Release that Witch

Chapter 1464: Before Dawn


As it got closer to the Devil King City, the attack on the floating island became more and more violent.

From once a day at the very beginning to once a few hours now, often before the last wave of attacks was over, the second wave appeared on the skyline.

Only after nightfall can the floating island usher in a moment of tranquility.

All unfinished projects and ground facilities have basically stopped, and the construction team has put all manpower and energy on repairing the runway. However, in the face of the tidal wave of the enemy's attack, Roland did not dare to let the Aerial Knights pursue more, which made the The pressure was all on Eleanor.

Another change is that the number of high-level devils is also increasing rapidly, including those who are known for their own strength, and those who have strange and unpredictable abilities. The ensuing loss of the drone turret further amplifies the pressure on the defense.

By the afternoon of the next day, after the enemy broke into the floating island for the first time, several high-level devils used magic blades to cut open the sealing gate, and Eleanor immediately issued an invasion alarm. The God's Punishment Witch armed to the teeth formed the second line of defense. The two sides fought in the narrow corridor. This scene was like the battlefield that the Federation had set up hundreds of years ago, but the positions of the two sides were completely reversed.

In Akalis's conception, the God's Punishment Witch is the point of the spear that pierces the devil's position and is the key to destroying the obelisk and the Matrix. Only by destroying the resisting enemies can mankind have hope of victory. In the floating island, the devil has become the attacking party, and the witches of God's Punishment only need to block their progress.

However, their strength standards have not been lowered because of this. In a sense, the witches of God's Punishment were originally nemesis cultivated against high-level enemies. The demons who have been banned can hardly get any advantage in front of a group of ancient witches who are similar to superhumans and are not afraid of pain, not to mention that they still hold guns in their hands.

Therefore, despite being at an absolute disadvantage in numbers, they still keep the enemy out of the core area.

At the same time, there were traces of devil troops on the ground, most of which were spider-shaped abnormal beasts. There were a few scattered at first, and now a small "black puddle" has been integrated.

"It's like ants waiting for a corpse." Agatha murmured while looking at the scene below the floating island, "If we fall, they will surely swarm up and tear everyone to pieces."

"More demons are still on the way, it seems that the enemy wants to surround us." Phyllis's expression was also quite solemn, "In the past, the Federation wanted to rely on an extraordinary force to completely defeat the demons, but now it seems that this idea is a bit naive already."

"Well, even without the mask and its symbiote army, this amount is not enough for the Federation to eat..." The Ice Witch closed her eyes, "We underestimate the Battle of Divine Will."

"But you at least kept hope." Roland patted her shoulder in relief. No matter what the outcome of the Witch Empire is, after mankind has experienced two complete defeats, they still keep the fire of resistance instead of giving up completely. This is not easy.

"Your Majesty!" At this time, Fei Lin came over with the latest information, "The route of the devil's floating city has changed, and it seems to have turned to our side!"

"Who is the reporter?"

"It's Miss Lightning from the expedition. She also said that the other party expanded the patrol range of the terror beasts at the same time, and she and Maisie could no longer stay nearby to monitor. In the end, Miss Lightning mentioned that there was an extremely amazing magical response below the royal city. Overflow, even she, who is not good at sensing magic power, has noticed that scorching aura."

Roland couldn't help but glance at Agatha.

"What do you think that is?"

"I don't know..." The latter shook his head, "but since the magic power has condensed to this level, it will definitely not be something simple."

"I think the same." Roland agreed.

It's amazing, isn't it

Symbiosis, high-level evolutionary mass production, God of Divine Construct... The new things that have emerged from the devil in the past hundred years are really endless. Even though they were still using ordinary bone spears at the beginning of the War of Divine Will, they have now been replaced with improved explosives, although not every madman can have it. Even if the gunpowder used is not human, it must have been inspired accordingly.

People used to say that war is the best catalyst for civilization, and it seems to be true. Roland looked at the yellow sky above the projection, God... Is this what you want to see

There is no doubt that if they continue to advance against the attack, they have no chance of winning. At this time, the floating island is like a boat against the current, and the turbulent black current is thousands of devils. If the number of enemies doubles again, there will inevitably be a large number of casualties on the island.

And judging from the powerful magic power emerging from the Devil's King City and their active approach, they should still have more than one trump card for a decisive battle.

But... He never thought about fighting each other face to face from the beginning.

The position of the floating island on the map is a little bit closer to the end of the marked red line, but since the devil is willing to take the initiative to shorten this distance, he can also save some effort.

"Inform everyone, go to the meeting room to assemble." Roland instructed Ferrin, "It's time."

Everyone in the command post put down their work and looked this way.

The room suddenly became very quiet.

"As ordered, Your Majesty." The knight raised his chest and raised his hand in a salute.

After a few minutes, the upper floors gathered in the top floor of the bridge.

The setting sun is falling into the earth little by little, the skyline is showing a blood red, and the many devil corpses lying on the landing field add a chilling color to the afterglow.

"Tonight, the enemy will enter our final strike range."

Roland looked at the attendees. They were divided into two rows around the long table. On one side were the witches, Anna, Wendy, Agatha, Phyllis... On the other side were the military commander Iron Axe, Edith, Brian, and Phylyn. … every pair of eyes is full of wordless trust. Even if the enemy was like a cloud over the sky, no one showed any signs of retreat or anxiety.

"I don't think this plan needs to be repeated anymore. From the moment it was born, you have been involved in it and witnessed the whole process of its creation from scratch." Roland said slowly, "Although it was me who proposed the plan, But it wouldn't have been a reality without everyone working together."

Even with the assistance of the Greycastle Design Bureau, he completed the full set of inspections from experimental items to in-service weapons step by step according to the process, so as not to appear in actual combat. any surprises.

"In order to minimize the chance of detection and avoid unnecessary wear and tear on the road, the fleet will depart at around 5:00 in the morning. Night flights are full of risks, but I believe Tilly can lead the Aerial Knights to do this. If all goes well , in the early morning tomorrow, there will be a new 'sun' on the horizon."

Seeing that no one in the conference room had any objection, Roland stood up and said, "Then, I announce the official launch of the Sunshine Project!" He paused, "Remember, the darkest hour is just before dawn."