Release that Witch

Chapter 1485: Heaven and Earth attack


"Report to headquarters, the sixth battalion is moving to eleven!"

"The third battalion has taken a position!"

"It is observed that a powerful source of magic power is approaching, and the Aerial Knight needs to be notified for signal calibration and interception!"

"This is lightning, understand."

"The No. 19 and No. 20 tank groups are in contact with the enemy, and the target is the blade beast!"

With the entry of the ground troops, the command post suddenly became buzzing. The correspondent was responsible for handing over the received and received intelligence to the staff, and the latter fed it back on the sand table map for decision makers to make judgments.

At this moment, there are dozens of red flags and squares on the sand table, which represent the infantry, artillery and armored corps of the First Army. Judging from the overall situation, the initial progress of the plan is relatively smooth. These red marks are spreading around the bottomless pit as the center.

Tianhaijie obviously also noticed the sudden appearance of the troops, and some monsters began to shift their targets and rushed towards the first army. However, in front of the rapidly prototyping position, sporadic attacks are no different from death.

Through the Twisted Gate, the army across the sea is pouring into the isolated island. According to the pre-established plan, the operation will soon turn to the search stage.

This is also the most uncertain part of the whole plan. No one knows where the Watchers are, how they will appear, and whether they will open the way to the world of consciousness.

"The next command will be handed over to you." Anna said to Iron Axe, Edith and others.

"Do you have to go by yourself?" Wendy's expression was full of reluctance and worry.

"This is something we said at the beginning." Her voice was low, but she was firm. "I'm not good at leading troops, and I can't help you here. Besides, watchers are likely to be different from person to person. , If you stay in the air all the time, you may miss the only chance to meet each other."

"Let her go, I'll take good care of her." Nightingale had already changed into a neat battle uniform at this moment. Not only was the pistol Roland gave her hanging on her waist, but she also carried a semi-automatic rifle and a long handle on her back. sword.

Wendy had to hug Anna, "Be sure to come back safely, Your Highness."

"Well, I will." The latter replied earnestly, then looked at Felice, "Is the God's Punishment Witch ready?"

Phyllis nodded and said, "Everyone is ready to be on call at any time."

"Very well, let's go down!" Anna resolutely walked out of the command post.

"This is Malt's gift to you."

"Thank you." Danny took the bullet, filled it into the chamber of the gun, and shot it into the head of a sea ghost who wanted to get closer.

As a roaming unit on the battlefield, the precision shooter can choose the combat location by himself most of the time, and he, as always, chose the most dangerous outer edge area, and moved forward closely behind the steel chariots.

This area will not be coordinated by machine guns and artillery fire, so the pressure from the enemy is also the greatest. He had already seen that although the tank units of the First Army were imposing, they lacked cover from the sides and rear. In particular, there were stone monuments of various shapes erected around the Tiankeng, so that the personnel in the car could not immediately observe the approaching 's enemy.

And such a venue was simply designed for him.

"Attention, there's a big guy 150 meters to the right."


Danny stuck his head out from behind a stone tablet, and saw a medium-sized blade beast quietly bypassing the back of a tank, trying to launch a sneak attack.

Although these monsters are not made of steel, their lethality and flexibility should not be underestimated, especially the pair of scythe-like front claws, which can penetrate the tank's protection when filled with magic.

He slowly pushed the new bullet into the barrel and raised the rifle in slow motion, but instead of aiming the crosshair, Danny moved into the air. According to the description in the combat manual, the blade beast is covered with thick armor on its head, making it difficult for conventional ammunition to kill in one hit, and before the opponent launches an attack, it will be extremely wary of possible threats around it, and it is not recommended that soldiers face it alone. So he had to wait for a more suitable shot.

And that was the moment when the enemy launched a sneak attack.

The blade beast failed to notice Danny, who was like a statue. It crawled to the ambush range, spread its thin wings, and jumped up towards the tank!

Meanwhile, Danny pulled the trigger.

With the sound of a gunshot, the bullet accurately slid into the skull from under its exposed forehead, and the blade beast froze immediately, gliding for a few meters under the action of inertia, and then fell heavily to the ground, but at this moment it twitched, No longer poses any threat.

"You're still so good."

"Because you're watching me." Danny patted Malt's head with a smile. When he was looking for his next target, he suddenly found that more than ten sea ghosts had gathered at some point.

While he was concentrating on the blade beast...


Danny pulled his partner behind him, then leaned back against the stele and raised his spear.

It was impossible to escape now, he just wanted to know how many sea ghosts he could kill before he was killed.

But this time, a scene that he couldn't believe appeared. Those sea ghosts did not swarm him to shreds, but gnawed at each other! There was a pungent bloody smell on the grass, until the last sea ghost fell, and there was no complete body around.

Then a group of men and horses came over from the rear cover. Although they also wore the uniforms of the First Army, their appearances were obviously different.

It was Mo Jin's troops from the extreme south.

"Sharpshooter?" The leader looked at his weapon and team badge. "Why are you here alone? Where is your protector?"

"Fara" The other person tugged at the former's sleeve, and then said embarrassedly, "If you don't mind, you can stay with us temporarily."

"I didn't act alone, but I still want to thank you." Danny had realized that the warrior who was called Fara was by no means an ordinary person. "As for the next step, I still prefer to be able to do it on my own."


The tank troops in front suddenly sounded a dense sound of artillery.

Everyone turned their heads and saw more than a dozen ugly nest mothers slowly appearing on the horizon. They were surrounded by a group of blade beasts, crawling forward under the bombardment of field guns, and at the same time the ribs on their backs opened, exposing the lower intestines the same organ.

"It's Venom Nest Mother!" Fala frowned and waved her arms. "Quick, find cover! Bring the anti-devil grenade!"

That's not what firearms can deal with.

Tanks also began to reverse in order to spread out the formation.

At this moment, the roar of the sky knight came from overhead.

I saw several biplanes swooped down and dropped bombs at the nest mother, and the ground instantly burst into flames! Amid the violent explosions and the billowing thick smoke, those flames were like objects that were bent over and eroded, sticking tightly to the enemy. The latter made a shrill scream and wanted to escape from the sea of fire, but on land, their movements were not much faster than the worms, and after a while, the nest mother fell silent.

There was a burst of cheers and whistles from the ranks.

Danny even saw the pilot give them a thumbs up in the cockpit of the low-altitude passing plane.

Then, after the dive, the Sky Wrath turned around and launched a pincer attack with the armored troops.