Release that Witch

Chapter 1463: under the mask


This is all because of Hykezord's betrayal! Dear King, please let me kill it! "

In the Holy See, the bloody roar was deafening. It can be seen from the blue veins on the top of its head and the hot air from its mouth that it is really angry.

The expressions of the other monarchs were also rather gloomy.

Only Nasopelle was expressionless, and even wanted to laugh a little.

What a bunch of idiots.

It warned them early in the morning, but unfortunately, apart from Wuli, the other monarchs were skeptical that the Silent Disaster would collude with the Lord of the Vault of Heaven and take the initiative to attack it. Even after it showed the memory to the king, these monarchs only suppressed the superficial doubts, and I am afraid that they still doubt whether it has angered the other party in some way.

Just because it looks like an assembled "monster".

In the end, they did not wait for the explanations of Hykezord and Cerosaxi, but instead it was the "God of Divine Construct" of human beings.

Don't think it's too late to blame the betrayer now

"The question is where can you find it?" Wuwang didn't care about the bloody face at all, "Now Hykezord may be hidden in any corner of the spine of the continent, and the same clan in Sky City may also be forced to fall. It, in this case, without investing a lot of manpower, it is impossible to find the trace of a monarch. Besides..." It glanced at the other party coldly, "Even if you find Hykezord, don't forget that it is still beside it. There is Selakshaxi, who will kill who will not know at that time.”

"You—!" If this is not the Holy See, I am afraid the blood has already started.

"Respected king, I still don't understand..." Chaos said as he wriggled his fat body. "Have humans really found any evidence of divine will? Otherwise, in the style of the sky, how could it be possible with those humans—"

"They have all made it to this point, and you are still guessing the reason for the other party's betrayal?" Masquerade interrupted sharply, "No matter what the reason is, Hykezord has a lot of opportunities to report to the king. But in fact? It From leaving the Western Front, going to the bottomless realm to collaborating with the silent disaster, I have never contacted Wangcheng from beginning to end! Obviously, this is a long-planned betrayal! If it hadn't been for my ability to achieve a new breakthrough, I'm afraid I would have long ago Died at the hands of Serakshahi!"

The other monarchs were dumbfounded for a while.

This is a fragment of the memory extracted by Wang, and it is impossible to fake it, and Hykezord once wandered in the northern end of the Dawn Realm and was confirmed by the sentinels along the line. No matter from which point of view, it does not seem to be made in a hurry. decision.

That's right, that's right... Nasopelle raised the corner of his mouth slightly, his memory could not be faked, but he could deliberately erase part of it when transferring - and it chose to hide the clues about Vakiris, and reported to the king, It is also the body with hands and feet.

This step has proven to be very sensible. If the other monarchs discovered that their mutiny might involve the missing Vakiris, the situation would only be more complicated.

As a result, the date of obtaining the fragments of human inheritance may be extended again.

It never wanted to waste any more time.

"Masque is right, let's focus on the human floating island first, they are obviously coming for the royal city." Wuwang took the initiative to say, "The enemy is suspended in mid-air, surrounded by firearms, and It's not suitable for Bloody and Death Scar Lord. After much deliberation, I'm the only one who can stop them."

Like Abomination and Death Scar, it is promoted from Psion, but it prefers close combat compared to the mind controller who is strong in confusion and control, which can be seen from its costume-basic humanoid On the appearance of Hua, it is wrapped in a black leather coat, and there is no armor on the whole body, like a sharp blade that abandons defense.

The two pairs of corners protruding from the side of the forehead seem to be the only difference between it and humans, but Nasopelle knows that it is just a disguise. Wuwang can take the initiative to reverse the feelings of the surrounding beings. This is a more powerful mimetic ability than Qianxing. It has experienced it before. When passing by the opposite side, its consciousness autonomously regards the other person as a stone, and it does not cause a single point. vigilance.

This is a seemingly feasible candidate... Or rather, a desperate choice - if you don't have yourself, the mask thinks. The situation of a war can never be changed by assassins, and the king will not grant its request.

"No." Sure enough, the first sentence after Wang's speech was negative, and I don't know if it was an illusion, Nasopelle always felt that Wang's tone was more indifferent than before. "Killing the commander will cause confusion at most, and replacing the commander will easily expose yourself. Human beings have witches who can detect magic, and at the same time, it is not ruled out that there are a large number of forbidden magic carriers. Your success rate is only 3%, and the escape rate is less than 100. One part, it can be said to be a meaningless adventure.”

"But the other princes—"

"It is not only the monarch who can fight in the ethnic group, and the high-level ascendants should not be underestimated. The human floating island uses the stone pillars of the Western Realm, and they cannot implement the second plan like the God of Divine Construction. In the end, they still have to speak with their own strength. ."

"My king is wise!" Masquerade opened his hands and said, "In fact, I have thoroughly studied the fighting methods of the worms - those iron birds seem difficult to deal with, but they are actually fragile! As long as they dare to appear over the king's city, I will It will definitely teach them a profound lesson!"

"Even the core instrument can be taken away by bugs, how credible are your words?" Dead Mark said coldly.

"If I hadn't acted silently, how could I have lost the control of the God of Divine Construct?" Masquerade didn't even glance at it, "The Western Front campaign has proved the potential of the symbiote, and what I have to do is just It's just to expand its application range further. Even if they don't fly, they can pose a great threat to iron birds."

"Permit. But you must not take up too many front-line resources." Wang replied briefly.

"This is nature." Mask hit the railroad while it was hot, "In addition, I have a new idea - if the magic power is exported in an orderly manner, and it is released intact, we may be able to obtain some extremely powerful weapons of war. It’s just that this research needs to use the magic core, can you give me a try?”

"There are still extra cores in the royal city. You can try to verify new ideas, but you must not interfere with the core operation of the Tower of Birth."

"Follow the Holy Order!" Mask lowered his head.

The Lord of the Holy Sea gradually faded away, and the magnificent body of the King City Megalithic Tower reappeared in front of its eyes. Different from the past, there are a few more eyes above this black tower, as if they are watching the city below all the time.

That is the king.

As far as magic power is concerned, ten of them are far from enough. In the past, it would not even have the thought of looking at each other, but now...

Mask adjusted his mask, turned around and walked towards the hatchery.

… the king is only a part of the core.

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