Release that Witch

Chapter 1461: A person's line of defense


Among the "long whips" formed by many tracer ballistics, the 20mm cannon is undoubtedly the most conspicuous group.

Due to the higher chamber pressure, the crushed stickman stones are also brighter, and the tracer bullets are arranged much more compactly than the general aircraft, so there is almost no gap in the flight path.

The terrifying beast hit by the machine gun has no room for struggle, and being penetrated by a luminous group means that several bullets land on the body at the same time, even if it only hits the wings, the jet will tear a huge hole in the fleshy wings.

Of course, compared to the wings, it is normal for the body of the terrifying beast to be shot in the dive. Accompanied by the clumps of blood flowers, several tumbled and fell down, and the mad demons on them could only wait for the moment to collide with the earth except for the final howl.

The enemy was not intimidated by such a formation. While they used a steep descent to increase their speed, they scattered to both sides, intending to escape the shooter's tracking.

In normal times, this is undoubtedly the most effective way to do it. In the face of a target flying horizontally, the soldiers of the First Army tend to habitually enter the "rear-end" shooting. Even the most skilled team needs a few seconds to adjust the advance according to the sight.

But this time it was Eleanor who fought them.

Almost instantly, the trajectory of the fearful beast's behavior formed a new trajectory on the coordinate network. It was the solution of an infinite number of algebraic equations, and together these solutions marked the fate of the enemy.

The light curtain twists!

This is the first macro feeling of the high-level spectators.

The trajectory of the tracer is no longer straight, but turned into a curved arc due to the rapid turning of the muzzle, and these arcs are intertwined like a flower rope.

Despite the chaotic appearance, each jet has its own clear purpose. Their extension lines are unbiased, right in front of the horrific action.

If you don't understand why, you will think that it is not the bullet that has caught up with the beast, but the beast that has hit the bullet itself!

"I think Lord Eleanor must be very happy now." Phyllis said suddenly.

"Why?" Roland asked puzzled.

"In the war when Taquila fell, the first to tear apart the line of defense was the enemy's terrifying beast forces. They emerged from the airspace that we couldn't reach, and attacked the weak points of the line of defense separately. There is no guarantee that the entire city wall will be safe even if we walk away. There are fewer and fewer crossbows and trebuchets in good condition, and eventually they are torn apart by the enemy's siege beasts." She was quite emotional, "At that time, Lord Eleanor was covered in She was standing on the wall with blood, and no devils dared to take a step, but the holy city behind her was on fire."

That's what happened...

That's why she said something like four hundred years of revenge.

No matter how powerful a person is, he cannot save the holy city that has been engulfed by a flood of enemies. Looking back at this moment, there was an indescribable heaviness in her lazy tone.

Now Eleanor was once again at the forefront of the battle of divine will.

And this time behind her is the power of all mankind.

"They split up!" Dawn Morning Light Film suddenly reminded.

Through the magic curtain, I saw the head-on-head beasts suddenly separated up and down, one headed straight to the ground of the floating island, and the other flew down, as if trying to avoid the machine gun's shooting angle. Probably, after finding that conventional evasion is still ineffective, the devil no longer hopes to entangle in the air, but intends to land as soon as possible to find cover.

But Eleanor's defense will obviously not have only one layer.

After joining the battle is the inner circle of defense composed of Mark-1 heavy machine guns.

Their turrets are smaller, almost only half a meter high. Since they do not consider movement, the barrels are replaced with longer water-cooled tubes. These rotatable shooting platforms are distributed on runways, bridges, towers, etc., dealing with those Enemies trying to "jump gang battle".

The fallen madman finally launched a counterattack.

They dropped the terrifying beasts that landed under the hail of bullets, threw short spears at the turret, or shot electric lights, and an explosion sounded above the floating island!

Roland was surprised to find that their short spears were no longer a simple animal bone, but mixed with something else. The spear tip was black, and it would explode when it collided with something, and there was obvious fire and smoke. out.

The mad demon who can release electric light is also different from the one encountered by the mutual aid club, not only the ability is displayed faster, but also the distance is much farther.

Obviously this is a well-prepared elite force.

If their opponents were First Army soldiers, they might also cause a little confusion.

But unfortunately there are only cold machines in the turret.

They don't panic, they don't hesitate, and they don't stop firing as long as the momentum is constant. Even if there is one or two misfires, it will not affect the other turrets.

Of course, this is not Eleanor's final defense. The two 75mm field guns located on the diagonal of the floating island were also activated and slowly pointed to the enemy's position. Facing the take-off and landing field with a diameter of more than one kilometer, even small artillery can completely cover it.

This is the firearm war that Pasha and the others mentioned... Eleanor thought.

It wasn't a fighting style she was familiar with, but from the moment she opened fire, she fell in love with it.

From the battle until now, she is the only one who is really fighting the devil.

However, even if she was alone, the devil could not avoid her attention. To attack the weak points of the defense line and even the bottom of the floating island, she prepared four 20mm cannons and two downward-looking fortress cannons for the enemy.

This is a fortress with no dead ends.

Your tricks end here... Eleanor adjusted the gun mount slightly so that the field gun's sight was pointed directly at a devil in the center of the field who was suppressed by bullets and couldn't move. Nine is a high-level promotion.

Then she controlled the core and pulled down the firing rope



With a roar and tremor, strands of sand and gravel fell from the top of the cave.

"The First Army is firing on the island? It doesn't matter, right?" Finkin swept the dust from his hair, and looked over his head a little worriedly.

"The shelling can only damage the runway at most, and it will not have any effect on the hangar. Besides, with Miss Lian around, repairing those pits is just an easy task."

The voice was a little unfamiliar, and it seemed that he was not from a class of pilots. Goode, Finkin, and Heinz couldn't help turning their heads to look, only to find that the accomplice was the new ace among the newcomers, Manfred.

"Hello, seniors." He took the initiative to salute.

"Hey, here comes the challenger." Finkin stabbed Goode with his elbow and said in a low voice.

Goode glanced at his partner angrily, then nodded to the other party, "I think so too, I just don't know when I will be able to attack."

"It won't be long," Manfred listened with his eyes closed for a moment. "The interval between the machine guns is decreasing, indicating that the devil is no longer able to maintain the previous offensive. I think the order to counterattack will be issued soon."

"Can you hear the sound of machine guns through the rock formation?" Goode looked surprised.

"If attentively," Manfred nodded.

Finkin made a "pretentious" mouth to Heinz.

However, at this moment, Her Highness Tilly's voice suddenly came from the loudspeaker in the hangar, "All Aerial Knights board the plane immediately and prepare for battle!"