Release that Witch

Chapter 1469: Chaos


On the Ark of Peace, Eagle Face, who had already gripped the gate lever and was about to pull it up, retracted his hand.

"Where's the direction?"

"Nine degrees east, they're heading for the plume of smoke!"

"Instructor, what should I do next?" The main driver turned around and asked.

With the size of the God of Divine Construct, even if it moves, it cannot avoid the bombardment from the air, not to mention that the magic barrier has failed, as long as the second radiance of the sun falls near the Blackstone Pyramid, there is a high chance of destroying the obelisk. And for the crew, this is also the safest way to do it.

But he didn't board the plane for safety.

The pilots of the two bombers were selected from outstanding students, but the captain was the instructor, and the purpose was obvious. The former is the key to flying a good plane, and they are the guarantee of completing the battle.

A small success rate means that there is also a chance of failure.

And what he wants is to put aside the part of resignation and make the part that he can control to the extreme.

Regarding the possibility that the God of Divine Construct may shift between the two rounds of attacks, or even move from the beginning, the staff has also discussed many times. There is only one solution, and that is to exchange the height for the hit rate until the enemy is unavoidable.

"The altitude drops by two thousand, and the bombing route is recalculated," Eagle Face ordered without hesitation, "Wherever they go, we will follow!"

At this time, the fearful beast had already "collided" with the diving aircraft group.

Goode felt that the sky was much darker, as if the dawn had just been exposed and was engulfed by the night again, there were enemies both up and down, left and right.

The dazzling streamers of Skywrath's cannon spewed out one after another, and it was the only thing that could make him feel at ease. Aim—or just point it slightly, then fire, and any terrifying creatures in its path will be ripped to shreds. Personal skills are of little significance in the face of such a large-scale war. Even if you look at all sides, it is impossible to find every enemy coming at him.

If it wasn't for the teammates around him to cover all the way, he would have been hit by the bone spears flying everywhere.

After three rounds of long shots, Goode felt his eyes suddenly light up, and only then did he realize that he had penetrated the group of fearful beasts - when he turned his head, there was no enemy biting behind his tail.

"What are the devils doing? They don't seem to be paying attention to us." Finkin, who had been following his flank, also noticed this.

Goode drove the plane to distance, and suddenly felt bad. On the whole, only a small part of the densely packed terrifying beasts in the sky were fighting with the Aerial Knights, and the others were trying their best to climb to a higher place.

Logically, the devil shouldn't be able to spot the bomber flying above the clouds at all.

It also turns out that they did not find the target.

Although the other party is climbing, but the routes are varied, and there is a feeling of being hooded and bumping.

"Damn, the devil is looking for the Ark!" Goode yelled into the radio.

"Isn't this a good thing?" Finkin whistled, "With their flying speed, it takes a lot of work to catch the bombers. We can also take the opportunity to kill a few more to help His Highness relieve some pressure."

Having said that, Goode always felt uneasy in his heart.

"Another group of enemies rushed over!" the teammate reminded, "Let's go to the cloud first, which is more suitable for war of attrition. When the height is over 4,000 meters, it is difficult for the beast to even flap its wings. We can shave our heads. Cut off the tops they fly in the first place."

"That sounds like a good idea!"

"I'll climb up first!"

More than a dozen biplanes were pulled up one after another and flew towards the sky.

Goode did not follow.

He tuned the radio to the squad band and said to Finkin alone, "We'll stay in this airspace."

"What, stay here? If the enemy suddenly gives up the search, we will be the first to be beaten!" The old friend's question immediately came from there, "Besides, why don't we take this opportunity to expand the victory? Aren't others taking all the credit?"

"These are not the point, the important thing is the devil's actions!" Goode explained while staring at the battlefield, "You think, since they can guess the existence of the bomber, will they realize that the blow just now is actually From a humble bomb?"

"No way... The devils don't even know the existence of the Sunshine Plan, and they didn't discover our attack in advance. How could they know so clearly that it only took a few minutes from the bombing to the detonation?"

"I'm not sure, but I just think it's probably not a coincidence that the floating city moved toward the smoke column." Goode muttered. According to ordinary people's thinking, it is a dust cloud formed by an explosive object. It is too late to avoid it, so how can they take the initiative to approach it. Once the devils do it on purpose, the time the bombs fall is their last chance to fight back.

"Okay," Finkin replied helplessly after a long silence, "Since you said so, I'll trust you once. But if you lose your military exploits, you have to compensate me well."

"How about a month's Chaos Drink?"

"No, just introduce your sister to me."

"Crack." The sound of communication interruption came from the headset.

Finkin smiled and turned to fly towards Good.

Damn, these guys—how tough it is!

Wu Wang drove the flying magic stone, hurriedly avoiding the clusters of bullets that were shot at it. According to the mask, being hit by this gadget is no different from being hit with a hammer from the front, and the magic barrier can't resist it for too long. Since the Calamity of Silence has suffered from human firearms, it naturally does not intend to experience it in person.

Originally, in terms of its ability, it was easy to interfere with the perception of ordinary human beings. Even if the other party was wearing the Stone of Retaliation, it could affect the other party more or less, but it was a witch who was eyeing it.

What made Wuwang even more uncomfortable was that the witch didn't seem to have any intention of using magic to decide the outcome. She was driving a blood-red iron bird, barely getting within 900 feet of it. Although it was a shot and ran away, the opponent was not only extremely flexible in his whereabouts, but also had good accuracy, which immediately put him in a passive situation where he couldn't catch up or be thrown away.

The devil does not rely on his own magic power, but relies on foreign objects to fight, which is simply a shame in its eyes!

And there seems to be more than one such guy.

For example, the divine stone bullets shot from time to time in the clouds are obviously from the hands of witches - if it wasn't for the fact that it was particularly sensitive to hostility after being promoted, it would have been attacked by the enemy long ago.

He promised to go after humans, but he was bitten by the prey, causing him to be in a dilemma. Wuwang has never been so angry before. In the final analysis, only Hykezord, known as the "Master of the Sky", can be as flexible as the ground in the air. It has no ability, but now it can only rely on the flying magic stone to dodge left and right, it is all Nasopelle's fault. If the winged beast army were to fight directly with the enemy, how could it be pursued recklessly by this red iron bird

What is the main attack force hidden in the sky, as if he saw it.

Wuwang dodged to avoid another round of fire from the witch, looked up at the head angrily, and then couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

I saw a black giant iron bird slipping out of the smoke column. Its body is thicker than the largest Bogle winged beast. There are four driving devices hanging under a pair of wings, and other two-winged iron birds are similar to it. Than simply worth mentioning!

There is no doubt that this is the "vision" that the mask refers to—

It actually got it right.

The other winged beast troops also noticed this, and they chased after the new target according to the previous instructions. Although humans tried to stop it, in the face of the absolute disparity in numbers, the obstruction was just delaying time, and it was a matter of time before this giant iron bird was shot down.

"Okay, you're right." Wu Wang used the talisman to communicate, "My troops have found your so-called main offensive force, and I believe it will be resolved soon."

However, the mask's voice did not seem to relax at all, "What does it look like? Tell me now!"

Wuwang frowned, but still said bluntly, "It looks like a larger artificial iron bird."

"What about under its belly? Is there anything hanging there?"

Then the witch attacked again.

It's really endless! Wait until the big one has been eliminated, and soon it will be your turn! Only after Wu Wangkan dodged away, did he have the time to take a closer look—

"There's nothing under it, what are you trying to say?"

"Nothing?" Mask repeated rarely.

"That's right," Wuwang said impatiently, "I didn't see anything but a big pit."

.. Wonderful Book House.