Release that Witch

Chapter 1468: Fight to the death



It took Nasopele a long time to get up from the rubble. If it hadn't prepared a reinforced body for itself, it is estimated that the tremor would have killed it.

What the hell did those bugs do!

Although a fate is nothing, it is not sure that it will complete the soul transfer under the eyes of the king, and it will not be discovered. Before he completely gains the core control, he should keep his current image as unchanged as possible, so as to reduce the vigilance of others. .

My king, are you alright...

The dome of the royal city was damaged, the magic barrier was shattered, and the recovery time was estimated to be half an hour. Wang bluntly ordered that countermeasures must be taken immediately!

What happened to the light and loud noise just now? The voice of the Bloody Conqueror is also inserted, why can I see the movement in the rear even in Anrietta

What about the eye guard? I can't get in touch with Eyewit! Wuwang was a little panicked, Mask, what did you do just now!

What did it do? A nameless fire suddenly surged in Nasopelle's heart. Don't these idiots who have no power yet understand that humans are launching an unprecedented attack on the race!

The brightness of the white light just now reached an unbelievable level, and it can actually cause damage just by looking directly. Most of its more than ten heads are now blind, even the sun can't do this.

As for the fate of those eye guards, you don't have to think about it.

For the first time, Mask did not disguise his emotions.

The eye guards are dead, look at it with your own eyes.

After it finished speaking coldly, it climbed to the nearest suspension platform, and the dome continued to collapse, falling into the vast mayfly lake. Although such damage will not threaten the Tower of Birth, since the establishment of the royal city, it has never been invaded by the enemy, which will undoubtedly cause a big blow to the psychology of the ethnic group.

Climbing to the highest point of Wangcheng, a scalding heat wave rushed towards me, and at the same time, there was an unpleasant burnt smell in the air, as if there had been a fire here.

It clearly remembered that the location where the white light first appeared was not next to the dome, but a hundred meters above the sky. Despite such a long distance, the lingering warmth is still there, which is beyond its comprehension.

Looking around, Nasopelle had a basic understanding of the overall situation.

There is no doubt that the black metal is the culprit behind it all.

Not only did it create a huge gap above the dome, it also destroyed most of the symbiote's defenses. Judging from the edge of the indented fissure, the outer shell of the city should have been crushed by some kind of force. Although the crystalline stone that builds the upper shell is far less solid than the Tower of Birth, it is protected by a magical barrier, and a missing corner is blown out with just one blow, which shows how amazing the power of that thing is.

Snow powder will never have such an effect, even if the number is increased tenfold, it will not be able to achieve the weapons used by humans. Obviously, the weapons used by humans are a new inheritance, but the ethnic group knows nothing about it!

What makes the mask even more ugly is that Iron Bird did not take advantage of the situation and attacked the ground troops in chaos, but entered the turn again, with no intention of getting closer!

This thing... is there more than one

It looked back at the tower below the crack and the surging Mayfly Lake, and it sank to the bottom.

Let all the Bogle winged beasts lift off, don't get entangled by the iron bird in front of you, go to the highest place to investigate, and report to me immediately once you find anything abnormal! Mask shouted with consciousness.

report to you? Nasopelle, are you doing something wrong? The Wangcheng Winged Beast Army is my army! No delusional tone.

If it hadn't developed a flying symbiote, it wouldn't need to say such nonsense! The mask held down the anger, listen carefully, the real main attack force of human beings is not the group of iron birds, but something else. It recalled the previous scene. Falls down and explodes at a certain height. Because of its great power, the iron bird has been hovering around the periphery. Their purpose is not to attack the God of Divine Construct, but to protect the main attacker! You have to find it quickly and destroy it, or we're done!

Finish? You mean... by humans? Wu Wei was stunned.

Come on, cut off that troop, only you can do that! Mask then turned his consciousness to the core of the ethnic group, King, please let me transfer the God of Divine Construct, we can no longer stay in place, and we will only be targeted by humans!

It thought that it would take a while to convince Wang to take the initiative to avoid humans, but Wang quickly gave instructions. You are responsible for the control of the Wangcheng for the time being. Be sure to eliminate the invaders!

Is this an inference based solely on rationality that is free from self-emotion... Masquerade bowed his head to the Tower of Birth, obey, my king.

Since the fusion of Wang and the core instrument, he has become more and more interested in it. Maybe in another hundred years, the other party will really understand its concept. It's a pity, if it wasn't for the terrifying domination of the Holy See, it might not have done so thoroughly.

The mask raised the mini core high and poured all the magic power into it.

The God of Divine Construct made a bang, then rose without warning, and flew towards the bottom of the smoke column spreading in the sky.

In the case of full takeover, it does not need to notify its subordinates, and it can make the entire royal city run according to its own wishes with only the core in its hands. The sudden movement of the floating land will undoubtedly cause certain dangers to the clansmen in the city. For example, the unlucky ghost walking on the edge of the rock wall will fall into the deep pit and smash into pieces, but this is not a problem that Nasopelle needs to consider now.

If that black bomb were to fall into the dome, the situation would be truly irreversible!

"A large number of terrifying beasts were found in the sky! Repeat, a large number of terrifying beasts were found in the sky!"

"They're coming for us!"

"This is the sixth flight team, guys, spread out and prepare to meet the enemy!"

After the morning light lit up the sky, the Aerial Knight finally no longer had to rely on the taillights to guide the direction, but not all beautiful scenery was bathed in the golden morning light. Except for the smoke cloud spreading out like a flower, a large number of black spots appeared in the public's field of vision. They poured out from the God of Divine Construct, like a flock of aggressive wild bees.

"The Ark of Peace, how is the situation now?" Tilly asked loudly.

"The calculation has been completed, and it is about to enter the bombing position."

In order to confirm the explosion before, it took the bomber a lot of time. Due to the existence of the outer shell of Devil King City, in order to exert the full power of the second implosion bomb, it must be as close to the source of the red mist as possible. Even though Sylvie calculated the new airdrop parameters at the first time, the natural error caused by the 7,000-meter high-altitude drop has exceeded the range of the gap, so the Ark crew actively lowered the height of 1,500 meters to ensure that Bombs fly into the city.

"The Ark is ready to be thrown, and the crews are prepared to prevent impact." After dozens of seconds, the report came again on the radio.

"Wait!" Sylvie interrupted suddenly, "The God of Divine Construct has begun to move!"