Release that Witch

Chapter 1444: consensus


Eleanor's so-called short-lived is actually not short-lived.

The final movement and whereabouts of the God of Divine Construct took almost two days. Roland also sent the First Army to conduct a detailed inspection of the coast of Haifeng County to ensure that no casualties would be caused during the process of falling into the sea.

Two days later, at dusk, the bottom of the floating land made contact with the sea for the first time. From a distance, the huge inverted cone seems to be independent of the sea line, and this is the last time it will be shown in full. As the overhanging mountain sank into the vortex sea little by little, the sea level began to rise rapidly, the beach outside the port disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the waves also crossed the bank and rushed into the dock warehouse and other facilities.

The derelict ships that remained in the harbour were pushed back and forth by artificial tides, and were eventually torn to shreds in violent tugs. The roar of the waves hitting the land was continuous and could be heard clearly even from miles away.

Roland stood on a safe high ground and witnessed the whole process of the God of Divine Creation entering the sea.

After all, such a magnificent sight may not be seen again in the future.

His only regret was that he could not recite poetry.

According to the habit of history, such a song at such a time, no matter what the level is, will be forever recorded in the annals of history along with his back.

In the end, the afterglow of the setting sun once again appeared behind the God of Divine Construct, and the shimmering light it reflected was like a band of light that crossed over this new land and stretched to the lowland of Haifeng County, as if connecting the two into one. overall.

Although the God of Divine Construct is quite large, it is not worth mentioning compared to the whirlpool sea. After it is embedded in the seabed and turned into an island, the tide that has not passed the port will fade away sooner or later. The gap between the island and the mainland will become a new channel. At the same time, it is also equivalent to shortening the distance between Graycastle and the Fjord Islands. Roland has foreseen the day when it will become a prosperous commercial island.

"I didn't expect that the devil's ultimate weapon would become the kingdom's new territory," Nightingale, who was watching with him, sighed. "It seems that the map of Greycastle will be rewritten in the future."

"Compared to that, I'm more concerned about what to do with the demons above." Phyllis was more concerned about the problems to be faced in reality, "If there are no supply stations along the way, it would be difficult for them to return to the spine of the continent."

"These can be resolved through negotiation. We have taken the first step, at least the result is not bad." For some reason, Roland suddenly remembered the dream world, where the devil family came from a remote peninsula, and the scene in front of him There was a sense of déjà vu. "As for this new territory, let's call it the Kagad Peninsula."

The subsequent tripartite consultation meeting did not have many twists and turns.

After learning about the amazing plan of the mask and the fact that the king already knew what happened here, Hykezord was obviously a little absent-minded, and some questions were even answered by Cerro Shaxi.

Roland could roughly guess the feelings of the other party. In any case, the Lord of the Vault of Heaven did not want to completely fall out with the king before he got definite evidence. Now he suddenly found out that the king already knew what they did, which meant that he had no way out. For Hykezord, who pursues prudence in everything, it will inevitably give birth to the psychology of worrying about gains and losses.

In contrast, silence is much calmer, as if as long as Vakiris is okay, other changes have nothing to do with it.

The treatment plan for the demon left in the God of Divine Construct was quickly determined.

It was impossible for Roland to agree to the establishment of the Red Mist supply line along the borders of the four kingdoms, and the two monarchs didn't care much about the life and death of the inferiors, so hundreds of thousands of demonless drudges would continue to stay in the new island and undertake the follow-up construction. plan; more than a thousand mad demons will enter a dormant state to save the consumption of red fog, and will migrate when there is a suitable opportunity in the future.

The obelisk has entered an irreversible state of apoptosis at this moment. Only the fog lake can provide a certain amount of mayfly supply, and it will gradually dry up. For the devil who is extremely dependent on the red mist, this place has become an island. Therefore, after assisting in transferring the Mother of Souls, Hykezord will also return to Sky City with silence to seize control of the remaining troops.

Now that his actions are known to the king, it is not a disadvantage to have more power in his hands.

Judging from the opponent's attitude, it seems that it does not want to confront the king head-on, and Roland does not intend to force it. After all, if he suddenly regrets it before the war, it will easily lead to a catastrophe.

Finally, there is the masked Nasopelle.

This time, not only Celine and Eleanor, but even the two Maharajas agreed that the other party must die.

According to Hykezord, even if it really evolves to the point of being omnipotent, it has nothing to do with the ethnic group. The path it chooses exists only for itself, and once it succeeds, the group will exist in name only, or... will become a completely different species.

"The problem is that it can now change its body at will through the 'net', how can I completely eliminate it?" Roland raised a key question.

This is indeed extremely difficult to achieve when its plan is completed, but it is far from that point. Celine conveyed Eleanor's words, before cutting off the connection, I could feel that there was a big difference in the strength of each node, and there were only one or two points that could be compared with the God of Divine Construct.

"This female ancient witch is right," Hykezord quickly changed his words after being stared at by many witches of God's Punishment, "After all, Nasopelle did all this behind the king's back, it's unlikely There is an opportunity to make the same degree of transformation to the mother of souls in every city. And those nodes that are not fully transformed may not be able to fully transmit consciousness. What's more, the immovable towers of birth will be destroyed one by one by the sky and sea, so it is There aren't that many places you can actually go to. At present, I guess the mask is in the royal city."

It's really Hykezord's style.

Roland thought to himself that if he wanted to destroy Nasopelle, he had to destroy the royal city. In addition to the mask, the king was also in the king's city. Although he expressed his attitude that he did not want to conflict with the king, he put Wang Yi in this proposal. And pushed to the bullseye.

However, this plan also won Roland's heart.

He didn't want to stage another crisis of the fall of the God of Divine Construct in his territory.

Before the enemy desperately counterattacks, shooting down the coming royal city into the fertile plain is undoubtedly the best way to minimize the risk. More importantly, the appearance of Eleanor undoubtedly greatly improved the feasibility of the scheme.

Once he can obtain a floating island, he can actively shorten the voyage of the Aerial Knights. This is especially important for the heavy bomber project. The biggest difficulty of the project is to develop a new high-power engine. According to the plan given by the Greycastle Design Bureau , It takes at least a year from manufacturing, assembly to test flight, but with the mobile platform in the air, its main engine can be barely used by replacing the fourteen-cylinder piston engine on the Phoenix. In this way, the bomber project is officially concluded. Results are just around the corner.