Release that Witch

Chapter 1441: Not one person


Graycastle, Neverwinter.

The Dispersion Star Master was calculating the design draft sent by the Ministry of Industry with his colleagues as usual.

This is a job that seems to never end, but it is surprisingly fulfilling - unlike observing astrological phenomena, every result they measure will determine the direction of the design, and ultimately turn it into a visible result. Although he often uses new astronomical telescopes to review the sky in his spare time, but in the past two years, his focus has been more and more on the School of Arithmetic.

The more he counted, the more he felt about His Majesty's phrase "describe everything with numbers". Astrologers don't know much about manufacturing, but if the curves or line segments depicted by those numbers look very harmonious, the relevant design results can be finalized in all likelihood. There seems to be some kind of strange connection between the two, and sometimes he can't even tell whether it is those creations that determine the numbers, or the numbers that determine the creations.

If mastered to a certain extent, will it be possible to determine the characteristics of an unknown thing just through a series of numbers and formulas without the need for real objects

It is this wonderful association that makes him give birth to new expectations every day.

"The calculation result of the twenty-sixth item is 3475, which is beyond the limit." The assistant carefully pressed a button on the mechanical calculator and then reported.

This thing is a rare commodity. Her Royal Highness Anna made it by hand. There were no more than ten units in Neverwinter, and they were basically allocated to the Administration Office and the Arithmetic Institute.

The scattered star scholar nodded, and when he picked up the pen to record it in the notebook, the light above his head suddenly flickered. The light bulb squeaked as if something had gone wrong.

Everyone could not help but stop the work at hand and wait for the lighting to return to normal.


There was a screeching sound from the next room, as if something had fallen to the ground.

The bachelor frowned. He knew that there were important instruments of the ancient witch in that room, and he had repeatedly told the apprentice to pay more attention when cleaning. How could he be so careless

But what he didn't expect was that the perpetrator quickly rushed out of the room and ran towards him with a panic-stricken look, "Big, big, big man! That skeleton is floating up!"

"What?" The scattered star student raised his brows, walked to the door of the house quickly, and then opened his eyes in surprise.

I saw that the originally closed skeleton was completely spread out, and it seemed to be changing its own shape, and its center burst into a dazzling brilliance, as if it had woken up from a deep sleep!

how can that be!

Only a very small number of people in the Arithmetic Academy knew about the existence of carriers—except for those ancient witches in the form of sarcoid, no one could use these magical things. They dug a secret passage under the Arithmetic Institute to place the central carrier, and it is precisely because of this that such things are stored in the Arithmetic Institute.

The light didn't last long. After only ten breaths, the skeleton returned to a closed state and slowly fell to the ground.

"My lord, I just wiped the dust on it with a damp rag, and I definitely didn't do anything else to it!" The apprentice who missed it explained in a panic.

"It's none of your business here, go out." The scattered star scholar pretended to be calm.

When the door was closed, he took out a special key from his personal pocket.

That's the only way to go underground.

There is more than one ancient witch in the form of a sarcoid, but the one underground is different—I heard that she has no consciousness, only the ability to answer questions, so she must be locked with chains to prevent accidents. The bachelor is no stranger to her. She has made great contributions to checking the calculation results in the past, but he has not forgotten Master Pasha's warning that once the other party gets out of trouble, the power of the carrier can easily tear anyone who approaches.

He must be sure that the accident just now was not caused by the other party.

However, what shocked the dispersion star was that the central carrier did not leave its proper position, but the whole body was paralyzed, and the tentacles were twisted and twisted together, and there was no sign of activity.

It's over... how could this be...

Dispersion Star knew that the problem was far beyond his ability to solve it.

He turned around abruptly, ran towards the ground, and shouted loudly at the same time, "Someone, go to the castle and inform Lord Scroll!"

The burst of light quickly dissipated, and the gray light went out in less than a few seconds, like a short-lived fire.


Celine stared at the net without saying a word. For a moment, she was clearly connected to the magic core, but why did the light not last

Originally, she planned to use the balance mode to connect the two ends, and then let Master Eleanor analyze the four core instruments, but now her hope seems to have been lost.

Even if she wanted to try again, it was difficult for her to concentrate again - the erosion of the mask had gradually affected her sanity.

"Without the support of the divine stone veins, the net cannot last... It needs magic power to run after all, otherwise why do you think I let those magic power cores wander?" Nasopelle shrugged, "Although I can't understand it, my will is commendable. , your soul and knowledge, I accept."

"I won't allow it."

Suddenly, a voice that does not belong to the two suddenly appeared in this space of consciousness.

Celine was stunned, the voice seemed familiar, and the strangeness was mixed with an indescribable sense of familiarity.

She turned her head and saw a woman standing quietly behind Nassopelle, her long hair almost down to her ankles, her eyebrows were as delicate as pictures, and those half-open gray eyes had a hint of lingering. The laziness of going also made her form a sharp contrast with the other two three seats.

"Eleanor... my lord!"

Celine blurted out.

She could hardly believe her eyes! After more than 400 years, she saw the head of the federation again.

"Are you Celine? I remember your voice. And this guy is undoubtedly a high-level devil..." Eleanor glanced around, "What is this place? In the new soul container? "

"I'll tell you everything later, but I don't have time to explain it now!" Celine said eagerly. "Please help me restart those magic cores and expel this devil! It's too late!"

"Haha...hahahaha..." Mask laughed loudly, "I thought you did something, it turned out to be an extra gift! Is this female strong? Unfortunately, I am not a real body, so the fighting ability is not enough here. To any effect. As for the analysis of the four cores, it is ridiculous, in terms of computing power-"

Halfway through, Nasopelle's smile suddenly froze on his face.

It can clearly see that the vortex above its head is changing. First, a few abrupt light clusters appear in it, and then the area of assimilation expands rapidly, as if facing the water flow in the opposite direction of the waterfall, the rotation of the vortex is suppressed. , and forced it to start rotating in the opposite direction - under the interlacing of the two forces, the four cores burst into dazzling light again!

The God of Divine Construct, which regained its lift, entered a state of rapid deceleration, and the scattered red mist began to shrink inwards. The surface of the foggy lake, which had a tendency to boil, became crystal-like again, and the soldiers of the First Army on the promotion square were even more so. It was all pressed to the ground and hard to move.

"Who the hell are you!?" Nasopelle said in amazement, "How could it be possible for one person to understand the structure of the magic cyclone so quickly?"

"It's true that one can't do it alone." Eleanor stretched out her hand above her head, as if touching the magnificent magical image, "but I'm not alone..."

There was a loud bang, the surrounding light was extinguished, the net and other nodes disappeared without a trace, and only the light group of the God of Divine Construct remained in the darkness, still flickering persistently.

Celine realized that the control center they were in was disconnected from the "net".

.. Wonderful Book House.