Release that Witch

Chapter 1479: straight to the core


Of course, "he" may also be an illusion, a puppet, or something else, but the essence is the same. I am afraid that Yunxiao City has been invaded by a divine envoy a long time ago.

"That's a mountain fortress with tens of thousands of people..." Rock murmured. It is not difficult to destroy something by means of divine envoys, after all, they can tear apart cracks and create erosion. But the invasion was completed under the eyes of tens of thousands of people, but no one noticed in the end. This kind of ability is a bit incredible.

"I also hope that I guessed wrong, but this is the most reasonable conclusion." Roland sighed.

The dream world has relatively independent rules, so that the envoys cannot exert their full strength. Whatever they want to do, they need the support of magic.

And the places where there are relatively more cores of Demon Fallen are stored, only Prism City and Yunxiao City.

The divine envoys chose to appear from the underground of Prism City at first, but now it seems that they are outsiders by no means accidental, and it is not that they know nothing about this world.

Perhaps since the destruction of Prism City, the other party has already set his sights on the headquarters of the association. As for the angels who stayed there, apart from looking for opportunities to assassinate Jiero, the rest is just a cover.

"There's no point in worrying here, you'll know when you go there." Roland pressed the guard's shoulder, "Remember what I said? Now both worlds are fighting against the gods, and the association has acted for God's will. War has made many contributions, and now it is my turn to reward you."

"Mr. Roland..."

"Call me next."

Under the solemn gaze of the rock, Roland walked out of the hall.

Fei Yuhan and Vakiris were waiting for him outside.

The former is not surprising. As a new generation with extraordinary strength in the association, she will definitely be there wherever the most dangerous place is. But the latter is rather strange. He doesn't think Vakiris will have any feelings for the dream world, let alone fight to defend it. According to the practice of ordinary people, it should be to find an inconspicuous place to fish.

The repeated defeats of divine envoys does not mean that they are not a threat. Even within the framework of the dream world, they can easily kill a martial artist. Vakiris is no longer the Nightmare Monarch of the past. It is not much different from ordinary martial artists who have lost the ability of magic stone. Going to Yunxiao City must be dangerous.

"You don't have to show such a strange look," Vakiris said in a sullen voice, "I just want to confirm what the gods and messengers you often talk about look like. If it was you, it wouldn't be wrong. Such an opportunity is indifferent, right?"

Roland shrugged, "...That's right."

During the conversation, the roar of the helicopter came from far away from the camp and it was time to set off.

What followed was a day and a half of running around.

They will be transferred to the airport by helicopter, and then take a special plane to their destination. Finally, after a simple grouping and assignment of tasks, they will be sent to the combat area by military helicopters.

It can be seen that the government's disaster emergency response mechanism has been fully activated, and the crowded traffic does not appear until it is 100 kilometers away from Yunxiao City, and the order of the refugees is also controlled by the disaster relief army, and there is no complete chaos.

Vakiris has been staring out of the window from the moment of takeoff, and even asked to change to the position by the window after getting on the special plane, obviously full of curiosity about this first experience.

"Except for the noise, the speed is not bad, at least faster than me." After a long time, it sighed, "Humans do have a unique ability to study the laws of the world."

"You can fly too?" Fei Yuhan asked with great interest.

"Unless limited by magic power and size, most ascendants will choose to fuse a magic stone with fast movement ability, which naturally includes flying."

"How, now you know the potential of human beings?" Roland did not forget to boast.

"Unfortunately... there is no trace of magic on it." Vakiris shrugged.

"Why do you say that?" Fei Yuhan asked inexplicably, "If the plane needs magic power to use it, then only Martial Daoists like us can control it."

"No, I mean, you can create such sophisticated instruments without using magic, what about adding magic power?" Vakiris said slowly, "I've been thinking about gods. Is this the difference between us and us? After all, magic is also one of the rules of the world."

Roland raised his brows in surprise. He was worthy of being the Nightmare Monarch. In less than half a year since he came to the dream world, he has already used scientific thinking to understand things.

Nor is it necessarily true that longevity is a hindrance to civilization, it seems.

The key is what kind of people the longevity is.

By noon the next day, Roland had already seen Yunxiao City standing on the top of the mountain.

The city below the mountain was full of thick smoke, and from time to time there were explosions. It was obvious that martial artists from all over the world were fighting against the fallen demons. Compared with the orderly evacuation of the team, this place is more like a real battlefield.

They probably didn't even think that the enemy would one day storm the streets in droves.

And the task assigned to Roland is very clear, that is to go straight to the center of the incident, the headquarters of the association.

The helicopter transported the group directly to the assembly point halfway up the mountain, where more than 20 martial artists from other branches were already waiting for his arrival.

Probably because they had been warned in advance, everyone did not greet each other or question Roland's identity. After a few simple conversations, the basic route and division of labor were confirmed. Compared with the first joint extermination operation, this time it was obvious that all the elites of the actual combat faction came here, not only with tacit understanding, but also with a high degree of discipline.

The structure of Yunxiao City is exactly the opposite of that of Prism City. Since the erosion of this place appeared in mid-air, the association built a high tower and wrapped it in it. It's just that considering the evacuation and rescue issues, there is a hidden passage below the tower connecting to the top of the tower. As long as you know the route, you can avoid the fallen demons wandering on the top of the mountain.

Under the guidance of the headquarters guide, the commando encountered almost no obstacles, and the few fallen demons that occasionally encountered were quickly resolved in a silent process, without even needing Roland to do it.

Soon, the group arrived at the top-floor isolation room where the core was stored.

It was a huge room like a barrel, and the metal walls contained the corrupted cores the headquarters had collected so far. In the center of the room is a platform that can move up and down, and two robotic arms that grab the core. In terms of spectacle, Yunxiao City is not much worse than Prism City at all.

The figure standing in the center of the platform is the president of the Martial Daoist Association.

However, when "he" turned around, he gradually turned into another person. The transformation was not completed in the blink of an eye, but gradually reorganized his facial features at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his height also decreased a lot. The appearance of a strange woman.

"I'm Epsilon, the divine envoy." She said calmly, "Roland, I've been waiting for you for a long time."

It is never a good thing to be waited by the enemy, which means that everyone is likely to be in a trap, but unexpectedly, Roland did not hear any movement from the others.

If it was Fei Yuhan, he should have drawn his sword and ready to go.

He glanced slightly to the side, and his heart sank.

There was nothing around him, no one was there.