Release that Witch

Chapter 1465: Tossing and turning the long night


12:00 am.

The hangar is brightly lit.

All the glowing magic stones are gathered here, in addition to providing lighting, some of them will be installed on the aircraft to supplement the lack of light sources.

In this operation, the Aerial Knights will come out in full force. More than 200 aircraft are not only all the air power of Neverwinter today, but also the hope of all mankind.

Hundreds of ground staff pushed carts between the warehouses, checking the condition of each plane, and Anna was the leader. She tied up her hair, stepped on high boots, and looked like a work attire left a very deep impression on everyone, and also made the atmosphere in the field high.

Roland was no exception—the other party's slightly greasy cheeks and sapphire-clear eyes were deeply engraved in his mind.

1:30 am.

After the inspection, the aircraft began to refuel.

All exhaust fans run at full power to reduce the amount of oil in the air.

Due to the low lighting requirements and to reduce the risk of fire, this step was arranged to be carried out in the hangar and the ground landing site at the same time.

Among them, the most eye-catching among the ground aircraft groups are the two monoplane four-engine bombers.

Although it has shrunk a lot in terms of indicators, its size is still spectacular enough. Its wingspan of over 30 meters and its dark paint make it stand out from the crowd.

The Phoenix's engine was replaced so that it could only fly on base oil, but in exchange for a reliable and mature airframe, it was because of this that the engineering department was able to grab two before the plan was implemented.

Of course, it's not just "big" that makes it stand out.

The belly that is closely guarded by the First Army and the Witch of God's Punishment also shows that it is different - although most people have not seen what the weapon with high expectations looks like, it still does not prevent them from understanding that these two A bomber will be the key to the battle.

3:00 am.

The Aerial Knights gathered for the final round of route review.

"Remember, there is nothing that can give you directions under the night. The stars in the sky will confuse your sight, and the light on the ground is the enemy's bonfire!" Tilly said loudly from the podium. "The only thing you can trust is the flashing taillights of the plane ahead! Keep your eyes open and see where your teammates are. Once you leave the floating island, you will never be able to look back!"

"If all goes well, we will arrive at the designated area at dawn. Then two bombers will drop bombs one after the other - in the process, your task is to keep the main attacker from attack, and shoot down any enemies that try to get close, no matter what. It's a terrifying beast, or a high-level devil!"

"Listen clearly, due to the time difference between the two bombings and the enormous power of the bombs, remember not to get too close to the target. In addition, no matter what the result is, the fleet must return immediately - His Majesty Roland allows failure, but does not allow the living force of human beings to be buried. In a battle. As long as the sky is ours, hope will not die!"

"Go and forge a new history of mankind - this operation, I am with you!"

"Yes, Your Highness!" Everyone shouted together.

3:50 am.

"To be honest, I'm a little nervous."

Beside the gangway of the Phoenix, Roland saw Tilly's hands trembling slightly.

This was the first time he had seen the other party show such an unsteady expression.

At this time, there is only half an hour left before the scheduled take-off time. Two hundred carrier-based aircraft in another world can also support four or five attack waves. It is necessary to take off the entire formation in advance to ensure the future. Long-range raids won't leave you too far behind.

"Are you scared?"

"Maybe..." She nodded first, then shook her head again, "but I think it's more about anticipation. Brother, do you remember our agreement? When I think that day is coming soon, I can't hold back my heart. mood."

When the Battle of Divine Will is over, Ashes will return to the world, which is also the belief that supports her fighting until now.

"Ah, I remember." Roland said softly, "But only if you come back safely can you prove that I didn't lie to you."

Tilly raised her head, "Brother, can you give me a hug?"

He slowly stretched out his hand and took the other's small body into his arms. The latter naturally fell forward, leaning his forehead on his chest - time seemed to return to a year ago, and she was crying in his arms like this .

After a while, Tilly's breathing stabilized.

"I'm off." She stepped back two steps.


She entered the cockpit, pulled down the canopy, and opened her mouth to Roland.

From the mouth, it was a "thank you".

The gangway was removed and the propellers spun.

4:20 am.

Gates 1 to 10 of the floating islands were fully opened, and the biplane formations flew away from the mothership one after another.

Sylvie closely watched the overall situation with his magic eyes, reminding those planes that might fall behind or deviated from the airspace to return to the right track - under the dark night sky, more than 200 planes circled around the Eleanor, like swarms of fireflies.

This is also the most accident-prone stage. A pilot who lacks radar guidance and night vision equipment can’t even distinguish between the sky and the land. There are too many planes taking off, and those erratic track lights will also bring confusion to the Aerial Knight. If Lightning and Maisie were not instructed by Sylvie to knock on the glass window to remind everyone before the problem occurred, it is estimated that a lot of planes would have been lost during the queue.


Roland gave the order to start the battle through the radio.

Seagull and Phoenix, as the group leaders, took the lead in turning to climb, followed by two bombers—they were given the names of "Kunpeng" and "Peace Ark" respectively, and they were also the core of the two formations.

After that is the escort group consisting of Skyfire and Skywrath. Although they belonged to two formations, they were only set up for the convenience of night flights—for this operation, no matter which bomber was crucial, there was no room for loss.

The last ones to leave were Lightning and Maisie.

The two waved goodbye to Roland in front of the podium, then turned and flew into the night. With the addition of Sha Wei, Wendy, Andrea, Sylvie and others on the Seagull, the human beings can be said to have invested all their air power in this battle.

Soon, the huge fleet was engulfed by the night and disappeared without a trace.

Roland looked at the direction where everyone was leaving, and was reluctant to leave his sight for a long time.

"Even if you never believe in gods, all you can do at this time is pray..." Nightingale sighed in a low voice.

He nodded vaguely.

This is probably the thought of all those left behind.

They have done everything they can.

What followed was a difficult and anxious wait - waiting for the moment when fate was decided.

"Fortunately, we don't have to wait too long," Anna looked at the inky skyline. "The sky... will be bright soon."