Release that Witch

Chapter 1454: The must-have secret


"Go back!" Bo Shan leaned over and shouted, "Shure, fire forward!"

"Understood, aiming"

"Stop aiming, just hit whatever you want!" She pulled the bolt and swept straight towards the monster, not even having time to readjust the resonance magic stone. m

When the car body turned backward, the 75 short-barreled gun finally spewed out fire.

The distance of less than 300 meters was almost instantaneous, and at the same time as Shure fired, a plume of smoke rose in front of the flesh-and-blood monster.

This seems to be another aerial shot, but in the tumbling smoke, the three of them captured the field gun on the stump tank that fell from the sky. No matter how small the diameter is, it is still an artillery, and a machine gun. Not at all comparable. The flying dust also flashed the outline of the blade beast, and Bo Shan roughly counted, there were at least ten.

"This monster... is carrying a group of blade beasts?" Bei also reacted at this moment.

"That's right, I'm afraid it's the Heavenly Sea Realm Nest Mother in the manual." Bo Shan said solemnly, but compared to the hand-drawn illustration, the monster's body is much different, like a mutated close relative.

Back on the street corner, the other two crews obviously noticed their commotion. Before Boshan could speak, Amy had already shouted, "The other tank team is two blocks away from us in the west. Meet them in just five minutes!"

"No, don't go, it's too late!" Bo Shan replied in a loud voice, "Let the soldiers enter the fort!"

"Fight on the spot? There's more than one enemy!" The hero, the captain of the No. 17 crew, looked surprised.

"Because there are more than one, we can't retreat!" Although the situation is extremely urgent, Bo Shan's mind is very clear. It is absolutely impossible for three tanks to stop more than ten blade beasts. Once they are allowed to rush into the ranks of soldiers , it is absolutely irreparable loss. But they are different. As Isabella said, this kind of armored weapon is inherently capable of both offense and defense. Even if it is surrounded by enemies, it does not mean the victory or defeat is determined.

"Hero, please seal the passageway, only in this way can we let go of the fight!"

The latter looked back at the rusted and deformed iron gate of the fortress, and immediately understood her plan.

"I see."

"Amy, you will act with me later!"

"Uh... OK, OK." Although Bo Shan was not the team commander, Amy nodded subconsciously.

"Team leader, you are really... cool!" Shuer said with admiration.

"Let's flatter you when everyone is back safe and sound." Bo Shan grinned.

She knew it wasn't a good idea to think like this, but she couldn't help herself. She didn't hate Xia, but the time she spent with Xia busy in the development was really lackluster. She couldn't deceive herself. When she was hunted down by the church, she thought that a stable life was the goal, but now, she is more suitable for the battlefield filled with gunpowder smoke.

Maybe that's why he awakened as a battle witch

When all the soldiers entered the fortress, the No. 17 crew increased the power to the highest, reversed at full speed and hit the door

With a loud bang, the tank body was embedded directly into the wall, becoming a fixed bunker.

In this way, the invisible killers in the Sky Sea Realm can no longer cross the steel line of defense and attack relatively vulnerable soldiers.

The blade beast also crossed the distance of hundreds of meters at this moment, and appeared at the corner of the street. Although Bo Shan couldn't see them directly, the magic line of the resonance sigil clearly marked the enemy's position.

"Full speed ahead, don't stop!"

She roared, then got into the turret and locked the exit cover.

This war machine is not only capable of killing the enemy with artillery and machine guns, as long as it maintains a certain speed, it is deadly enough by itself!

At the same time as Bei stepped on the valve with all his strength, Bo Shan saw through the captain's mirror that a magic line suddenly rose up!

Wait, this monster can still fly

No, she quickly reacted, it was the enemy's long-distance flying! She couldn't help clenching the armrest, her body was so stretched that the pen was straight down, whether it was alive or dead, it all depended on the craftsmanship of Neverwinter City's craftsmen.


The enemy slammed heavily on the roof of the car, and the huge impact even caused a small depression in the roof, and the echoing muffled sound made the eardrums of the three people numb. the trend of.

Bo Shan suddenly had a bottom in her heart.

"I'll take the aim," she ordered, shaking the turret. "You just pull the trigger."

"What about me?" Beth asked.

"The end point is the monster, as long as it doesn't hit the wall, you can drive as you like!"

Boshan didn't pay attention to the flying enemy at all. She knew that her partner would solve each other. If the flesh-and-blood monster was really the hive mother, it must be eliminated first, otherwise the blade beasts on the plain will only increase.

In the roar of the Rubik's cube power, the tank braved the white smoke and rushed into the blade beast group with the coaxial machine gun frantically spraying bullets, and the blade beast does not have the barrier ability like the high-level devil, each bullet can cause The real damage, if it hits the vital point, will instantly make the target fall to the ground, even if they are not dead, they are waiting for them are steel crawlers.

The blade beasts can only pierce the steel plate of the tank when their front paws emit blue light, but this will also expose them to the firing range of the machine gun. In the case of accidental injury, Amy obviously took the lead Bo Shan as the calibration target.

Soon, two tanks cut a bloody path from the enemy, and after four ruts, lay a pile of bloody corpses. When the life function stops, the confusing stealth ability no longer takes effect, and the shortcomings of the blade beast's low defense are exposed at this moment.

Boshan's tank was also scarred. The machine gun at the top of the turret had long since disappeared, and the tall car had several gaps, and black blood even splashed into the car. The enemy's closest stab was only a few centimeters away, and she could almost feel the scorching magic power of her claws.

However, the biggest difference between machines and living beings is this. Even if they are covered with scars, the performance of the tank has not declined in the slightest. It kept rushing towards the square at full speed, and the crushed organs of the enemy turned into lubricants between the teeth of the gears.

Probably realizing that the situation was not good, the nest mother began to turn her head and fled back, but the huge body could be described as clumsy.

This is not the whirlpool sea.

"What is the most critical element for accurate shooting?" asked Bo Shan.

"It's close enough." Shure replied earnestly.

"Then don't lose your shot this time!" Bei shouted and controlled the tank to charge straight towards the target, the front fender of the body slammed into the enemy's ribs.

The monster suddenly let out a shrill roar.

From the gunner's position, the target is now in front of the entire field of vision.

Shure pressed the button without hesitation.

The 75mm grenade came out of the chamber, shot from its waist, penetrated almost the entire body, and exploded in the head!