Release that Witch

Chapter 1466: Throwing from high altitude


Goode gripped the joystick tightly, staring straight ahead of the cockpit.

It's... so dark.

The sky, the clouds, the ground—he could see nothing but the constant lights. Even the taillights seem to have become illusory because of staring at them for too long.

Are you really moving

Or are they still stuck in place

Goode took off the blindfold, raised his hand and rubbed his sour eyes - only then did he notice that the gloves were already covered with stickiness.

actually sweating...

When was the last time this happened? I'm afraid it has to go back to the time of watching the ghost...

He took a deep breath and meditated on His Majesty's words at the same time.

Before dawn, the darkest...

Before Dawn…

"Come and chat, or I feel like I'm going to be suffocated."

For a moment, Goode seemed to hear his heart. But he quickly realized that it was a message sent by Finkin using the formation channel!

"Hey, it's against the discipline to chat on the radio!" Another familiar voice rang out - it was Heinz.

"His Royal Highness stipulated that radio chats should not be used during combat, because it may interfere with important information. We haven't entered the battlefield yet. Dread beasts can't fly at night." Finkin replied, "Besides, I use formations. The channel will not reach the ears of His Highness."

"..." There was a brief silence in the earphones.

"Okay, I have to admit, it's nice to hear someone talk." Another joined in. "Man, what do you want to talk about?"

"Everything is good, otherwise everyone can count them and see the taillights of several planes? To be honest, I can hardly tell which are lights and which are stars."

"That's right, you can say whatever you want."

"I can see six big ones here."

"My four."

"Then you should be on the flank of the formation, be careful to lose."

Soon the channel became lively. Obviously, this flight of not knowing where you are and where you are going is very stressful for everyone - at least the last time you walked through the clouds, you could see the clouds coming from the pavement, Returns alone even when yaw. And this time, it is not only difficult to detect his movement, but once he leaves the team, it is impossible to find Eleanor's floating island in the night with the naked eye.

Listening to the noise of his teammates, Goode unwittingly relaxed a lot.

"How, can this talk make it easier for you?"

Suddenly, the voice of Her Royal Highness the eldest princess interjected, and almost instantly, the channel became quiet.

There is no doubt that someone reported the situation on the channel to His Highness.

"Uh, Your Highness, it's all my fault—" Goode said daringly.

"No, I mean, if it works, I can chat with you for a while." Tilly didn't mean to blame at all, "But don't forget to keep an eye on your teammates, and stop causing trouble for Lightning and Maisie. "

The crowd froze for a moment, then cheered.

"Follow the order, make sure not to lose the target!"

"Your Highness, don't worry, I feel my eyes are brighter!"

"Come on, you have to talk about the Greycastle method for flattery, do you think you are an owl?"

In the roar of laughter, even the bomber crew joined the channel.

"Your Highness, this is the Kunpeng, can I ask you a question?"


"What we have in our bomb bay is the Sunshine? But why is it different from the one next door? Theirs looks big and round, while ours looks like a barrel."

Goode realized that it was definitely a matter of making a name for himself.

"Because the one of yours was made by the engineering department and used a simpler configuration. In terms of power, although it is not as powerful as the one next door, it is enough to break the enemy's first layer of defense." Tilly He explained, "But then again, His Majesty Roland seems to be unexpectedly satisfied with this result, and said it was a historical coincidence or something..."

"Your Highness, I don't quite understand..."

"It's right if you don't understand." The voice of the eldest princess suddenly became very soft, "He, he is such a strange person."

Time seems to flow faster.

Even the boundless darkness in front of him is no longer as unbearable as before.

I don't know how long it took, a surprised voice overwhelmed everyone's conversation, "Look to your right!"

Goode looked in the direction, and after a while, he noticed that there was a gray in the chaos - it was mixed between the black and black, and it was difficult for ordinary people to see the difference. But its appearance was like a dye that swayed away, changing the unchanging night sky. Affected by this gray, the sky around its edge glowed with a purplish blue.

That was the sign before dawn.

"Concentrate!" Tilly shouted, "We'll be there soon."

Meanwhile, inside the Seagull.

Through the dark night, Sylvie had already captured the approximate location of the God of Divine Construct.

In order to avoid being discovered in advance by the Thousand Eyes Demon, she limited her ability to high altitudes along the way, and only paid attention to whether the route of the aircraft group deviates. It was not until the time was approaching dawn that she carefully cast her eyes to the ground.

Facts have proved that whether it is the early route calculation or the later implementation stage, everyone has completed their tasks extremely well. In less than half a quarter of an hour, she felt the amazing magic power of the God of Divine Construct outside her field of vision.

And as the distance kept getting closer, the giant fortress, which was completely surrounded by black stone walls, finally entered her observation range.

At this moment, the huge prism floating in mid-air is in a static state—probably to save magic power, it is only a few dozen meters above the ground. And behind it, there are densely packed troops stationed, and the light length is as many as several kilometers.

Godsend opportunity.

She realized that, probably in order to allow the ground troops to keep up, the God of Divine Construct would also stop advancing after nightfall. When such a massive target is completely stationary, it is almost impossible to miss a bomb. More importantly, at this moment, the day has not yet broken, and there are almost no patrolling beasts in the outer circle, which makes their first round of attacks take the lead!

Sylvie picked up the microphone and continued to observe the enemy formation while informing the bomber crew of the target's data. Under her broad spherical vision, the overall situation of the battlefield gradually revealed: two bombers were located at an altitude of 7,000 meters at the top, which was the airspace where the terrifying beasts took a very long time to climb to. At the height of 2500 to 3000 meters in the middle, there are biplane formations, and they will build an airtight blocking net. The God of Divine Construct is less than ten kilometers away from the aircraft group, and it only takes a few minutes at most for the Kunpeng to launch the first bomb.

But at this moment, a strange high-level devil broke into her field of vision-although they were separated by such a long distance, the eyes of the two met, and the devil stopped abruptly, raised his head and stood still. air.

"It's the beholder, it has seen us!" Sylvie's heart skipped a beat, although he knew for a long time that the number of beholders to be alerted when the demons migrated would definitely not be a small number. When it really came, she still felt her heartbeat slow for half a beat.

"It's too late to find out at this time." Andrea drove to listen to the sigil and sent a message to Tilly, "The bomber is about to enter the bombing position, pay attention to avoid it."


"By the way, the devil also noticed the aircraft group." She urged with a pretense of ease.

"Really, I've been waiting for a long time." Tilly turned on the team channel immediately after speaking, "Everyone, pay attention, now turn ten degrees to the right wing, and prepare for the impact."

The vast group of biplanes immediately began to turn, and at this time the gray of the horizon had gradually changed to white, and the tone of the entire dome was still very dark, but at least it was no longer pitch black, but a dark blue that was almost black. The stars are getting dimmer and the light on the wings is getting more and more obvious.

The only one that didn't steer was the Kunpeng, which had to stay steady at all times before dropping bombs.

Different from the part-time dive-bombing Tianwu, the Kunpeng and the Peace Ark are special planes designed for bombing from the very beginning. They are equipped with bomb sights and other equipment, and the cabin also has a pressurization function, which makes it fly at a high altitude. Much larger than the average biplane.

Although the visibility at night was extremely poor, and there were thin clouds below, but with the precise data provided by Sylvie, the observation became less important. The bombardier simply calculated the next route, and then made a gesture to the captain that he could drop bombs.

"Open position, let go!"

As the control lever was pulled up, a muffled sound came from below the fuselage—the sound of the heavy projectile separating from the pylon. When the four-ton behemoth fell, the bomber jerked upwards and swayed twice before regaining its stability.

At this moment, the bomb had turned into an inconspicuous black spot, and under the pull of gravity, it accelerated towards the God of Divine Construct.

.. Wonderful Book House.