Release that Witch

Chapter 1491: origin


"Guardian?" Roland raised his eyebrows. "Does every piece of guardianship lead to death?"

"I know you're going to ask that... but there's no way out." The other party got up from the throne, emptied his right hand, and then a ball of light appeared in his hand. Then the light sphere began to unfold layer by layer, revealing the complex structure inside, until Roland recognized what it was.

Although he had expected it, his heart still jumped when he actually saw this picture.

What floats in each other's hands is the world they live in.

He saw Dawn, the Fertile Plains, and the Kingdom of Greycastle. Outside this continent, there are also the Black Stone Territory and the Sky Sea Territory, but that's not the point. The point is that the entire world is wrapped in a honeycomb-like shell, like a barrier that separates the planet from the outside world.

Underneath the continents and oceans, there is an extremely complex inner core, which is not a spherical shape under the influence of pressure like the earth's core, but an irregular geometry. The raised part of the sea line is just above the edge of a cube, and he can even see that the bottom of the vortex sea is connected to the sky and sea world, and its path is like a Klein bottle.

There is no doubt that the whole reason the world is so incongruous is that it did not come into being naturally.

The artificial planet he saw in the second act clip was like the real world today.

The clouds, sun, moon, and stars observed by people are all projections created by the barrier.

In the real outer space, Roland only saw a dead silence.

"You are those eyes." In an instant, he suddenly understood many questions.

The god sighed softly, "I don't know that you got all that information, but it doesn't matter, time is a long or short unit here, I will satisfy your curiosity, and then... destroy you."

"As expected, what the guardian can say is like students don't have to go to class, and pharmaceutical companies don't make drugs." Roland spread his hands calmly. In any case, he now represents human beings, or all living beings in reality, even if the other party is God, he can't admit it either. "What I want to ask most is, why is there a battle of divine will? What exactly do you want?"

"I thought you would start with small problems first. That's all." It retracted the ball of light in its hand, then raised it with one hand, and soon countless "screens" appeared behind it, which together formed a striking line in this clean and flawless space. wall.

Roland found that the content displayed on the screen was actually... all kinds of life forms.

"The gate plan was a success. It is almost the same as the calculated result. With the cooperation of many civilizations, the universe was finally pulled apart by gravity, and a tiny crack appeared." The god said slowly, "But the gate plan is The failed, influx of energy from another realm destroyed the vast majority of intelligent life, including the architects of the Gate Project."

Is this the scene at the end of the third act...

Roland recalled the incomparably sad feeling again, as if at that moment he was connected with all the civilizations participating in the plan.

"Yes, this energy is what you call magic."

"It is neither light nor heat; neither particle nor wave. Simply put, it comes from a space with completely different rules than our universe. Physics and mathematics are meaningless in the face of such energy. Almost instantly, its effects changed the world."

"The opposite of the crack... what is it?" Roland couldn't help asking.

"There is no precise description, because no one has crossed the distorted membrane, but according to the analysis, it can be basically divided into two possibilities. One is the universe that wraps our universe, which is also the easiest inference to understand." At the same time, the other party's voice was ethereal and ethereal, "A new singularity can be born inside the universe, and explode to form a new universe, and produce a set of completely independent rules and constants. Therefore, even if our world originates from outside the membrane, The universe does not mean that life or matter can travel unimpeded."

"The second possibility is the gap between the multiverses, you can think of it as a pot of thick soup, and we are the bubbles that rise. It appears, expands, merges, bursts... Of course it's much more complicated, But that's beyond your comprehension."

"Okay... Let's talk about magic," Roland twitched the corners of his mouth. "You said before that it wiped out most living beings, but now it has become the norm in the real world. Isn't this contradictory?"

It would be unbelievable to say that humans are the chosen children of the universe.

"Magic has a very unique set of rules, one of which is that it can be changed by consciousness, and it will also change the owner of consciousness."

Roland was stunned, "What?"

"The first batch of changed beings were the participants of the Gate Project. Their structures were distorted and reorganized, and after millions of years of evolution, they finally became special crystaloids, the magic stones you used." He said calmly, "I survived because I didn't belong to the realm of life, but I also suffered a great deal of damage, and it took tens of thousands of years to recover. That is to say, from then on, gravity is no longer the most worthy of admiration in this world. strength."

Hearing this answer, he didn't know what to pick up for a while.

However, Roland is not surprised that the guardian is not a living body. The gate project is a vast project spanning hundreds of billions of galaxies and 170,000 civilizations. He wants to always walk on the right path in such a long time. The coordinator must not be a certain life form or a certain ethnic group.

It came about because of this plan.

"Then the cradle is created. It is a world built with the help of magic, but the energy intensity is limited to a certain extent. I screened out life from the incomplete database and started to cultivate again, so that these species can be under the new rules. Rebirth. Because competition can greatly increase the rate of evolution of the population, the cradle will deliberately choose those species that are close to the habitat for symbiosis. But calculations soon found that this process will take an incalculable time. Limited resources also limit free growth , so intervention through external forces has become a last resort.”

"...Inheritance fragments." Roland said solemnly.

"This is only part of it." The other party nodded, "As for what I want in the end, it's not that complicated. The founder of the Gate Project, that is, the civilization that created me, didn't just want to make the universe 'live'. Going down'. It never intended to stop, not until the moment before its demise. Opening the rift was only the first step, its real purpose was to see areas that no one had ever set foot in."

"It entrusted this task to me, and my final mission is to create a civilization that can adapt to the rules of the two worlds." It paused a little, "and this competition and evolution is what you call the will of God. war."