Release that Witch

Chapter 1457: set sail


The detective team brought the news back to Neverwinter for the first time.

"It's really all out..." After listening to Lightning's report, Roland let out a sigh of relief. This will undoubtedly be the first head-on collision between the two groups, and likely the last. No matter what the outcome is, it will determine the future fate of humans and demons.

"Can we... win?"

Lightning asked hesitantly. She was dirty all over, the hair ends on her forehead were condensed into bundles, and there would be a sour smell of sweat when she got close. Obviously, in order to inform him of the findings as soon as possible, she must have hardly rested these days.

"Of course," Roland patted the opponent's shoulder with a pretense of ease, "We not only have to win, but also to win cleanly."

Devils have an undisputed advantage in numbers, which can also see how much pressure the Sky Sea Realm has put on them. The First Army had technical advantages, but after all, it could not kill the enemy without injury. Once they entered the four kingdoms, even if they won, it would be a tragic victory.

In the same way, even if the devil can win, he will inevitably lose a lot. So if you don't block them west of the Extremis Mountains, the best outcome is nothing but a lose-lose.

Lightning breathed a sigh of relief, and then suddenly said a little embarrassedly, "Uh, do I smell a little… weird?"

Roland laughed dumbly, "It's a little... but it's the taste of adventure, so it's not bad." He sniffed deliberately, "To be honest, I think it's not bad."

The other party's face suddenly turned red, she grabbed Maisie, who was sniffing her collar, and walked out of the office with her head down, "I-I'm going to take a bath in the bathroom!"

"Gu?" Maisie still looked blank.

"Lightning, Maisie." When the two were about to leave, Roland stopped them and said slowly, "Thank you for your hard work, and then take a good rest."

"Um… "

After the door was closed, he immediately grabbed the phone of the head of the Executive Office, "Notify all the ministers for a meeting, the time to set off has come."

In the conference hall, the high-rises of Neverwinter were sitting in a circle.

Roland pasted Lightning's hand-drawn drawing on the map behind him, and then repeated all the discoveries of the expedition.

"There are two points of information that can be confirmed now. One is that the new God of Divine Construct really exists. It is less than 300 kilometers away from the spine of the continent and is constantly moving eastward. There is no room for empty land, so this inefficient method of transfer is used."

"I don't think it's difficult to understand the former. In order to invade Eternal Winter and Wolf Heart, the Devil's Western Front Army not only built obelisks in the spine mountains, but also developed a supply line that runs through the Dawn Realm. Flying along the mountains, not only It can prevent deviation from the course, and also allows the supply line to share the pressure of the red fog, which is a relatively safe route."

"The specific number of the latter is unknown, but since they are all out, it is not an exaggeration to estimate the number of demons who can fight. According to the current speed, they can reach the borders of the four major kingdoms in at most one and a half months."

When it comes to the number of enemies, Roland noticed a little fear on the faces of many people. But this can't be blamed on them. After two battles of divine will, human vitality has been severely damaged. There are thousands of survivors, let alone soldiers who can be used for combat. For Barov et al., the scale of tens of millions is no different from astronomical numbers.

"This is a blow to the enemy, and it is also a battle that determines the fate of mankind. The floating island of Eleanor must set off immediately to stop the enemy from advancing eastward before they approach the desperate mountains."

"But... Your Majesty," Barov said embarrassingly, "the number of enemies is staggering, and the number of troops that the floating island can carry is extremely limited. Will it be too risky to take the initiative to attack?"

"Staying on Greycastle is the most risky plan!" Edith stood up and glanced at the boss, "You don't have to be frightened by the thousands of madmen, if they can't reach Greycastle, no matter how many they are, it's meaningless. If you think about it with your head, you can understand that it is not since the third battle of divine will that there have been so many devils in the Black Stone Domain. There is only one, and that is the enemy's floating city."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the venue changed subtly. After all, no one wanted to admit that they were afraid of the enemy.

"That's right," Roland held back his smile and nodded slightly, "if there is no red fog provided by the moving obelisk, the devil will be unable to move an inch on the fertile plain. Besides, we set off now does not mean that we will fight immediately. There should be enough time for the army to get ready."

There was one more thing he didn't say.

That is the Lord of the Vault of Heaven and the Calamity of Silence who returned to the Vault of Heaven City to end the troops.

Since the transfer of the devil has used the red line of supply of the Western Front Army, it is impossible for Hykezord to not know the location of the new king city. For the king of the devil family, it is already a complete betrayal, so mastering more power is the best way to protect yourself. The fall of the king's city is undoubtedly its best chance. At that moment, Hykezord should not be indifferent.

Roland thought of this and looked at Tilly, "By the way, how is the take-off and landing training of the Aerial Knights implemented?"

"It's easier than I thought." Tilly replied calmly, "There is not much difference between taking off and landing from a floating island and taking off and landing on the ground. As long as the weather permits, the students can easily do it. The only trouble is that in the past, only using When seeing the desperate mountains or coastline, the driver can roughly judge where he is, and then find the land airport. But in the future, both the enemy and the enemy are constantly moving, and the fertile plains lack landmark guidance, so the positioning during the return flight will probably exist. Difficulty. Of course, it's not an unsolvable problem, you just need to provide enough fuel."

This is also a major problem in aircraft carrier operations - on a battlefield with a range of hundreds of kilometers, a little yaw will accumulate into a huge error in the end. Fortunately, compared with the immutable sea, no matter how remote the land is, there are always a few "coordinate points" for positioning, such as woods, rivers, mountain peaks, and so on. Roland can roughly guess the other party's plan. If he is not familiar with it, he will practice more and fly more, so he will naturally know where he is.

"Don't worry, you can let them fly as long as you want." He agreed.

In this decisive battle, the Aerial Knights will be the undisputed main force, and it is precisely because of an air force that humans have the opportunity to block the Devil King City thousands of miles away.

Seeing that no one else spoke again, Roland looked around the hall for a week, and ordered in a deep voice, "Then, I announce that the plan of the sky has entered the third stage, the floating island sets sail, and the target is the Northern Territory of Fertile Land!"