Release that Witch

Chapter 1484: Battle on the island, start


On the fifth day after the operation began, at 9:20 in the morning.

A thick fog suddenly floated around the floating island, and the originally clear sky suddenly became obscured, and the visibility also dropped to about tens of meters.


Everyone in the command realized that they were crossing what Hykezord called the "phantom border". Although this is the third day after the operation, the real battle is here!

There was silence in the huge room, everyone's eyes were fixed on them, their bodies were so stretched that even Sylvie's magic eye could not penetrate this barrier, which meant that the situation ahead was completely unknown, regardless of fate. What the result is, they will have to wait until the last minute to know.

For the senior officers of the First Army who are accustomed to comprehensive information and everything, this kind of uneasy feeling has not appeared for a long time.

Suddenly, a subtle crow chirping entered everyone's ears.

Filin and the others looked at each other in dismay.

Here is the sea, how could there be crows

But it wasn't an auditory hallucination, and soon more calls were added, overlapping each other, and it was unclear for a moment whether it was an echo, or if they had encountered a huge crow.

In less than a few minutes, these calls have been linked together, indistinguishable from each other, and become louder and louder at the same time.

A staff officer suddenly changed his face, "This is the cry of a sea ghost!"

"Sea ghost?" someone asked, "that kind of legendary creature?"

"No, they're not legends! I used to work in Daqing Port, and when old sailors there talk about sea ghosts, they use the black crows at sea to describe them!"

"Hmph, what a fuss." Hykezord crossed his arms and said, "This is just the lowest vassal in the Sky Sea Realm. The only advantage is that there are enough numbers to fill the battlefield. You will see it later. , what kind of enemy has my clan been fighting with?”

Just as the Lord of the Vault of Heaven spoke, the concentration of fog suddenly dropped, and the take-off and landing site on the floating island appeared in front of the eyes at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then the sky and the sea dome in the distance were still gloomy, but at least they still looked normal. ; but the scenery at sea has become quite different.

Everyone who saw the scene on the other side shuddered in unison.

It was definitely an unforgettable scene.

Countless water ghosts poked their heads out from the sea and roared towards the floating island, as if a dense hole had opened up in the sea, and the scalp was numb just by looking at it. And their bodies floating underwater make the sea water appear a strange black, if you have to describe it, it is a bit like a puddle where a nest of tadpoles hatched. But it is not uncommon to fill up puddles, and it is very rare to dye the sea with ink.

And the rumored bottomless realm also appeared in front of the floating island. It was similar in size to the sleeping island. There was no trace of freshwater lake on it, but it looked lush and lush, not like an isolated island on the ocean.

Soon, the figure of the nest mother appeared in the dark sea ghost group. They opened the ribs on their backs and sprayed green mucus into the sky! For a time, it seemed like a rain of venom had fallen from the bottom of the floating island. If the human beings were not the "North Slope Mine", but the regular fleet, their fate could be imagined.

Eleanor's voice suddenly entered everyone's mind.

"You mean..." Iron Axe said in surprise.

She replied in her usual lazy tone,

As soon as the voice fell, a roar sounded from the lower floor of the floating island!

It was Eleanor who fought back first.

A 152mm fortress cannon came out of its chamber, and after flying for nearly a thousand meters, it accurately smashed into a nest mother's body, and the shells exploded after drilling into the organs, blowing it into two pieces! At the same time, the sea ghost beside it was also affected by the explosion. The flying shrapnel set off a dense spray on the sea water, but this time it was no longer black, but a faint blue blood.

In the past half month, the engineering team's biggest transformation to the floating island was to add a series of bottom gun mounts, ranging from 20mm cannons to the largest fortress guns. After that, it is naturally the best choice for the First Army to enhance the downward firepower.

The floating island at the moment is like an air battleship, and it is the kind equipped with fire control computers.

Under the control of Eleanor, more automatic turrets joined the shooting, and the bottom of the island suddenly became a place of death intertwined with steel and flesh!

The sound of artillery shelling and the sound of machine gun fire alternately rang out, suppressing the neighing of the sea ghost.

Although Hykezord still maintains the same posture, the expression on his face has become a lot more complicated. Obviously, he also realizes how amazing the effect will be when the inheritance of various ethnic groups is combined.

"Let the Aerial Knight prepare to set off too." Tilly picked up the microphone and said.

According to the plan, the Aerial Knights will no longer be the decisive force in this operation. They will be divided into dozens of batches and hover over the bottomless realm for a long time. Interrupting support, attacking the enemy's main force, and relieving the pressure on ground troops are all tasks that the Aerial Knights have to shoulder. The characteristics of the weak air power in the sky and sea world must be used to the greatest extent possible.

Moments later, biplanes full of fuel slid out of the hangar and into the ready-to-fly area.

By ten forty in the morning, the Eleanor had also entered the border of the island. The monsters attracted by this behemoth are now countless. They stepped on the broken corpses of the same kind and swarmed towards the floating island, ignoring that they could not cause any damage to the floating island at all.

Of course, this is also related to Eleanor's deliberately lowering the height and luring the enemy to try to climb up to the island. It's just that under the heavy machine gun fire, breaking through the fire network blockade is by no means an easy thing to do.

Compared with the boiling west, other places are much quieter. Obviously, the sudden arrival of the floating fortress has attracted most of the enemy's attention.

"Let's start." Anna turned to Hykezord and said.

The latter snapped his fingers and disappeared from the headquarters.

At the same time, Chaos, who was persuaded by the Calamity of Silence and had to sit on the top of the bridge, also released his abilities. After being strengthened by the Infinite Sigil, this magic ripple with the power of True Vision swept across the island in an instant.

Through the light curtain, the high-level leaders in the headquarters clearly saw that in those places that were originally empty, the silhouettes of blade beasts suddenly appeared, and their silhouettes gradually took shape, as if they were forcibly pulled out of their hiding places.

The next moment, the Lord of the Vault of Heaven has appeared on the edge of the bottomless realm.

It looked up at the top of the Tiankeng, and even though it didn't take out the colorful magic stone, it could still remember the magnificent sight it saw when it first arrived here.

"Is it a destiny set by the gods?"

Perhaps this day will come sooner or later, from the moment when we witness that all the radiance of the magic power is condensed here, and the end of the battle of divine will is not going to eternity. But when the moment comes, it feels that the feeling of joining forces with humans is not so bad.

Hykezord sneered, raised his hand and opened a huge twisted door!