Release that Witch

Chapter 1490: Magic Guardian


Nightingale squatted down and touched the ground with her fingers. When she raised her hand, they both saw that her fingers were clean and not even a bit of dust was on them.

This in itself speaks to the unusual.

If the battle of divine will continues to reincarnate, the Radiant Race will definitely not be the first to try to explore the bottomless realm. Whether it is a fall or a deliberate jump, it should leave traces, not to mention the stones and soil that naturally rolled down.

In the long years, this place is still as new as ever, and it can only be thought that someone is constantly cleaning the bottom of the Tiankeng.

"Hey, Wendy, can you hear my voice?" Nightingale took out the listening talisman and said, but no one responded, "No... It seems that the communication distance is exceeded."

"Even if the distance is not exceeded, it may not be possible." Sai Luosha said succinctly, "If the gods do not intend to let people leave with secrets, it should not be difficult for him to block the communication."

"Okay..." she shrugged, "what do we do next?"

Anna stared at the light belt on the ground for a long time before she said, "Do you think that these "lights" are guiding us? "

Their flickering was extremely regular, swaying from the soles of their feet like ripples, and disappeared into the darkness. Except for the position where the three stood, there was no movement in other places, as if they were still sleeping.

Silent Disaster tried to take a few steps in the opposite direction, and the light moved with it, but the direction of the swaying was always the same.

"It seems so."

"God's invitation... Interesting," Nightingale held the rifle in her hand, "Then go and see it."

The three followed the light belt and walked slowly at the bottom of the quiet cave. About ten minutes later, a bright entrance appeared in front of them.

Compared with the previous stretch of hands and five fingers, the next journey is undoubtedly relaxing. After all, no one likes to walk in an unfamiliar place shrouded in darkness and where the end is unknown. Although they are still underground at the moment, at least they have You can see the road all around.

"Is this really the realm of consciousness..." Nightingale couldn't help asking.

"Why do you say that?" Anna turned her head.

"Because it has something to do with consciousness," she scratched her head. "Whether it's called the world of consciousness or the source of magic, it sounds like something illusory. But this place..."

"It's like it was made." Silent Disaster suddenly said.

In this long passage, whether it is the wall or the ground, it has nothing to do with the word ethereal. They are hard and flat, angular and pleasing to the eye. At the same time, these semi-transparent metal blocks can also automatically emit light, whether they are pressed by foot or by hand, they will respond, and they will light up as fast as they are pressed, and sometimes some incomprehensible symbols will pop up. , and does not have the majesty and indifference of God's Domain that rejects people thousands of miles away.

"Perhaps the world of consciousness was created," Anna's answer made the two of them slightly startled, "by people like you and me... or civilization."

Nightingale swallowed, "The other party... isn't he a god?"

"The two are not in conflict," Anna shook her head, "I heard Roland say that the reason why Lan calls it a god is because that is the easiest way for us to understand it. Just like for ants, we and gods no difference”

She shuddered. "That's a disgusting statement."

"Indeed." Silent agreed unexpectedly, "but I can understand."

Just when Nightingale was about to say something, she suddenly realized that the front of the passage had come to an end.

"This is... the wrong way?"

But soon, she heard a slight hissing sound, and a beam of light swept across the three of them quickly, and then their appearances appeared on the wall at the end.

Even Anna was taken aback by this change.

It's just that before the three of them could react more, the wall quietly turned into countless hexagons and disappeared, and a huge annular space appeared in front of them.

Its edge is an encircling track, and the center is separated by a transparent "glass wall". Through that layer of glass, they can clearly see a sphere of amazing volume rotating below, and the sphere seems not to be real, but It is a fluid composed of electricity and light! Countless lightnings shuttled up and down along the wall of the tube, each of which was comparable to a thunderbolt that pierced the sky. Although only separated by a layer of glass, the entire space is extremely quiet, as if the drastic changes inside it have nothing to do with the outside world.

The three of them couldn't help holding their breaths. No matter who saw this scene, they would feel heartfelt shock. No one could imagine that such a magnificent creation was hidden under an overseas island.

What surprised them even more was that a suspended tubular object floated out from the wall, slowly flew to Anna, and then opened the cover.

No matter how dull they were, the three of them already understood what each other meant.

Silent Disaster and Nightingale looked at Anna together, waiting for her to make a choice. The latter stared at Roland for a long time before slowly letting go of his hands. Pulled by the black fire, Roland with his eyes closed was placed firmly into the jar, and then the cover was closed, and the tubular object floated back to the wall and embedded in it tightly, as if disappearing into the wall.

"We... is this a success?" Nightingale murmured.

"I don't know." Anna replied in a low voice, "But at least we have achieved the set goal, and the only thing we can do next is to wait."

The dark starry sky gradually disappeared, and white light filled all vision.

In this infinite whiteness, a long staircase "appeared" at Roland's feet. This time, there were no snowflakes and no familiar ceiling. He looked at the other side of the road and saw that the staircase was connected to a flat open space. There is nothing more than that.

I see…

He now understands why Lan would say that when the eroded channel appears, he will naturally feel it.

The difference between the two worlds is so great that only the blind cannot see it.

According to Lan, in all likelihood, this place is the realm of the gods, but he doesn't know whether it is Ipsylon's astrolabe that provided the last expansion of the dream world, or whether the expeditionary force successfully completed its goal in reality. Let him get here.

But it doesn't make much sense to think about it now.

Roland stepped towards the stairs.

The journey was not long, and after walking for a long time, he boarded the open space. In the center of the clearing is a uniquely shaped throne on which a masked figure sits. The whole scene is extraordinarily monotonous and concise, which is far from the "God's Domain" he imagined.

Roland had thought that the gods would create an extremely splendid and solemn palace to give him a show, but he didn't expect the other party to be so simple, and he didn't know what tone to use to greet him.

"You're... a god?"

In the end, he chose the most uneventful way to start.

If the other party is just a divine messenger or someone who invites people, wouldn't it be laughable and generous.

"You can call me that, child," however it responded directly, "but I prefer another term, Magic Guardian."