Release that Witch

Chapter 1480: deadline


"Don't worry about your buddies, they just went somewhere else."

The envoy seemed to see his doubts and said actively.


"Yes, this is also one of my abilities. It creates illusions and induces illusions, which can make the conscious body go to death without realizing it." Epsilon explained, "Of course, I didn't really do this. It's just to make them take one or two wrong turns. At this moment, in their perspective, I am afraid that they are fighting with you, and the powerful fallen demon who came to intercept them is inseparable. "

"Are you trying to tell me they're actually safe?"

She nodded directly, "More than that, I have arranged a happy ending for your partner. The fallen demon and the angel will eventually be defeated, and the vision and erosion will disappear. They will fight in the battle. Tired and exhausted, but at least I can laugh and lean against the wall and enjoy the joy of winning."

He waved his fists and feet at the empty room until all his strength was exhausted, and then lied down with a smile. When this scene came to Roland's mind, he only felt that the cold hairs on his back stood up.

He doesn't know about the others, but he still knows Fei Yuhan and Vakiris very well. They are not only extraordinary in will, but also very sensitive in their temperaments. He didn't expect that in front of Ipsylon's ability, there was no resistance at all.

No... Not to mention those two people, even he didn't realize that something was wrong. According to past experience, the ability of the divine envoy should be ineffective against him.

Thinking of this, Roland's vigilance suddenly increased.

"and then?"

"There will be no afters. The whole world will end, whether in the realm of consciousness or beyond, it will start anew. But compared to reality, they will at least disappear in joy and feel no pain, this is It's my kindness"

Before the other party could finish speaking, Roland moved.

He jumped up in one step, crossed the nearly 20-meter gap between the passage and the platform, flew towards the envoy, and then clenched his fists! He suddenly launched an attack while the enemy was gushing, this move has been verified by him many times!

The surging power in the body responded to his will. With a loud bang, a shock wave swept across the platform, and the guardrails, operating instruments and mechanical arms erected above cracked in response. They rolled and fell to the bottom of the storage room, making a continuous sound. Incessantly muffled.

Even Roland was shocked by the power of this blow.

He only knew that absorbing those magic cores would strengthen himself, but he didn't expect that his body had already reached this level before he knew it.

However, there was no expected touch in front of the fist.

Epsilon seemed to dissipate like a bubble and reappeared behind him.

"How does it feel to be stronger? The greeting gift I sent to you should be useful, right?"

Roland was stunned at first, and then quickly realized the true meaning of her words.

"Wait, did you send that astrolabe?"

He once asked the association to trace the source of the mail, but in the end he found nothing. Both the identity system and the monitoring showed that the sender only existed at that moment. Whether he checked forward or backward, the other party seemed to have disappeared. . Now that I think of Ipsilon's abilities, everything makes sense.

"It's called Gamma, and it's also an angel."

Epsilon said calmly, as if discussing not his accomplice, but an unrelated "thing".

Roland was stunned for the first time. After he was sure that he heard it right, he asked incredulously, "...Why?"

"Because I want to know the answer, an answer that only gods know." Her voice was a little dazed, "Now you understand? I have no hostility towards you. If you want to go to the realm of the gods, you must use the dream world to achieve it. In this In terms of goals, we at least have the same goal."

The turning point was too abrupt, and Roland didn't know what to take for a while.

"You don't believe it? The world won't lie to you." Epsilon spread his hands and said, "I didn't call a rift to isolate you from the world like Delta did, but you still haven't been able to see through my illusion. It is the evidence. It is precisely because I am not hostile that the dream has no ability to exclude me."

"...Are you actually from Lan's side?"

This was the only possibility Roland could think of. After all, Lan had said that there was more than one angel who betrayed him.

"I don't know how she explained it to you, so I can't answer this question accurately." Ypsilon stretched out two fingers, "If you're asking if I'm on the same side as her, then the conclusion is" no". Before I came here, I had no memory of Lan, and even in Prism City, I killed her with my own hands. "

Roland couldn't help frowning.

"Or you're asking if she and I have a common goal," she said, putting down a finger, "and the conclusion is also no. I did this just from my own thoughts. It has nothing to do with her. You can understand that I am helping you. "

"Is the way to help me destroy the world?" Roland sneered.

"You're wrong, it's not me, but the gods who destroyed the world." Ipsilon shook his head, "In order to avoid your misunderstanding, I'll just say it straight. You should have noticed the changes outside. The barrier covering the sky can Temporarily stop the expansion of the dream world, lest it touch the realm of the gods too early, otherwise even if the gods are still alive, the gods will not hesitate to destroy everything that has accumulated so far. In fact, you have absorbed too many magic cores recently, and you have already It's only a ray away from the edge. If I'm not mistaken, Lan should have come to monitor the expansion of your dreams, but she died at my hands, so no one tells you exactly what counts as "simultaneous" Reach the source of magic. "

She even knows this!

"But this barrier also prevents me from communicating with the outside world. Can you still control the real world?"

"No. But at least I know that you have already opened the way to the bottomless realm, and it is only a matter of time." Ipsilon said slowly, "You should be able to guess the channel I obtained the information is right, The content of your conversations with the Martial Arts Association and the Greycastle Design Bureau will be submitted to the headquarters in the form of a report, that is, in my hands.”

And those contents included the Sunshine Plan, as well as the feedback on the use of various weapons... Roland suddenly realized that it was convenient to use these fragments to piece together the picture of the entire external world.

"Haven't you considered that my coma might cause an accident?"

"This is also one of the unknown factors, but I have no better way. Only when you enter the realm of consciousness, this world will be activated, so it will inevitably trap you in it." Ipsilon replied patiently, "Fortunately, you and I don't have to wait here forever. The realm after isolation can adjust the flow of time on its own. As long as you want, it's no problem to blink an eye for a day."

Roland opened his eyes wide and didn't dare to close them for a moment, for fear that when he woke up again, hundreds of years had passed outside.

"Don't worry, what you're worried about won't happen," she raised the corners of her mouth and smiled for the first time, "The barrier needs to be maintained by magic, even if all the cores stored here are exhausted, it is only one time in the outside world. It's only half a month... and that's the deadline." .