Release that Witch

Chapter 1477: agent


"What did Nana say?"

Nightingale walked into Roland's bedroom and asked Anna who was standing beside the bed.

"I can't find any problems... breathing, heartbeat, body temperature are stable, just like falling asleep, just... "

Just can't wake up.

Nightingale was silent. No one thought last night that the banquet that was supposed to celebrate victory would end in this way. At that time, Anna reacted immediately. First, she asked her guards and the witch of God's Punishment to block the area, and then called Tilly, Wendy, Iron Axe and others. In the face of such surprising news, she is the only one who can be orderly.

Unfortunately, these measures did not change the status quo of Roland's coma.

"The Seagull has just taken off, and its destination is Dawn's Radiance City." Nightingale changed the subject, "If Lightning delivers the message in time, it will be able to bring Suntwilight back to the floating island in about three days."

"Well, this time should be too late." Anna nodded.

Roland is not the body of God's punishment. In the case of being unable to eat, he must rely on the symbiotic seed of the sunset to maintain his life. The pick-up and drop-off location is also in Radiance City to save time. If Lightning and Maisie act together, they are much faster than gliders, which gives Neverwinter enough time to recall Sun and Twilight first, and then send them to the Dawn Royal Capital to join them.

And that was Anna's idea.

If I have to say that there is luck in misfortune, it is not the first time they have encountered such a thing. After the previous battle with Jiero of the Church, Roland also had a long drowsiness, and his symptoms were exactly the same as at the moment.

That drowsiness made him connect with the world of consciousness and created a huge dream world, and this time is probably also related to the legendary source of magic.

"What should we do next?" Nightingale asked involuntarily.

At present, only the high-level officials of various departments on the floating island know the news. If they return to Neverwinter City, they will not be able to keep it secret. Once the news spreads, it will take a lot of work just to stabilize the situation, which will not only greatly delay the progress of the plan, but also add new variables to the devil and Tianhaijie.

But going to the bottomless realm as planned is a great adventure. After all, only Roland is connected to the world of consciousness. If he never wakes up, the dilemma will only get worse.

Except for Anna, she didn't know who else could make this choice.

Anna quietly stared at Roland lying on the bed, as if she had forgotten everything around her. After a long time, she spoke slowly.

"Keep going as planned."

Although the voice was soft, there was no hesitation.

"If it was him... I would definitely say so. The sacrifice of many people has brought this rare opportunity, even if the future is uncertain, we must try it. If we turn back here, there is no guarantee that Roland will wake up, but he has already been captured. The Tianhaijie in the Blackstone Territory will never wait for us in the same place. While he is always in a coma, we may never be able to launch a new expedition."

As expected of Anna... Nightingale couldn't help thinking to herself. To be honest, she is also more inclined to go to the bottomless realm. Since Roland's coma is most likely related to the world of consciousness, then compared to the source of magic and Neverwinter, the former is obviously more likely to solve the problem. But the truth is the truth, the choice is to shoulder the responsibility, even if other people know this, they may not be able to put aside the more conservative approach and choose to move forward.

What's more, the other party didn't even have any hesitation and confusion.

Just when she was about to say something, Tilly pushed the door and walked into the house.

The latter's expression was a little solemn, "Hykezord is here."

The bottom layer of the floating island, the core area of the God Stone Pillar.

"I didn't expect that one day I would install mayflies in the human territory." The Vault of Heaven Lord put the filled gas tank back into his body and took a deep breath, "It tastes pretty good."

I didn't expect that I could actually tolerate two devils standing in front of me. Eleanor stared at the two of them coldly, and when I thought about the opportunity to avenge the Federation after hundreds of years, I couldn't hold back the urge.

"First of all, we have spent most of our time in Blackrock Territory and have not participated in the conquest of the Fertile Plains. Second, doing so will not do you, the Federation, or humanity any good, so you should not take too much anger at Us." Hykezord spread his hands.

Silence Disaster glanced at it, "If you shut up, she won't have impulses."

Get ready and go out, the person you're looking for has already arrived.

Leaving the closed Mayfly Pond and walking into another empty cave, Hykezord couldn't help frowning.

It saw many people, including witches, carriers, and human soldiers in uniform, but there was only no King of Greycastle, Roland.

"What does this mean?" it asked in a low voice.

At a time when the God of Divine Construct had just fallen and mankind had won a great victory, these questioning words instantly made the atmosphere of the scene tense.

"I'm Anna, Roland's wife, the queen of Greycastle." Anna crossed the crowd and walked step by step to Hykezord. The height difference between the two was more than double, and it was even more obvious when they looked at each other. "His Majesty Roland suddenly There is an accident, and I can't see you for the time being."

Then she briefly explained Roland's coma and his relationship with the world of consciousness.

Hykezord first showed a surprised look, and then his face became more and more difficult to look.

"So, the person who made an agreement with my family no longer exists?"

"First of all, I have to correct your statement," Anna said vigorously, "Roland was only in a coma and did not encounter any danger to his life. Secondly, we all know what the agreement is, and even if he does not wake up, I will execute it on my behalf. !"

"Little guy, do you know what you're talking about?" The Vault of Heaven Lord laughed angrily, "That's something that can only be done by those chosen by divine envoys. You can't even enter the world of consciousness, yet you still want to replace him. ?Damn... Vakiris is wrong, if this is a counterattack from the gods, then everything will be over"

"No, you're wrong." Anna interrupted, "I don't need to enter the world of consciousness, because Roland is in the dream world at the moment, he will move towards the goal no matter what, and what I do is another part." She paused, "I will let the floating island continue to sail to the bottomless realm, and at the same time dispatch support from Graycastle to ensure that the plan can proceed smoothly. Of course, this requires your assistance."

"what a joke"

"This is not a joke, but the only way to deal with the crisis!" She said without giving up, "The agreement will not be terminated or voided. From another point of view, Roland has reached the bottomless realm ahead of schedule. All you have to do is catch up, otherwise you will be out of the question of getting rid of the divine will and continuing the race!"

"Oh, it sounds good." Hykezord sneered, "The operation of a kingdom is not an easy task. I understand the meaning of the King of Greycastle to your human beings, and I also understand the temptation of power to human beings. Now He's gone, do you think you can control all of this instead of messing up the whole system?" It looked at the person behind Anna, "Let a little girl in her twenties become the deputy ruler of Greycastle... you guys Couldn't there be a better candidate? Or are you naive enough to think that she can just be..."

Halfway through, the voice of the Vault of Heaven Lord gradually decreased.

It sees all eyes on itself, and although no one answers its questions, sometimes silence is an answer.

The girl in front of her could represent humanity.