddenly changed. According to the lightning report, it was climbing vertically upward at a slow speed, and the bottom was more than 300 meters above the ground—this seemed to contradict the staff’s speculation that the height of the floating land was closely related to the consumption of magic power.

The second is that the fish ball team observed the figure of the devil on the hillside again - but this time it was two.

.. Wonderful Book House.