Release that Witch

Chapter 1440: Light in the dark


"No, stop!"

Celine shouted in astonishment!

Once the cycle of magic power is stopped, the God of Divine Construct will become a dead mountain without the power to levitate!

"This is my ability." Nasopelle said eloquently, "Even if there is no body here, I can control the magic core from a distance through the net. It does not exist from the beginning, but I accept the inheritance. The latter is created a little bit, it does not need the support of talent, and it will not be different from person to person. Of course, this web is not comparable to the world of consciousness, but what about hundreds of years or thousands of years later? You must know that it breaks the bondage of the body. The most important thing for me is time.”

"Rumble rumble..."

With the stillness of the core, the interior of the God of Divine Construct began to tremble violently.

The soldiers stationed around the promotion square had difficulty standing still for a while, and many people fell to the ground without being caught off guard.

"The height of the God of Divine Construct is falling!" Silent Disaster said solemnly.

"Damn, what happened?" Hykezord yelled at Celine, "Hey, witch! Answer me quickly!"

"The mask is interfering with the operation of the core instrument, and we must cut it off!"

Celine shouted a few times in a row, but found that the other party couldn't "hear" her own consciousness at all. She could perceive changes in the outside world, but she lost the ability to communicate with the outside world, as if there were a transparent glass wall on both sides. .

"You are in the body of the Mother of Souls, the carrier is just an empty shell now, how could they hear your reminder?" Mask said with a playful look, "And it's so easy to cut off the connection... In my clan, The status of the mother of the soul is second only to the king, and is tied with the maharaja. This is not only reflected in the level of magic power, but its body is equally powerful. Not to mention that the top is covered with a thick mayfly, and it is definitely not a piece to kill it. Easy. Besides, without the Mother of Souls, how do you control the core instrument? So the result will not change in any way."

"There are hundreds of thousands of your kin in this city, do you want to bury them together?"

"I really don't know that the witches of the Federation era actually have sympathy for the devil." Nasopelle sneered, "Besides, they are just traitors who have taken refuge in Hykezord, and it is not a pity to die. It is those symbiotes. , it's a bit of a waste to destroy it with the god of creation, but as long as I spend more time, I can always create more. If you want me to change my mind, it's better to think of a more convincing reason and leave it to There's not much time left for those bugs out there."

How did this monster... know that she was from the Federation era? Celine was greatly surprised, but now she has no time to think about such details, "Where's the God's Stone of Retribution! If the Floating Land crashes here, Hermes and the western border of Greycastle will also be affected. , are you sure the king will not punish you for such behavior?"

"The Lord of the Vault of Heaven is so thorough..." Nasopelle didn't seem to care at all, "but the priority of destroying human beings is undoubtedly higher, and the king will definitely understand my difficulties. After all, there are traitors in the monarch. Not without paying a price.”

"A little price? Isn't the Divine Stone mine the foundation that the Tower of Red Mist must rely on! Without enough Red Mist, you can't stand on the fertile plains at all. Why should you block the Sky Sea Territory?"

"This reason is more substantial than the previous one." Mask did not reject it, "but you have overlooked two points. First, the symbiote's demand for mayflies is much lower than that of protists and ascendants, and even if resources are scarce, they will still I won't complain. The second point is that I have enough confidence in human beings..."

"Faith is... what does it mean?" Celine asked through gritted teeth.

"I did underestimate Ursruk's talent before. Humanity has been slow to progress in magic, but has shown amazing achievements in the other direction. I have full confidence that if I take your heritage and combine it with my technology Get up, it is not difficult to deal with the Tianhai Realm. In other words, even without these two divine stone veins, I can still win the battle of divine will."

"..." Celine realized that no matter what she said, the other party would never change her mind. From the beginning, it was just playing herself.

Like a hunter who teases his prey.

The news can't be passed out, she can only stop this disaster by herself!

"Look, time is running out." Nasopelle looked into the distance, and the magic power of the God of Divine Construct finally disappeared completely, and the slow descent gradually turned into a real fall. Under the drastic changes, the soldiers were unable to maintain their standing. Just lie down on the ground as much as possible. "I heard that when an object falls, the person standing on it will also fly up. I wonder if I can see this scene?"

How can I make the core restart

Celine forced herself to concentrate, the mask is not in the God of Divine Construct, it is connected to it through the "net". Then expel the opponent out, maybe the magic core can be restored to normal!

She tried to penetrate the tentacles of consciousness into the four cores, but she was instantly backlashed!

It was an extremely complex cyclone picture.

Each of them is comparable to the cyclone in the "Divine Scourge" mode, and the four influence each other to form a denser magic cyclone.

Not to mention parsing four at the same time, even if one is processed alone, it will take a lot of time!

"This is art... isn't it?" Nasopelle zoomed in on the cyclone, and suddenly a grand "vortex" structure appeared above their heads, in which the magic was intertwined and sparkled. "It took me nearly a hundred years to calculate it, and four and two-thirds of my brains have been dealing with related issues. Other monarchs think I'm a monster... It's ridiculous, if you don't transform your body and absorb many minds, How can this be achieved?"

Looking at the galaxy-like vortex, Celine felt a hint of despair.

At the same time, she sensed that the mask was taking advantage of her core focus to erode her body. It's just that Celine doesn't have any thoughts to resist at the moment. If this can't be changed, the Federation... and even the hope of all mankind will be destroyed, so what difference does it make who is occupied by her

Think of a way!

Roland's figure appeared in her mind. Creating a ray of life from the impossible, it was this man who made the Taquila survivors regain hope... But soon, she rejected the idea again, the mask's "net" and the world of consciousness are two completely different things. It is impossible for me to get His Majesty's help here.

What else can interpret the vortex for her

Looking back, what did she do when she converted the core instrument into the scourge mode

An electric light suddenly flashed through Celine's mind!

She suddenly looked down at the flickering "net", which was a technology created by underground civilization, and the gray dots outside the net should be the magic cores that had not yet been connected to it.

Such a core, Neverwinter City also exists!

Since she can connect to the control center of the God of Divine Construct through the core instrument, other cores can undoubtedly do the same. Of course, distance is the biggest problem, but on the other hand, she may be able to use this center to actively connect to other cores.

And then let Pasha and Ersha come to help her

No, they don't make any difference to the situation... The only thing she can hope for is one!

That was one of the three seats that assisted her in handling a lot of core computing.

Lord Eleanor.

As for whether Eleanor, who had lost her mind and integrated into the central carrier, could respond to her call, Celine had no time to care.

This thought is like a ray of light in the darkness, no matter what the result is, she will try to catch it!

She concentrated all her energy again and set her sight on the obelisk

This time, she doesn't need to parse, she just needs to greatly increase the magic power injected into it!

"What do you want to do?" Nasopelle said casually while devouring her consciousness, "Do you want to expand the scope of the net? I can't understand... Without the mother of the soul or the corresponding carrier, those nodes would not Changes happen out of thin air. Even the king has to merge with the magic core before he can harness this amazing power..."

"Really? But I happen to know one such person!" Celine tried her best to spread her consciousness along the net, "Adjust the core mode and turn it into balance!"

In an instant, the obelisk sent out a buzzing sound that ordinary people could not feel. This violent fluctuation of magic power made the entire net flicker, as if it would go out at any time, but the cluster heading west was as bright as the sun.