Release that Witch

Chapter 1478: The change of Yunxiao City


Hykezord finally chose to cooperate.

Although as long as you think rationally, it is not difficult to find out that this is the most reasonable way, but when you saw the devil being persuaded by a young witch and retracted his opinion, everyone still felt their chests swell and heat, and could not help but slightly Raised his head.

The only requirement of the Vault of Heaven Lord is to confirm that the situation is really as Anna said, which has also been approved by her.

Under the guards of God's Punishment Witch, Hykezord and Cerro Shaxi saw Roland lying on the bed. The beam of light on his body was still magnificent, covering almost half of the floating island.

"If it was earlier in the first half of the year, I would be very happy to see this scene." Hykezord took the colorful magic stone into his arms and sighed slightly, "Have you tried connecting to the dream world?"

"Of course, but it didn't work." Phyllis answered it. "Our souls are no longer received in that world, and the companions who entered earlier also fell into a stupor. This made it impossible for us to pass any information to the The connection between His Majesty Roland's two worlds has now been severed."

"On the bright side, he has at least two witches to accompany him." Hykezord shrugged, and then said to Anna, "The Western Front Plan is a plan that has lasted for nearly a hundred years. The so-called red fog is transported from the Black Stone Domain to the Human Territory. It not only includes a tower of birth, but also a passage hidden in the mountains. The exit of this passage is only one mountain away from the north of Everwinter, so Sending your support troops to the bottomless doesn't require me to go back and forth, and if you're willing to take the risk, I can help you open this twisted door."

"That's good." Anna nodded. "I believe that if the disaster of silence escorts you along the way, your people shouldn't care too much about us taking this shortcut."

It is undoubtedly a very bold proposal to let the Devil Lord suppress other devils who are just around the corner. Others couldn't help but squeeze their sweat, but Hykezord chuckled lightly.

"Funny little girl. I'm fine with it, as long as it promises."

Cerro Shaxi took off his hideous black iron helmet, revealing a long hair that did not match his appearance. His very feminine face surprised those who had never seen its true face for a while. It looked at Anna for a while before saying, "I have the conditions. When you take Roland to the bottomless realm, I will also go in together."

"Is it because of the Nightmare Monarch?" Anna asked bluntly.

Cerro Shaxi did not answer.

"I promise you." She finally said solemnly.

After getting a positive answer, Silent Disaster put on his helmet again and walked out of the bedroom first.

Clearly, it has no specific plans to talk about after the intervention.

Hykezord seems to have long been accustomed to the other party's behavior, "Let's talk about how to get to the foggy island occupied by the Sky Sea Territory next."

Not long after arriving at the base, Roland and Vakiris were invited into a hall by the receptionist.

There have been many colleagues in the hall, but most of them are concentrated in the back half, and he was directly guided to the front row. The people sitting next to him are quite familiar. He is a genius in the star martial arts family. Fei language is cold.

When he learned that he couldn't leave the dream world, Roland was more calm than he expected.

If it was in Neverwinter City, he would probably still have some concerns, but now that the Devil King City, the biggest threat to mankind, has been overturned, the floating island controlled by Eleanor is another place where information is isolated. It is difficult to cause too many adverse effects. Just hurry up and get rid of this secret messenger.

The three simply said hello. Although there were only a few words, Roland still noticed that Vakiris treated Fei Yuhan much better than himself.

When did the Devil Lord and the star martial artist get so close

Obviously he has been serving Peninsula coffee.

Half an hour later, the guard rock walked into the hall.

"Everyone, we are in trouble." His opening remarks suddenly made everyone quiet.

Then Rock pressed the control pen in his hand, and several photos were projected onto the curtain wall behind him.

Seeing the content in the photo, everyone invariably took a breath.

I saw several bright red voids appearing in the city streets. Their shapes were large and small. The large ones almost cut off a building in the middle, and the small ones almost covered a car. Martial Daoists are no strangers to such things, and it is this phenomenon called "erosion" that destroys Prismatic City.

Clearly, those inhabitants within the void's confines are beyond rescue, but this is far from the worst.

In the photo, there are many figures of fallen demons, they are gathered around the hollow, as if they want to plunge into the scarlet nothingness.

"Sacrifice." Fei Yuhan whispered.

"I guess so." Roland nodded. He had not seen such a scene before when the enemy used a large number of cores to cause erosion and summon pure magic monsters. Now it's just skipping the middle step.

Now that the city where they live is still calm, it is obvious where the problem is.

"These are photos from around Yunxiao City, which is currently in a state of extreme chaos." Rock said solemnly, "No one knows where they came from, and no one knows what the situation at the headquarters is like. , there are fleeing cars and people everywhere, and even the Martial Daoist who sent these photos back, I am afraid they are already in a bad way." He paused, "This is a war started by the fallen demons, we must act immediately. Get up and support Yunxiao City!"

Having said that, the guard gave Roland a special look.

"Considering the urgency of time, the specific task arrangement will be explained by a special person after everyone arrives at the destination. Thirty minutes later, the transport plane will arrive at the association's station, and then everyone will set off immediately. This operation must not be delayed. The best chance for your abilities.”

After the convocation ended in a hurry, the other party left him alone, "Mr. Roland... We are a step too late after all."

Since he demonstrated the power of absorbing cores, the high-level officials of Prism City have considered handing over the cores stored by other branches to him. In fact, many branches have done so, but as an association The central location of the company has never given a positive answer. I didn't expect to receive news this time, but it was a bad news.

Roland thought for a while, then slowly shook his head, "Maybe we were late from the beginning."

Panshi was stunned for a while before he understood what he was referring to, and he couldn't help but change his face, "How is it possible? Not only are there several guards in Yunxiao City, but the president also talked to me on the phone not long ago."

"Besides that, I can't think of a reason why so many fallen demons suddenly appeared: so many cores of the power of nature, only Cloud City can provide." Roland replied. "The red light suddenly appeared from the top of Yunxiao City, and the enemies flooded the streets together. Coupled with the sudden opening of erosion, this is not something that can be done in a short time. Thinking about it now, it is not difficult to find that after they captured Prism City There is no new movement for a long time, and it is unreasonable in itself."

"..." Rock was speechless for a moment.

"So the president who is on the phone with you is either a dead person..." Roland said word by word, "or it is the angel himself."