Release that Witch

Chapter 1456: Shadow of the Black Rock


North of the Fertile Plain.

From the day they left Neverwinter, Lightning and Maisie had been flying for nearly ten days.

They cruised on the plain at a speed of 100 kilometers, which is also the "economic speed" when flying, and the magic power recovered at night can fully support the needs of the day. The duo only landed when they needed to camp or hunt.

Now the expedition has entered areas that have never been set before. Although they hold the map of the Federation era, hundreds of years of changes are enough to make roads deserted, canals dry up, and most towns are engulfed by weeds and shrubs. , can no longer function as a road sign. The only things that could guide them were the stars in the sky and the hazy backbone of the continent in the distance.

At this distance, listening to the seal has long been unable to communicate, and it seems that only one person and one bird are left on the vast land. This feeling of insignificance and loneliness is a major obstacle to adventure. Without the company of partners, Lightning really doesn't know if he can persevere alone.

The purpose of their trip is very clear, that is, to determine the location and route of the new god of creation of the devil, and at the same time, by the way, "light up" the plain wasteland outside Taquila.

Having said that, it is not easy to find floating land in such a vast land. In order to reduce the loss of ore veins, the enemy's king city must not fly too high, and may even fly close to the ground. In this way, from a distance, the God of Divine Construct is not much different from a small mountain. It has to be closer to within 100 kilometers to confirm the target according to the red fog. This must be in good weather.

Therefore, in order to avoid passing by the God of Divine Construct, Lightning chose a polyline flight path, and the edge of this polyline was the continental spine.


Suddenly, there was a muffled sound in the stomach of the gray eagle overhead.

"Are you hungry again?" Lightning raised his head.

"Ow." Maisie nodded again and again.

"You didn't move much, why are you hungry faster than me?"

"Because I've been staring at the ground!" She leaned over and rubbed Lightning's cheek, "Eyes are connected to the brain, and the book says that those who use the brain are the hardest!"

Wait, it's not written like this in "Natural Science" at all... That paragraph clearly says that even when you're not moving, the brain is the organ that consumes the most energy in the body. This doesn't mean that people who move don't need to use the brain.

It was just the itching from her cheeks that made Lightning unable to fly well, so she had to slow down and land on the ground. Judging from the weather, they can fly for another half an hour at most, and it is not a big problem to rest early. What's more, there is not much jerky left in the bag, and it is also a good choice to use this time to replenish the food.

Of course, the most important thing is that she really couldn't bear to refuse Maisie, who was so good-natured.

"That's the old rule, you go hunting, I'll make a fire, and in any case, use the listening talisman to contact you as soon as possible, understand?"

"I totally understand!"

Before she could finish her sentence, Maisie had already soared into the air, turning into a terrifying beast and flying towards the ground.

Lightning reluctantly found a shelter and began to prepare for dinner. With Roland's technical support, adventure essentials such as flint, tinder, and torches have been replaced by smaller and more delicate industrial products, such as windproof matches only half the size of a palm, flashlights using disposable dry batteries, and a A multi-part, multi-purpose knife that every explorer will love...

These things can be carried in one pocket, and because of this, she replaced more than half of the space in the backpack with various spices. As long as there is enough time, she can make a table of dishes without repetition. Sometimes Lightning herself doesn't know whether she is better at adventure or more gifted with food.

Maisie is hungry so fast, I'm afraid it has something to do with it.

Everything went right next, and the little girl quickly grabbed a bison and cut it into pieces with her claws. Lightning takes its essence, either smoked or buried in mud. This process has been repeated countless times by the two of them, and the cooperation can be described as smooth and smooth. When the fire went out, not only did they fill their stomachs, but their shriveled bags of dry food were refilled. Everything seems to have returned to the moment when the whole set up and set off. The only thing that has not progressed is the goal of this trip.

However, this little guilty conscience was soon overshadowed by the tiredness that came after a full meal.

After arranging the screaming sigil, Lightning hugged Maisie and got into the sleeping bag, and soon fell asleep.

The next day, when she opened her eyes in confusion, she unexpectedly found that there seemed to be a shadow on the distant horizon.

Lightning rubbed his eyes in confusion—that side should still be a plain. Yesterday, he had repeatedly confirmed the surrounding terrain, so that this small hillside would not be missed.

It took a few minutes to get used to the sleepy eyes, and she held her breath to look again, but she couldn't help but froze in place - through the thin morning mist, the outline of the top of the mountain was extremely straight, and it didn't look like something created by nature at all. What's even more surprising is that in just a few minutes, it actually became larger, which means that the shadow is approaching them.

And there is only one "mountain" that can move on the entire fertile plain, and Lightning knows only one.

She shook Maisie in disbelief and said, "Peck me."

"Gu." The latter flexed his index finger and flicked it hard on her forehead—

Pain is very clear.

This is not an illusion.

It was at this moment that a morning breeze swept past the two of them, bringing up Maisie's long white hair.

At the same time, there was also a mist like a gauze that was blown away.

In an instant, the shadow revealed its true original appearance—I saw a huge pyramid-shaped creation standing on the black mountain like an inverted triangular cone. Its entire body was made of obsidian, and its volume was difficult to estimate. If the center of the previous God of Divine Construct was the Devil City, then it was enough to cover the entire city in it.

This is probably the reason why there is no sign of the red fog spreading at the top of the "mountain".

The two inverted cones, one large and one small, filled this floating land with a sense of oppression. The last God of Divine Construct still had some shadows of mountains, and the new King City was completely unnatural. Whether it is the regular surface lines or the overall structure of upper and lower symmetry, it seems to show the power of the devil.

Unexpectedly, the second God of Divine Construct that they have been looking for will appear directly in front of them.

Lightning didn't even care to pack up the sleeping bag, pulling Maisie to fly.

As the height continued to rise, the scene behind the royal city gradually emerged.

The dense black dots surged on the plain, like a turbulent tide. Between the tides, there were countless red lines interspersed. Together with the black dots, they formed a cloth that devoured everything. Lightning couldn't help swallowing. If those were all devils, the number would probably be much more than the humans of the four kingdoms combined!

There is no doubt that this is the main force of the enemy's migration!

.. Wonderful Book House.