Release that Witch

Chapter 1436: The Big Three on the Western Front


"You entered the world of consciousness here?" Hykezord looked around the hillside for a week, and finally his eyes fell on his feet.

Silently nodded.

"I don't think that male will come again." It quietly opened a twisted door the size of a finger behind it, and then reached into it was dirt. "What's more, once the God of Divine Construct starts to fall, it cannot be reversed. You are wasting time."

"You can go first if you don't want to come." Cerro Shaxi said unmoved.

"If I leave, who will take you away?" Hykezord rolled his eyes silently, and you openly attacked the mask. Are you really mad at yourself when you say this now? When Wang flipped through this memory, he guaranteed that he could see the ubiquitous figure of its Vault of Heaven Lord, violating the king's order, refusing to report, instigating... These accusations could be imagined with closed eyes. If the king really sends other monarchs to deal with it, and there is a silent disaster with top combat power by his side, at least he can increase his self-protection ability.

A hundred meters down, it was still mud.

"It doesn't matter if I can leave. And... you can't, it doesn't mean Vakiris doesn't either."

Tsk, I don't even think about it, who came up with the method to find Vakiris. "What if it can't figure it out?"

"..." Silent didn't answer.

When it went down to 500 meters, the side of the Twisted Gate suddenly became a hole, Hykezord fine-tuned the direction, and his fingers quickly touched a thick accumulation of fluid.

It has a bottom line.

"Have you considered forcibly taking this male away with you?"

The silent gaze flickered, but he quickly regained his calm, "It may be possible to take it away, but it is difficult to keep him alive. You and I both know how fragile human beings are. I can't take that risk until I'm in the silk's position."

"Really..." Hykezord said noncommittally. In any case, it cannot let the other party stay here, and then be smashed into powder by the God of Divine Construct. This is both for the group and for itself.

"Someone is here." Silent looked forward, "More than one."

Hykezord opened the Twisted Door for the first time.

Soon, three males appeared on the forest slope, and the soldiers who were in charge of delivering the letter were also among them. Although there were more soldiers than when they first met, these people were still unable to pose a sufficient threat to the Silent Disaster.

"Your Majesty agreed to your request to meet." The leader walked up to them and said straight to the point, "After a quarter of an hour, you can enter the world of consciousness. But Your Majesty has one condition."

Actually agreeing to the request of Serakshaxi, it seems that the king of human beings are not all cowards. "What conditions?" Hykezord asked.

"You must separate a certain distance and enter the world of consciousness one after another. And non-slayers must wear this." The other party opened the box in his hand and took out an iron bracelet.

The bracelet is clearly inlaid with a stone of divine punishment.

Hykezord was suddenly furious, it narrowed its eyes, and said dangerously, "What does this mean, do you think I will tie my hands and let humans slaughter it!"

Although the leading soldier had a look of fear, he did not take a step back. "Magic power is equivalent to a weapon. It is only a convention to remove the weapon during a major meeting, and this is not a form of imprisonment. Your Majesty believes that you have come with important information, so you will Taking the risk of turning back, and because of that, he doesn't want any surprises."

"What if I don't agree?"

"You can leave on your own and stay away from the hill during the meeting," the soldier insisted.

"That's it, we don't have time to delay." Silent Disaster looked at Hykezord, "You can wait within your ability, just like the first time. I don't understand why you have to come with me. to here."

This guy... You have to say it yourself to understand! The Lord of the Vault of Heaven was at a loss for words. It wasn't because his rationality level dropped significantly after seeing the nightmare. He was really uneasy. After hearing so much shocking news, he saw Vakiris with his own eyes and ruled out that It is not a trap set by humans deliberately, but it is undoubtedly an extremely necessary thing. Where is this guy standing

However, without waiting for Hykezord to discuss a few more words, Cerro Shaxi has walked to the side and closed his eyes, entering a state of meditation.

Looking at the God of Divine Construct that was still rising behind him, he had no choice but to suppress his dissatisfaction and buckled his bracelet.

This thing does not seem to be difficult to disassemble with violence, and probably humans do not expect to capture themselves with the god stone, just to delay a little time and prevent it from suddenly bringing silence into the ground.

And the two males who followed behind the soldiers... Although they did not carry weapons, they made Hykezord faintly feel that it was difficult to deal with.

After waiting for a while, Cerro Shaxi's breathing suddenly fell silent.

are you coming...

Hykezord raised his hand pretending to be casual and put the multicolored magic stone disguised as a ring in front of him.

In an instant, a beam of light as wide as a city wall appeared in front of it!

The beam of light is so large that it has to turn its head from side to side to bring its boundaries into view. For a moment, it even thought that it had returned to the island in the bottomless realm.

This is... the vast field of consciousness like a city in Silent's mouth

It's starting to believe a little bit on the human side.

With such amazing abilities, there may be a way to unlock the secrets of the Battle of Divine Will.

Hykezord took a deep breath, then slowly closed his eyes.

"That's the way it is. Mask launched the second plan ahead of time. And since it was already prepared, I can't be sure if it is still alive at the moment."

When the Vault of Heaven Lord opened his eyes again, he found himself in a cramped room. Judging by the king's standards, this room was far from unqualified. Silence seems to be explaining the current situation, and sitting opposite it is Vakiris, who has not been seen for a long time.

Seeing this reactivated Nightmare Lord, Hykezord had a feeling like a lifetime.

"You're finally here." Vakiris nodded, "Sit down, the coffee is almost cold."

After so many bizarre events, it's really like its style to be able to start with such a lighthearted tone...

Since the war on the Western Front began, the three princes have finally gathered together for the first time.

In the ethnic group, this is also a major event worthy of careful treatment.

The only thing that was out of place was the human being sitting next to Nightmare.

It had already heard the other's name from the silent mouth, the King of Greycastle, Roland. He is also the biggest reason for the repeated setbacks of the Western Front plan.

But they can gather together because of the other party's realization, which makes Hykezord's heart quite complicated. It's ironic that if you don't have one or the other in battle, you can meet with Wang behind your back.

It took a deep look at Roland before walking to Cerro Shaxi and sitting down. The seat is so soft that it almost sinks into it, which is a bit of a Ruler exclusive. The Vault of Heaven Lord also noticed that there were already many empty paper cups on the low table, and it was only a few dozen breaths away from entering the world of consciousness, but the three seemed to have been talking for a long time.

Coffee... Do you mean what Serakshahi is drinking

Strangely, it should obviously have no need for any "food" other than mayflies.

"If I guessed correctly, you have a full understanding of the current situation." Hykezord suppressed his distracting thoughts and put his thoughts on the business, "I would not recommend Silent to explain in person, because it would be a waste of money. There is not much time, but it insists on doing so." When he said this, it gave the nightmare a slight look, "Once the God of Divine Construct falls, most of the human kingdoms will be destroyed by landslides and fissures, and escaping is the only way to survive. ."

"How long do we have?" Roland asked.

"No more than seven days." Hykezord replied solemnly.