Release that Witch

Chapter 1483: Final battle horn


It wasn't just the sailors on the Flying Spur that others on the dock noticed this incredible fleet.

The port was eerily quiet for a while.

If it weren't for the flying Graycastle flag at the top of the mast, and someone on board waving to them, I'm afraid everyone would immediately drop the cargo in their hands, turn around and flee!

Even the legendary ghost ship will only appear in the foggy ocean. How can there be such a grand way of passing in front of everyone in broad daylight

After more than half an hour, the incredible door disappeared, and only the back of the fleet was left on the sea.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, I'm afraid no one would believe that they suddenly appeared from the empty sea.

"Alright, alright, let's go to work!"

"Boss, what is that..."

"Your Majesty's secret fleet, you better know less about it!"

After coaxing and coaxing the sailor over, White couldn't help wiping the sweat from his forehead.

He decided to restrain himself in the future to avoid such an accident. Although he had similar feelings before, this time he confirmed his opinion: the King of Greycastle had tossed this world into a world that was very different from the one he was familiar with in the past. .

With the assistance of the Vault of Heaven Lord, Graycastle completed the mobilization of the army to the northern part of the spine of the continent at an astonishing speed. In just one week, more than 100,000 people migrated from one end of the continent to the other. Among them, the regular army was about 20,000. Ordnance supplies and food are more than enough to support a month's consumption.

This is definitely not an easy thing to do. In order to maximize the efficiency of the Twisted Gate, Iron Axe personally rushed to Neverwinter to organize the preparatory work. Delivered to those Blackrock storage towers that have not yet been destroyed, built within the heart of the Wolves of Eternal Winter.

At the same time, in order to supplement Hykezord's magic power, Speer and Ye Ye and others almost accompanied them all the way, so that the former didn't even have time to take a breath. The continuous Twisted Gate, coupled with the Executive Office's strong executive power, enabled this transcontinental transfer to be realized quickly.

Although many soldiers of the First Army were amazed at the Lord of the Sky and the devil in the spine passage of the mainland, the leadership of Iron Axe made these doubts not turn into problems, and the team gradually rose up "the devil has turned to ashes" The King of the Fort surrenders and swears allegiance". Of course... Hykezord, who had been notified in advance, could only turn a blind eye to this, pretending that he had never heard similar rumors, and kept all the slanders in his heart.

The nineteenth day of Roland's coma.

The front lines are ready to attack the Misty Isle.

In the staff, all high-ranking officers are conducting their last tactical rehearsal.

"First, the lightning will launch a flare over the destination to point out Ms. Eleanor's direction, and then clear the way from the floating island to enter the target area from the west."

Edith pushed the model representing the floating island to the west side of the map, "This step will take about three days. Given the size of the floating island, it will definitely be discovered by the Sky Sea Realm."

"But even so, they don't have any good blocking methods." Hykezord said confidently, "The God of Divine Construct has been prepared for the Tianhaijie lair from the beginning of its design. Although this island is a little smaller , the essence is also an uncompromising god of divine creation. As long as it does not float over from the sea, the enemy can only watch it in the water. The acid liquid sprayed by the nest mother will at most leave some black spots on the rocks. "

"The enemy is not a big threat to us during this time. The main task of the Aerial Knight is to suppress the opponent, and take the bottomless realm as the center to clean up an isolation belt." Ferrin Sylt placed a ruler on the island. In the center, "His Royal Highness Tilly, I'll leave this to you."

Tilly nodded.

"After the enemy's attention is attracted by the floating island, the first army will appear from the north and gradually advance the army to the south. The purpose is to completely destroy the remaining enemies, occupy the area around the bottomless realm, and find the entrance to the God's Domain for His Royal Highness Anna. Buy time." Pearl of the Northland paused when she said this, "According to Joan's dictation, there is a person who calls himself a watchman on the island, who may be able to open a realistic channel for us to enter the world of consciousness."

"I remember telling you last time that the watchman has been killed by me." Hykezord reminded.

"Indeed, but we compared the information and thought that she would not die so easily." Edith spread her hands in disapproval, "What you see is a promotion of the same race, and what Joan sees is a human woman, or watch It's actually an illusion, or there are several. Considering that there is no trace of human beings on the island, the fact that she can stay there for thousands of years is extraordinary in itself."

"But... will this person really lead us into the realm of the gods?" Wendy asked worriedly.

The scene fell silent for a while.

In fact, the second half of the entire plan is not supported by any reliable intelligence, and it is unknown whether such an entrance exists. Nightingale had told everyone about the "retrospective" footage Roland had seen in the dream world, and that was the only clue they had. However, the content was too jerky and incomprehensible, and even Anna couldn't find too many useful clues.

The only thing that can be confirmed at the moment is that the watchers will only open the "Road to Heaven" for the winning group with complete inheritance. As for whether Roland is within the scope of her reception, it is still unknown.

"If you don't try it, this question will never be answered." Anna said decisively.

This unwavering answer made everyone's shoulders loosen, as if a little confidence suddenly surged up in their hearts.

"I have to remind you, human beings." Silent said suddenly, "This battle is completely different from the wars you are familiar with in the past. It will not unfold step by step. Once it contacts the Sky Sea Territory, the following steps will be carried out at the same time. Whatever you want to do, you have to hurry up."

"That is to say, it is impossible for us to set up camp and search this island slowly?" Edith raised her eyebrows.

"Trust what it says." Hykezord shrugged, "Cerosaxi has spent most of the past hundred years fighting with the Sky Sea Territory, and he should be the one who knows the enemy best here."

"Those monsters... are there really so many?" Fei Lin couldn't help asking.

"There are more than you can imagine." There was a rare seriousness in the voice of the Vault of Heaven Lord, "When they swarmed, the sea would turn into a thick jet black. Now that the Black Stone Territory has fallen into the hands of the Sky Sea Realm, There is no obstacle between them and the bottomless realm. It is impossible to defend the island with so many people. Without follow-up support, it is nothing more than how long it can last."

"We didn't even think about staying there for a long time." In the end, Anna came forward to interrupt the dispute, "The floating island attracted firepower and provided support. The First Army quickly occupied the bottomless area through the Twisted Gate, and at the same time searched for the watchmen's Trace, as for what to do next, it depends on the reaction of the enemy, am I right?"

"That's right, Her Royal Highness." Beidi Pearl stroked her chest.

"Then start the action in two days!" Anna said firmly, "In any case, we have to send Roland to the bottomless realm. This is the only way to end the battle of divine will!"

"Yes, Your Highness!" Everyone responded in unison.