Release that Witch

Chapter 1471: Ignite


Goode gripped the joystick tightly, staring straight ahead without blinking.

The passage of time seemed to slow down.

At first, he could still hear the roar of the engine. Gradually, the sound was replaced by the thumping heartbeat, but it didn't take long for the heartbeat to cease to exist, and the world around him became extraordinarily quiet.

The bomb was moving away from the Skyfire a little bit, and the crack in the upper layer of the dome was getting bigger and bigger, occupying almost half of the field of vision. So far, many devils have noticed them, but in the frozen time, the other party's turn around is as slow as a snail.

He couldn't help but imagine the scene from the mission confirmation meeting before departure.

Your Highness, are the bombs thrown by the bombers really that powerful

If I fly fast enough, I should be able to leave the shock behind, right

It was Finkin who asked this question, and his inconsiderate remarks always caused everyone to laugh. To be honest, he sometimes envied this guy.

Unless you fly faster than light. The eldest princess refuted this idea mercilessly. The strong light generated when it explodes can directly bake you, and it will be too late if you want to run when you see it. Even if you are lucky enough to escape the light, the next shock wave will exceed the speed of sound in a short time, so the only safe way to avoid it is to stay far enough away. She paused here, at least for the first one.

What about the second one

If luck favors you, there may be other opportunities. But instead of praying to God, can't you push down the joystick and evacuate ahead of time

In the roar of laughter, His Highness Tilly did not go into detail, but Goode listened in his heart.

In fact, as long as you see the explosion of the first bomb, you can guess what other evasion methods the eldest princess is referring to The reason for targeting the core area of Fog Lake. And when it detonates inside, the latter's massive body becomes a natural shelter.

But there is one thing that Her Royal Highness Princess Eldest did not say right. It was not all about luck, but more about teammates.

If it was someone else, Goode would not dare to be so sure.

The captain of the Peace Ark responsible for the second round of throwing was Eagle Face.

A person who doesn't believe in luck the most.

If you are an instructor, you will definitely perform your duties to the extreme.

That's why Goode was determined to escort the last leg.

He didn't want the enemy's luck to spoil what the instructor had done.

"Hey, Goode, answer me! Are you in a daze!" Suddenly, the voice of the companion broke the stagnation of time, and the sound of wind and the roar of the engine came back to my ears again. "Bastard, if we don't leave, we will go in with the bomb. You want to drop Rachel"

"Remember that set of moves we did in practice?" Goode interrupted. "Three, two, one!"

As soon as the voice fell, Manfred, who was flying in the front, pulled up the fuselage.

He followed, pulling the joystick toward his chest.

The three planes spread out one after another, like a blooming flower, and the bud in the center is the round bomb.

The enormous force pressed him firmly on the seat, making it difficult to even breathe. The field of vision slowly turned, moving from the central crack to the outer wall of the Blackrock Tower. Even with the mobility of Skywrath, it was extremely difficult at this moment.

In the high-speed dive stage, it is absolutely impossible to directly turn to level flight, not to mention that once the bomb explodes, the entire sky will become extremely dangerous. All they can do is to try their best to adjust the angle so that the Sky Wrath can fly against the shell of the God of Construction, escape the blast through the pyramid-shaped stone wall, and at the same time trade the distance for the turning time.

It was at this moment that Goode saw a very strange devil.

Whether it is decoration or appearance, it is fundamentally different from other demons on the battlefield. The two sides are less than 50 meters away when they are closest to each other. It is not an exaggeration to say that they passed by. For a moment, he thought he would be torn to shreds by the opponent's abilities, or turned into a stone statue or something, but in the end nothing happened.

It stood there, motionless, watching itself fly by.

At the same time, the bomb rubbed the edge of the breach and fell into the dome.

Mask put down the hand holding the core high.

Luck is not on the side of the race.

In other words, when it saw the three iron birds rushing down with the black iron block, it was no longer a bet of fate.

Preparedness versus unpreparedness. Humanity has already achieved this step. If it insists on coincidences to reverse everything, it will be too underestimated by fate.

Nasopelle closed his eyes and connected to the Tower of Birth.

Wang is still giving out orders, including mobilizing the troops stationed in Anrietta, his tone is as cold as a human machine. It directly controls the core instrument and cuts off the king's communication. In a sense, doing so is equivalent to exposing its hands and feet on the magic core, but it no longer cares about this.

Wang also quickly reacted. The floating lake under his feet was surging, and the vibration of magic power was as strong as reality. I am afraid that in the sea of consciousness, Wang has already set off several ripples. As long as he has the slightest contact with the world of consciousness, it is estimated that he will resist. There will be no chance, and they will be directly pulled into the Holy See.

It is a pity that the "net" it creates has no connection with the world of consciousness.

Here is its territory.

The mask simply blocked the head that could perceive magic power, and the whole world became quiet.

At this moment, it is the Tower of Birth itself and this is the best place to feel the new heritage of mankind.

The moment he saw the metal block, Nasopelle "opened" all his arms towards the sky.

"Come on, let me take a good look"

The power of knowledge.

It failed to say the second half of the sentence, and the dazzling light engulfed it.

With a loud thunderous noise, Goode was surprised to see the black stone pyramid behind him swell in a circle, as if the outer shell was not a stone, but some kind of soft liquid!

The strong impact folded an obvious ripple on the rock wall. When it spread, the flames spewed out a large amount of smoke and dust from the crack, which instantly surpassed the dust column generated by the first explosion.

The upper layer of the pyramid was also completely disintegrated, and almost one-third of the stones were sent to the sky together.

If it was a little slower, this explosion would be enough to annihilate him all together.

But this is just the beginning.

Soon, the flames that spewed out changed to another color.

The color was almost the same as blood.

Its eruption soon overtook the plume and dyed half of the sky scarlet.

Goode noticed that it was not a red fog, but a viscous stream of fire. At this time, the God of Divine Construct was like an erupting volcano, continuously spraying the accumulated lava into the sky.

And when this stream of fire expanded to a limit, another more shocking explosion exploded!

Fog Lake is set ablaze.