Release that Witch

Chapter 1492: Again, the battle of the souls


This time, Roland was silent for a long time.

He looked at the thousands of screens behind him, and the living beings there undoubtedly represented countless reincarnations in the past, and the battle of divine will continues to this day, indicating that there is still no species that can live independently outside the barrier.

The world was named "The Cradle," and it wasn't intentional.

Even if it contains bones and remains.

"... Then what is the world of consciousness?" He asked after a long time.

"It is the key to sustaining evolution, and it is also the core of the cradle." The gods did not mean to hide, "Magic will be driven by consciousness, but it is not as simple as 'what you want to do'. After countless generations of evolution, it gradually becomes certain To a certain extent, it can be used by life and converted into energy under the rules of this world, which also proves that the creator's theory is correct, but there is a little deviation in the way."

Is there a little deviation... Roland is silent, it is estimated that no one would have imagined that just by thinking about this invisible and intangible behavior, it is possible to achieve entropy reduction in the true sense, which is probably the most incredible part of magic.

"Using magic is still inseparable from methods and calculations, but it is incompatible with our known mathematics and other laws of nature. If I hadn't been changed by magic, even understanding its rules would be a luxury."

It stretched out its fingers and shook it, and the screen behind it suddenly converged into a single spot on it. Countless beams of light rose into the sky, and after being refracted by the barrier, they converged in the bottomless realm. "In the long years, the cradle It is found that even through the battle of divine will, species go through an extremely long period of growth and understanding, even if they are born in a magical environment. To speed up this process, the world of consciousness replaces part of the transformation work so that they can Faster increases in mana usage, which in turn transforms themselves."

"So those beams of light called keys are actually 'pipes' used to transmit data?" Roland asked.

"The term pipeline is not accurate, because they are the magic power of informatization itself. The conscious world will complete the verification according to the user's demands and expectations, and transmit the results back. This enables species to master a large number of drives in a very short period of time. Magic method, thus effectively shortening the growth period.”

"So you know all the changes in the cradle," Roland said solemnly.

"Yes, this is also a necessary means to ensure the normal operation of the system."

That's what happened... Some of his previous questions were finally answered at this moment. For example, why some witches' beams of light are obviously thicker than others, even though the former's abilities don't seem to be very powerful. Because it has nothing to do with the power that is manifested, it's just about the level of sophistication.

At the same time, things such as Andrea's must-kick and Momo, who can see lifespan, are not the ability to predict the future and cause and effect. They are all built on a huge information network, and the cradle monitors the changes in the world. As long as the solving ability is strong enough, uncertain factors such as chaotic effects can be completely eliminated within this barrier.

When the external conditions are 100% certain, the results will naturally come to the fore.

To be able to achieve such attainments at the technical level, should he say that he is a civilization that wants to break ground on the universe.

"In that case... Has the dream world got in the way of your plans?"

"Yes, it not only occupies a lot of resources, but also affects the stability of the core. You should have noticed that the number of demons in the world is decreasing. This is a manifestation of the overburdened world of consciousness. In order to avoid the collapse of the cradle structure , I have to restore to the beginning." Speaking of which, there was a hint of sadness in the god's tone, "Child, look at what you have done, the evolutionary information so far will be lost, and everything will return to its original point."

This pot is really... too big to be overwhelmed.

Roland twitched the corners of his mouth, "I don't understand, since you can create a cradle, you must be able to control the entire world of consciousness. Why not destroy the dream world at the beginning?"

"Because the evolution of life has infinite possibilities, especially under the influence of magic." The other party seemed to have guessed that he would ask such a question, "I opened a part of the resources of the consciousness world to various civilizations, and I acquiesced in their exploration. The core power, human intervention and modification may miss the possibility of evolution. In order to ensure the variety of results, any additional intervention should be prohibited unless it threatens the entire plan and the cradle itself."

So it's not that the gods can't do it, but they are bound by the underlying rules set by themselves...

"I think it's too late to apologize now, right?"

It shook its head, "From the moment you got here, it's too late."

"But I don't think it's a mistake for life to resist the shackles that are placed on him," Roland put away his playful expression and looked directly at the gods. "Even if I do it again, I will still do it."

"I can understand, because that's how you think of yourself as extraordinary. Intelligent life invents logic, but rarely follows it, which may be why magic resonates with you."

"It's better to understand each other a little less. Having said that, this place is also a part of the world of consciousness in essence, right?" Roland spread his hands, silently concentrated, and then a short sword appeared out of thin air. In the palm, "It seems that I didn't guess wrong. Entering the realm of the gods is not the key. After all, this is your realm. Rushing in will only be easily eliminated. Only through erosion can the rules be changed and truly threaten your existence."

"So did you have this idea from the very beginning?" The god pointed his finger at Roland, "Well, although I can't approve of it, I will give you enough respect. In addition to letting you know all this, I can even give it to you once. Opportunity to resist, so that you can understand the gap before each other."

As its voice fell, Roland suddenly felt something squeezed into his head, and the intense pain made him cry out!

Countless characters and formulas flashed before his eyes like a slideshow.

Grand Unified Theory, Superstring Theory, Multidimensional Laws, Theory of Everything…

The knowledge that had troubled mankind for a long time was now unfolding in front of him one by one. Not only that, but he found that he fully understood the content, as if a whole new door had been opened to him.

"The world of consciousness has recorded an unusual confrontation. If you call it a battle of souls, it is very suitable for the current situation." , the knowledge accumulated over thousands of years can be used by you. Of course, if you want to give up, there is no problem, the recasting of the world will not bring you any pain, everything is only in an instant.”

"What are you talking about." Roland interrupted without hesitation, "Since you have given me such an opportunity, how could I miss it?"

He raised his hand and waved, the platform and stairs were all shattered, and the pure white background also disintegrated, revealing the pitch-black universe shimmering with light.

Battleships appeared out of thin air, lined up neatly behind him, forming a vast matrix that was exactly what he saw in Ipsylon's memory fragment.

All kinds of weapon systems were aimed at the gods under Roland's will. When the idea of attacking appeared, the dazzling beam instantly lit up the entire starry sky!