Release that Witch

Chapter 1493: Confront the gods


The vast universe has become the battlefield for this duel of consciousness.

Countless stars were detonated by weapons, emitting a white glow like a supernova, and the ejected matter stretched for hundreds of light-years, like childish graffiti written by children.

The fleet was quickly wiped out under the blow of the gods, and more violent weapons were brought into play next.

If it was said that when he was fighting against Zero, the most common method was to build up defenses and then bombard them indiscriminately, then it hasn't changed much now. It's just that the explosives were changed from gunpowder to something else.

For example, the annihilation of matter and antimatter.

When galactic-scale entities are converted into energy, even the universe vibrates with dull "drums" echoing through space filled with light and heat, propagating outward at the speed of light.

In such a fierce battlefield, carbon-based life is more fragile than paper. Roland first made himself a powerful body, and finally transformed into a pure energy body, relying on the extraordinary thinking connected to the cradle to direct the creation of consciousness. fight.

Unlike the last battle of souls, he didn't have to think hard and think hard, and the knowledge base had countless means for him to use. The fast-moving thoughts made him feel indescribably smooth, and even if he died, he was instantly vaporized in the energy jet, and he felt no pain.

At first, he was able to fight back and forth with the opponent, but when the magic was thrown into the battlefield, Roland gradually fell into a passive state.

And there is no way to recover this disadvantage.

This was also the first time he clearly realized the inner strength of magic.

Whether it is a witch or a devil, the way it is used is still to transform it into the inherent power of this universe, and in the hands of the guardian, it is completely free from the constraints of the rules, and its means and effects are no longer able to be compensated by a larger equivalent.

Hundreds of thousands of deaths caused Roland's spirit to begin to slacken. If it weren't for the assistance of the cradle, he probably wouldn't be able to hold on to it at all.

When he was reborn again, he was no longer able to support his body.

The surrounding background also changed back to the pure white world before.

Roland swayed twice and sat back on the ground, only then did he realize that his back was wet.

"In this way, you shouldn't have any regrets." The other party asked calmly. Obviously, such a battle will not cause much burden on it. In the field of consciousness, it is indeed no different from the gods.

"How could it be..." Roland took a deep breath. "Do you think I came here to give you a beating?"

"Your actions stem from ignorance and arrogance, which is part of the nature of life, and it's useless to vent your anger when things have come to this point." It paused, "It's just that you still want to continue fighting like that? In the face of the gap, persistence is meaningless, I thought you would be smarter"

"You mean the battle of souls? No... I never thought it would be so easy to decide the winner." Roland slowly stood up with his legs trembling from exhaustion, "I just wanted to Just to experience the feeling of 'who is calling the fleet'... To be honest, it's really good... ”

"Enough!" The other party's tone fluctuated for the first time, "Thousands of years of accumulation are destroyed in one fell swoop, but you treat it as an irrelevant game?"

"I didn't say that." He smiled laboriously. "Just before the last moment, I want to ask you a question. Why... do these things?"

"Do you provide cradle assistance? I said that life has the right to choose, and every species born in the cradle is my child. I respect your choice and will."

"No, that's not what I'm asking." Roland shook his head, "What I'm asking is, why are you doing this... Lan?"

The gods fell silent suddenly.

After a long while, it took off the mask, revealing the face hidden below.

That was Lan's face.

"Have you seen her?" It stared at Roland for a moment before speaking, "So it is. But you made a mistake, this body is an image embodied for the convenience of communicating with humans. What you saw is indeed 'I' , but I am not her."

That guy from Epsilon is really right.

Roland raised the corner of his mouth.

At the moment when the astrolabe opened and the white light engulfed the entire field of vision, she said the last sentence. Although he did not see the other party's mouth clearly at the time, Ipsylon engraved this sentence in his consciousness.

That was the answer to his second question.

When I betrayed the envoy of the gods, I felt the breath of the gods. I want to ask it, is this really the result it wants

At first, Roland couldn't understand the connection between these information, but now, he has fully seen the whole picture of the gods.

"You are indeed not her, but only when you are together can you be a complete Guardian of Magic." Roland said word by word.

It's not even just Lan... Pure magic monsters, angels, and watchers of the bottomless realm are probably all part of it.

That's why Epsilon said "As long as the gods don't die, they exist forever".

What is the Guardian of Magic

It doesn't matter whether you call it a system, a machine, a program, Gaia, or an information-integrated mind. The original purpose of its creation was to supervise the door plan and to assist the maker to realize the real purpose of "opening the door".

But in the long and hopeless years, it diverged.

This divergence is likely to be just one or two sporadic thoughts at first, but over time the thoughts coalesce into a conscious body.

They are born within the Guardians, and more than one Arashi is one of them.

They are tired of endless nurturing and observation, and do not want to be bound in this dead universe. Of course, there may be more acute contradictions, such as resources.

As long as it is an entity, there must be loss. In that era when civilization was prosperous, guardians naturally didn't have to worry about maintenance, but now all intelligent life in the universe has withered away, and maintenance can only be done by itself, not to mention that the cradle has to share most of its resources, and it is likely to exceed a certain amount in the long run. It is not impossible for the whole system to fall into irreversible collapse.

In Lan's words, no matter what the outcome is, it's better than being imprisoned here forever, at least the future is full of infinite possibilities.

"They will soon disappear with the reconstruction, with you." The god's tone was still calm.

Roland was not surprised by this reaction. There is no doubt that if the betrayal of the divine envoy can fight against the main body of the guardian, there is no need to find him.

I am afraid that it controls the underlying rules of the cradle.

"But Lan's appearance is not accidental. After thousands of years, I'm afraid the same scene will happen again."

"Then everything will return to the original point again. I must fulfill the agreement with the creator. This is an iron law that cannot be changed."

"Really?" Roland chuckled, "That's not a wise move, because... you've already completed the agreement."