Release that Witch

Chapter 1462: The full form of the helicarrier


All high-level officials clearly saw the enemy's defeat.

Whether it is to land on the island to attack, or to go around to find a breakthrough, the devil can't make an inch. Under Eleanor's precise strikes, every minute they stay will bring huge risks. Such a high casualty rate is definitely an unacceptable thing for the Dread Beast troops.

Flying means being fast, swift, and unencumbered by terrain. Dread beasts have ruled the sky for hundreds of years and have absolute initiative on the battlefield. And now, I am afraid that they themselves did not expect that they would lose more than half of them without seeing their opponents.

Already some devils are turning around and retreating...or fleeing.

This is the opportunity for humanity.

The core goal of Plan B is to obtain the greatest results at the least cost, and the pursuit of victory has always been an excellent opportunity to expand the results. This is not a novel idea, but only the floating island of Eleanor can achieve offensive and defensive seamless switching.

This is also the most significant difference between the aircraft carrier and other aircraft carrier platforms.

Following Tilly's order, the command post immediately began to operate according to the corresponding procedures.

"The pressure injection of the pipeline is completed, and the steam pressure indicators are normal!"

"Doors Zero One and Zero Six are about to open and are now clearing the runway!"

"The ground handling report still needs five minutes to prepare."

"The first strikers are all in place!"

Due to the large longitudinal volume of the floating island, the hangar itself is equipped with a take-off runway, and is scattered in the subsurface with the warehouse as the center. Before these internal runways were opened, they were strictly isolated by several heavy protective doors, which could only be opened by steam engines.

Although the length of each runway has been greatly reduced, it is only about one-third of the ground take-off and landing field, but it is enough for a light biplane. What's more, it doesn't matter if you don't get enough initial speed, the height difference between the floating island and the ground is enough for the heavy aircraft to pull up the nose again.

"Aren't you going in person?" Roland looked at Tilly.

"This rare opportunity for actual combat, let the newcomers practice more." The latter smiled, then grabbed the microphone and said, "As soon as the hatch is opened, attack immediately, leaving no targets behind!"

Although Goode is not the first time to set out from the Cune track, but before it is only practice.

He finally understood why His Highness repeatedly emphasized the need to wear earmuffs.

More than 50 biplanes in the enclosed space start their engines at the same time, and the roar can be described as thrilling. Even if they were separated by two or three meters, the loud roar of the ground crew could only see the shape of the mouth, but could not hear the human voice.

From the moment the readiness command is issued, all communication between the Aerial Knights can only be done through flags and gestures.

He was the first to slide onto the runway and into takeoff position.

In the gushing steam, the iron gate thicker than the body of an adult slowly opened, the runway stretched forward section by section, and the gate at the end was marked with the words "Zero One".

In the absence of Her Royal Highness Tilly, he became the undisputed leader of the team.

Presumably the No. 6 gate ranked first, it should be Manfred.


He grinned slightly.

Rachel, did you see that

Before I could only look up at the nobles from a distance, now it is their turn to chase me.

Although the other party didn't show any obvious meaning, but... This kind of statement is not bad.

The ground crew pushed out a wooden frame in front of him, with huge card characters indicating the outside wind speed, temperature, and the speed of the floating island. Typically, the doors will open against the wind to allow the aircraft to gain more lift. Of course, considering that the hatches may be attacked by the enemy in wartime, it is possible that the most suitable runway for takeoff will not be activated. At this time, parameters such as wind speed are very important, and the driver needs to prepare in advance to increase the accelerator and fall.

Goode made a thumbs-up gesture toward the ground crew.

It was at this moment that the last gate finally rose upwards.

The dazzling sunlight instantly pierced the shadow at the end, gradually expanded from a gap, and finally illuminated the entire runway.

The strong wind rushed into the warehouse, dispelling the smell of oil lingering in the nose.

Headwind level 5, it's a good time to attack

The ground crew raised the green signal flag high, and then waved it down!

"The road is clear, Goode is out!" Goode shouted, pressing down on the joystick.

Skywrath started roaring and rushed towards the group of rays of light. During the acceleration process, out of the corner of his vision, he saw the workers in the warehouse lined up on both sides of the runway, waving at him vigorously.

The moment he passed through the light group, a brief white light appeared in front of him, but soon everything returned to its original shape, and the vast and boundless world suddenly appeared in his eyes. The fragrant air made him involuntarily take a deep breath.

Goode took off his earmuffs and flew towards the top of the floating island.

The tracer bullets fired from the surrounding area pointed him in the direction.

Looking at the terrifying beast fleeing at a speed of 60 kilometers per hour, he chased after him without hesitation!

Roland before the magic projection couldn't help clenching his fists.

This is what an air carrier should look like!

Huge body, rich armament, and carrier-based aircraft that can be launched at any time, just looking at it makes people emotional!

I saw one after another biplane flying out of the mountain, turning around to chase and kill the fish that were smuggling the nets. Facing the air knights who were several times faster than the fearful beasts, the situation had become one-sided.

When they blocked the God of Divine Construct in the desperate mountains, they lost dozens of planes to suppress the enemy's terrifying beast group. This time, in addition to a few drone gun towers, more than 200 terrifying beasts even No damage was done to humans.

"It's time to talk about our enemy's headache." Edith sneered. It can be seen that she has always been brooding about the arrogance of the God of Divine Construct's self-destruction to destroy mankind.

"Next, they are expected to use more troops to counterattack us," Iron Axe said solemnly, "Maybe they will also send a new high-level devil of the Maharaja level."

Roland silently recalled the information about the Maharaja. According to Vakiris, the only one who was best at attacking the fortress was the one called the Bloody Conqueror, except for the Calamity of Silence. It's just that the latter was promoted by the lord of hell and is more suitable for the ground battlefield. After all, no fearful beast can withstand its huge body.

Now that I think about it, it is really a lucky thing that the King of Devils handed over the war on the Western Front to Hykezord.

"No matter what means they take, we will accompany them to the end... but there is not much time left for them." Roland looked at the map.

The last distance of 250 kilometers has been marked with a red line, and the Eleanor has only three days left before reaching the decisive battle point.