Release that Witch

Chapter 1458: pioneer


Two days later, the floating island of Eleanor completed the last supply at the cliff pier, and took off to fly to the hinterland of Dawn.

It was bid farewell to the nearly 100,000 residents of Neverwinter City—people flocked to the streets, climbed the roofs, and even climbed the Desperate Mountains, just to witness this historic moment. The entire west side of the city was crowded with people, once again setting a record for the number of people working in groups.

And that's just a portion of Neverwinter's population.

Many more were busy in factories, ports and farmland, participating in expeditions in another way.

It also happened to be the same day that the total population of Border District and Changge District officially broke the one million mark, of which more than 50% came from Langxin and Yongdong. Although they are not as concerned about Neverwinter as the early migrants, they can still feel the unparalleled shock from the surging crowd and the extraordinary significance of this day.

With the sound of a neat cannon salute, the Eleanor first walked along the mountains to the Longsong Fortress, then turned to the west, drifted away, and finally disappeared from everyone's eyes.

But the high atmosphere of the residents did not stop.

The follow-up report of the "Greycastle Weekly" made the newspaper sales hit a new high. No matter in the streets, everyone's topic was inseparable from this attack. Gradually, the day of departure has a common name, and people call it the miracle day, which represents the beginning of mankind's conquest of the sky. This is also the second event to be named a miracle after the Miracle Building.

The floating island is much calmer.

After the initial freshness passed, the engineering team continued to devote themselves to intensive and orderly work.

The same is true for Aerial Knights. Except for the reconnaissance troops that are routinely released, all students have to take off at least one sortie every day to familiarize themselves with the surrounding terrain. The huge floating island, the busy take-off and landing area and the smoky furnace area form a unique spectacle with each other.

"How do you feel, can you still adapt to this new body?"

In the core area of the floating island, Roland stood at the bottom of the mine, looking at Eleanor, who was firmly bound to the divine stone pillar.

In the past month, not only did the stone pillars grow a lot bigger, but the mother body also grew many tentacles, which slid into the soil under her feet like a rooted plant. According to her, these tentacles can provide her with additional perception. , and then better control the floating island. In a sense, the floating island is the body, and the tentacles are her nerves.

"It's much better than before." Eleanor's voice was very brisk, "I can see, hear, and think, what else can I be dissatisfied with with these three points? Compared to Elena and the others, I'm already considered a Much luckier."

"Sir Sanxi, your words are serious." Pasha lowered her beard and said, "Everyone knows that if it wasn't for your active integration, none of us would have survived. Besides, you didn't even know that such a day would come. Courageous enough-"

"I'm talking about the result, not the process." Eleanor interrupted her. "I believe I wasn't the only sister who was willing to give her life for the federation at the time. I was just the first."

It seems that she is in good shape, Roland thought. He had always been worried before that a witch who had been fighting the devil for decades turned into a devil and would cause psychological problems. But looking at it now, Eleanor's mind is very mature, and she doesn't feel any trouble about her body at all.

"I know what you're thinking," Eleanor suddenly turned the subject back to him, "I'm afraid I'll fall into autism if I can't think about it? If I were left alone in the world, maybe I would still be like this. But everyone is basically the same now. Now, the prospect of war is much better than it was four hundred years ago, and there is still so much new knowledge to learn, how can I have the time to self-isolate?”

"Uh... study?"

"The Federation can become the ruler of mankind, not only by its ability. At that time, the most advanced technology and ideas were mastered by us. It is not an exaggeration to say that there are three representatives. Although the glory of the Federation is gone now, If you want to keep up with the times, you still have to learn.”

Roland couldn't help but be speechless. This familiar word was clearly learned from the witches of God's Punishment. God knows what they taught. "So what have you learned now?"

"University," Eleanor replied. "The kind that's about to graduate."

"It was Celine and Ling who were teaching Lord Eleanor before, but now it has become Lord Eleanor who is teaching them." Pasha added with a smile.

Hey, it's only been two months since she woke up, so she just finished reading the contents of the university? Roland was stunned to himself. He didn't think too much when Eleanor forced the mask back, but now he realizes that he may have underestimated the ability of dozens of minds to learn together.

"By the way, I also made a small core instrument, which may be helpful for the next battle."

Under Eleanor's gesture, Pasha rolled up a slap-sized skeleton and spread it out in the "palm", only to see it hovering leisurely, with a blue light shining in the center, like those huge magic cores.

"What's the use of this?" Roland asked curiously.

"It simulates some telekinetic abilities to affect foreign objects... such as turning the handle, pulling the trigger, etc. If you combine it with certain mechanisms and firearms, I can control them through magic." Eleanor He explained, "Although the mask strips the body's mobility, it doesn't seal the magic power - this also means that when the enemy attacks, I can use the weapon to fight in person, the principle is quite similar to the dream world. Automatic weapons station."

Roland opened his mouth in surprise.

And this is not over yet, the other party continued, "Shooting is essentially a calculation, which is what I am good at. Compared with ordinary soldiers, I can increase the hit rate of firearms within the effective range to more than 90%, The disadvantage is that it cannot be moved flexibly, it must be combined with a fixed turret, and tentacles and miniature cores must be arranged in advance. But at least in the battle of defending floating islands, these weapon stations will become extremely efficient.”

"How much can you control at the same time?"

"It depends on the number of tentacles," she paused. "I think it's at least a few hundred?"

Roland couldn't help but click his tongue when he thought of the scene of hundreds of machine gun turrets and even artillery guns accurately firing at the enemy under Eleanor's control. But this is not what he laments most, what he cares more about is Eleanor's way of combining magic and machinery. The knowledge of these two, one from the mask Nasopelle, and the other from the dream world, she not only absorbed them, but also took the initiative to merge them together! How much change could she bring to the world over time

"If it weren't for this operation without the floating island, I really don't want you to join the battlefield." Roland revealed his thoughts, "What humans lack most now is a guide in this regard."

"Oh? You're not afraid that I know far more than you?" Eleanor seemed to chuckle.

"Lord Eleanor..." Pasha seemed to want to dissuade but didn't know how to speak.

"Why should you be afraid?" Roland asked rhetorically, "It is normal for the successor to surpass the predecessor, which at least means that civilization is indeed making continuous progress. If the knowledge of human beings is limited to me, then it is really the way forward. It's dim."

"..." The other party was silent for a while before speaking again, "As far as the king is concerned, you are indeed not very qualified. But..."

"But a trusted leader."

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