Release that Witch

Chapter 1472: Fallen City


Goode swore it was the most incredible sight he had ever seen in his life.

If I have to describe it, it is a volcano floating in the air and this volcano does not only have one vent, but blooms everywhere!

After the earth-shattering explosion, not only the upper dome was swept away by the flames, but also hundreds of dark red flames spewed out from the fields around the city. He could fully imagine the interior of the God of Divine Construct: under the amazing high temperature , the red mist turned into viscous flames, like ignited grease, which further increased the temperature of the air, causing it to intensify and expand, and finally burst out of the caves and cracks near the ground!

This means that the devil has nowhere to escape, and even if they hide in a chamber that can withstand high pressure and shock, they will be baked to death by thousands of heat.

It was absolutely a hellish sight.

Even if it was an enemy, Goode had a hint of sympathy for him at the moment.

But his own situation is not much better now.

The short distance of tens of kilometers from the center to the edge of the God of Divine Construct can be regarded as a chain reaction of dangers and there is no sign of stopping. Those flames that are dozens of meters high are like sharp blades, as long as they hit a certain machine Destruction. If this is something he can resolve with skills, then the "rain of fire" falling from the sky is not something he can control at all.

The debris that was initially ejected with the explosion is now in the falling stage, either as semi-molten rocks or as burning gelatinous mass. As long as Goode raised his head, he could see the dense fires above his head. They seemed to cover the sky and the sun, and even the light of the dawn was suppressed.

"Damn, did you see the thing in the sky!" Finkin yelled from the other end.

"Nonsense, I'm not blind!"

"It's range is too exaggerated, and it's too late to fly out! If we wait for it to fall, I don't think we can escape!"

"No... huh... there is another place... huh... to avoid." At this moment, a voice suddenly appeared on the channel.

Obviously, it was Manfred who was ahead of them. Probably due to the different directions of dispersal, there are obstacles blocking each other, and his communication seems a little vague.

"Agreed, but only if we get there in time!" Goode replied.

"Wait...Aren't you serious?" Finkin quickly reacted, "This thing is about to crash, do you still want to take it for shelter?"

He knew that his companion was right. In fact, when the second explosion occurred, Goode knew in his heart that His Majesty's plan had taken effect.

The God of Divine Construct is obviously pouring little by little. Although it is still suspended in the air about 100 meters above the ground, this change undoubtedly shows that the magic core that controls the floating city has been destroyed, and the fall is only a matter of time.

If they can fly under the base of the God of Divine Construct before the fire rain falls, they can avoid the fate of being affected by the eruption. Considering the constantly falling floating land, doing so is also very risky. Once you don’t control the direction and speed, you will either fall directly into the ground or hit the black stone wall, and you will end up no better than being hit directly by the fire rain. where to go.

But the former at least do not have to resign!

At this moment, the plane finally turned into a state of level flight, and Goode increased the throttle to the maximum and rushed towards the edge of the god of creation!

On the Seagull, Sylvie saw the destruction of the Devil King City.

The violently expanding red mist not only sprayed out along the city dome, but also rushed through the gate at the bottom of the tower below. The flamethrower generally scorched the ground, and the spread was several kilometers away.

Then came the rain of falling rocks, most of them covered in flames or flushed red, falling one after another to the ground. The terrifying beast that protected the royal city was almost wiped out, and no matter which direction it fled, it was difficult to avoid this punishment.

The Devil's Camp, which was still some distance away from the King City, was also severely affected, but after all, they were located on the edge of the eruption. Although the troops that retreated from the beginning were not unscathed, they would not be wiped out. I am afraid that for them, it is the truly unbearable blow that the creation that was once regarded as a miracle has now become a living city of fire.

At least Sylvie saw quite a few demons stunned and motionless, watching the Blackrock Spire press on them.

After two explosions, the God of Divine Construct was completely paralyzed.

It dragged the two flames that erupted up and down and sank all the way along the original path. After a quarter of an hour, the top of the giant pyramid below was the first to touch the ground. The waves even formed a circle of small shock waves.

Under the action of inertia, the floating land continued to slide forward, grinding the camps and outposts under it into powder. When it slowly stopped, a ditch thousands of meters wide was drawn behind it.

The gushing flames also weakened at this moment, and the tumbling smoke and dust had a certain restraining effect, but that did not mean that it would subside. Now the interior of the God of Divine Construct is like a scalding furnace. This can be seen from the red cracks on the surface of the earth. Maybe this fire will burn for several months before it can truly be extinguished. Before that, those living in The devil in the city will become its fuel.

The only thing Sylvie cares about now is the three people who rushed under the God of Divine Construct.

"...How, did you see anything?" Her Royal Highness Tilly was also asking about their whereabouts.

"No, I haven't found out yet..." She bit her lip and replied. The God of Divine Construct has experienced overturning, falling, and sliding, so you can imagine the risks that accompany you all the way. The Eyes noticed a few inconspicuous black spots, which looked like rubble rolled up by the air waves, but never landed.

Sylvie mobilized the last magic power and zoomed in on the field of vision, and saw three gray-white biplanes rushing out of the billowing smoke, and the logo of the tower spear on the tail was particularly clear! Although each plane looked tattered, with a layer of dust on the wings, and the skin was no longer smooth and intact, at least the fuselage was still intact.

She couldn't speak for a while, as if something was blocking her chest.

After sniffing, Sylvie picked up the talisman and replied, "His Royal Highness... those three people are all right."

"Really?" Tilly's tone suddenly relaxed a lot, "I knew it."

"If you really know, you won't keep asking." Andrea secretly pouted.

Wendy smiled and shook her head, "Then tell everyone to return, and let us bring the news of the victory back to His Majesty Roland!"