Release that Witch

Chapter 1470: different destiny


Nasopelle only felt a chill suddenly rise behind her.

It has seen the appearance of the iron bird when it swoops and drops the bomb. Since the first round of attacks came from a large metal block, the larger iron bird discovered by Wuwang can also be completely matched. No matter when humans can make iron birds So big, at least their principles and structures should be the same.

And there is only a big pit left in the abdomen, which means that the enemy has dropped a second metal block!

So where is this thing now

Nasopelle looked up at the top of the cloud pillar while driving the royal city to change direction, but it soon gave up the useless attempt. Without the help of the eye guard, it is impossible to find the answer from the chaotic sky with only his half-blind eyes. There are traces of winged beasts fighting with iron birds everywhere on the top of the head, and those falling black spots may be iron bird fragments, stumps of Bogle winged beasts, or even primitive bodies that have lost their mounts.

In fact, it can't even see the giant black iron bird that Wuwang said. The tumbling smoke and dust has expanded to dozens of miles at this moment, forming a huge "umbrella" on the top of its head, which will inevitably form a discontinuous cover. It's basically impossible to see the big picture from below.

Did it drop anything? Or is there a black object falling at high speed nearby? Masquerade almost roared and asked.

Yes, it's everywhere. The other party's answer didn't surprise him either. If you want me to find something, you'd better describe it more clearly.

It was too late, Nasopelle realized.

What else can it do

How can I avoid this attack

One hypothesis after another surged in many heads, but they were quickly extinguished.

No... no... still no!

In the end, Masquerade found that he was helpless.

In the face of the enemy's incredible inheritance weapon, there is not much it can do. The god of creation is extremely huge, and it is impossible to change the direction in a short time. Even if it has issued an order to the core instrument to go backwards, it can be huge. The inertia is still pushing the mountain forward slowly.

Intercept incoming iron nuggets? Not to mention that the specific direction and speed of the thing are unknown, it is difficult to even issue this order. The winged beast troop has been fully dispersed, and the first target is placed on the giant iron bird. The consciousness transmission of the tower of birth can only be sensed by the high-level ascendants who can touch the world of consciousness. Thousands of primordials and ascendants in battle were notified of this imminent threat.

The only thing that the mask can hope is that those guys with only one head can be smarter and regard human weapons as "another vision" instead of letting this black iron block smash into the royal city.

The fate of the next ethnic group has nothing to do with individual will.

Sylvie bit her lip involuntarily.

Under the siege of the devil, the Ark of Peace was already billowing with thick smoke, and the nose of the Ark was dented by the enemy's impact. Although the two engines were still rotating, this could not reverse the outcome of its crash.

Around the Ark, there were a dense array of terrifying beasts. They came from all directions, and threw spears with explosive effects towards the out of control plane. The scene reminded her of vultures that divide their prey.

This is also a choice made by the crew themselves.

In order to reduce the bomb-dropping error, the Ark of Peace descended from 7,000 meters to a height of 4,000 meters. This distance is already less than the safety limit, and the calculated route almost collided with the enemy's search area. At the same time, the height of the deadly radioactive dust column Coincidence, it can be said that once the decision is made to implement, there is no turning back.

After getting the corrected parameters and calculating the results, the captain Ying Mian didn't say much to her, only two sentences.

Ark received.

Thank you, the next task is left to you.

As if it were an unusual thing.

If she doesn't tell the other party about the parameters she observes, or if she chooses a safer route...

Wendy suddenly held her hand, as if she could see her unbearable, "It's not your fault. Eagle Face is very clear about his responsibilities, and has accomplished his mission brilliantly. If it weren't for the Ark's attraction Most of the enemy's targets, the losses of the Aerial Knights are probably incalculable. Let them withdraw from the explosion area and prepare for impact."

Sylvie knew that the other party was right. Fighting on the home field where the enemy had an absolute numerical advantage, it was not easy for the Aerial Knights to persist until now. She couldn't let Eagle Face's determination be in vain.

"Yes… "

She took a deep breath, regained her spirits, and passed the news through the sigil and the radio. The aircraft groups that were instructed turned around and took advantage of their speed to leave the battlefield. It was at this moment that Sylvie saw an incredible scene. Not all the Aerial Knights were evacuating into the distance, but three Sky Wraths not only did not intend to leave, but flew towards the Devil King City!

"Hey, do you know what you're doing!" Finkin's voice barely stopped in the earphones, "This is not a drill!"

"Of course I know!" Goode also roared, and while speaking, he killed an oncoming terrifying beast with a clean long point shot, "If everyone flew out, the enemy would definitely notice the Ark's throw. The bomb. It's not that easy to change its trajectory, but God knows what will happen in the end! If you don't believe me, look at that guy, he obviously thinks the same as me!"

Goode insisted on staying in the initial attack airspace because he was worried that the devil might notice the bomb thrown from the sky and prevent it from falling into the god of creation.

The second implosion bomb weighed four tons and had a built-in God's Stone of Retribution. Whether it was spear throwing or magic stone ability, it was difficult to hurt it. But the problem is that it can only achieve the best effect when it detonates in the core area of the floating city, which is also a point repeatedly emphasized in the combat plan. It is almost impossible for the beast to take the initiative to catch up with it, but it is not afraid of 10,000. If there is a devil blocking its whereabouts, the result may be very different.

And he is the caretaker of this last journey.

Regrettably, he wasn't the only one who thought of this. Someone moved faster than him, and I'm afraid that the moment the bomb left the cabin, the other party followed.

That man was Manfred Carstein.

In fact, he also noticed Manfred's car first, and then found the round bomb from the chaotic field of vision.

The three Skywrath lined up in a triangular echelon, chasing after the bomb. The roar of the engine almost penetrated the earmuffs, and Goode could even see the stabilizer fins at the end of the bomb.

If it is the previous Tianhuo, I am afraid that it would have fallen apart under such a high-speed flight.

Fortunately, the process will not be too long. After eliminating the two terrifying beasts that were trying to approach, the huge dome crack of the God of Divine Construct is already in sight.