Release that Witch

Chapter 1497: where to go


However, before Roland could further feel the tens of thousands of times expanded perception, a new change had taken place outside the bottomless.

By suddenly expanding his perception ability by tens of thousands of times, he immediately "saw" a cylindrical object with rounded ends rising from the bottom of the sea and quickly rising to the sea level.

Soon, the thing crossed the water layer more than a thousand meters deep and stuck its head out on the sea. Its size is the size of dozens of islands, and its length is even more astonishing. Due to its huge size, its emergence caused the sea to pour back and forth, forming a vortex with a radius of 100 kilometers in the north of the Bottomless Realm.

And its movement didn't stop there.

Almost as if it had no weight, the process of the cylindrical object rising from the sea to the air did not show the slightest delay. It maintained a constant acceleration, flying faster and faster, and soon surpassed the height of Eleanor's floating island. Everyone on the island noticed that there was no fire around the towering cylinder, nor the rumbling sound of the propeller.

Roland realized that that was the guardian's core body.

After a few minutes, the barrel was in contact with the cradle's barrier. Roland has witnessed the whole process of its detachment from the planet from multiple angles. It was neither an impact nor the barrier opening an exit to let it pass, but the latter covering the tube like a soft membrane, and as it moved. Elevated and extended upwards, it fills every gap perfectly.

When the two were separated, the barrier returned to its original state.

After the cylindrical object entering the space adjusted its direction a little, it suddenly increased to a rapid speed. Its body seemed to be stretched a lot, like a slender light belt. The next moment, it disappeared without a trace, as if it had never existed.

Roland couldn't help shaking his head.

Don't even say goodbye, is this the style of pure logic

Not long ago, he insisted on restarting the whole world, and now he has made a decision and rushed to the rift without any reluctance. With this determination and action, I am afraid that few living beings can match.

The most severe crisis humanity has ever encountered has finally been lifted.

However, this does not mean that he can relax, and there are still many issues that need to be resolved urgently, such as the promise to Tilly, the agreement with the devil, and so on.

What he needs to consider at this moment has not only not decreased, but has become more.

After all, he only cared about the gains and losses of human beings before, but now, he has to consider the future of the only life in the universe.

While adapting to this new "body", Roland started several search processes to investigate the regulations related to the Battle of Divine Will, the ripple records in the world of consciousness, and the overview of the existing species in the cradle.

The first thing he has to do is to turn off the function of inheritance fragments.

In this way, the battle of divine will can be regarded as the real end.

As for the devil, Roland intends to separate a continent as their habitat if resources permit. The distance between the two places will not be too far or too close. A binary star system similar to the earth and the moon may is a good idea.

While searching for the cradle, Roland also made an unexpected discovery: a mutant creature similar to the nest mother escaped the guardian's order, and was shrinking in the mud on the seabed in panic, with only a few eyes open to look around. Soon he traced back the history and found that the other party was the monster who had visited the western part of Greycastle.

It seems that even a life created entirely according to one's own will will go in a completely unpredictable direction due to small changes over a long period of time. He thought about it and finally left it behind. Once the devil leaves, human beings will live in a stable and stable world for a long time. But he doesn't want the cradle to be a complete greenhouse, and some competition might not be such a bad thing.

The guardian has proved that bloody slaughter purely relying on life and death cannot effectively make civilization grow, and the next path he is going to take must be well planned.

In addition, those civilizations that exist in memory also need him to review it carefully, whether it is to gain knowledge or draw inspiration, it will definitely help a lot.

There are also adjustments to the world of consciousness to maintain the balance between the growth of witches and the dream world. Fortunately, abolishing the War of Divine Will will free up a lot of space in the core, so that he doesn't have to face this thorny problem now.

Just when Roland was overwhelmed by a large amount of information, a scene instantly made him stop what he was doing.

That's a picture from the probe inside.

In the outer aisle of the cradle's core, two women and a devil seemed to be waiting for something.

Roland suddenly felt an indescribable warm current in his heart. He zoomed in on the screen and slowly "reached out" to wipe the cheeks of the two of them.

… It turned out that they sent themselves here.

From the first day he arrived in this world, he has forged an indissoluble bond with the two of them, and the long-term relationship has made him accustomed to each other's existence. When he merged consciousness and became a cradle before, he always felt that something was missing. It was not until he saw this scene that Roland understood what he was missing.

Indeed, in the next hundreds of millions of years, he may not be able to leave the cradle. Perhaps as the guardian said, it will be a long and desperate time, but he is not afraid.

The biggest difference between him and the guardian is that no matter how long the future years are, he will not spend it alone.

Five years later.

Graycastle, Neverwinter, Shallow Water Harbor.

As the heart of the human kingdom, it is undoubtedly the busiest port in the world, with tens of thousands of people entering and leaving every day. In order to ensure that the harbour is not blocked, in addition to continuing to expand along the coastline, the Executive Office has also established a large-scale public transportation system.

Dunn is one of them.

He used to be a businessman in Evernight City, and he helped the First Army deal with the Moya coalition forces. Unexpectedly, the Executive Office recorded his achievements and found him after the war. After learning that he could get a house in the King of Graycastle, he ran over with his wife and children. Everyone knew that Neverwinter was good, but the cost of settling was too high. Since he had such an opportunity, what would he do? may miss.

As for the small business that could only make a little bit of money before, Tang En was too lazy to take care of it. Instead, he turned around to receive employment training from the Executive Office and became a taxi driver.

That's right, even though he had dealt with Neverwinter people long ago, he still didn't expect them to be so advanced Only people can afford it, but in the capital, taxis are part of public transportation, public transportation!

In other words, anyone who pays can experience this style and luxury.

Of course, there are also much cheaper large-scale buses that can fit nearly 100 people at a time, but compared to the taxis that get on and go, the buses that leave at a fixed time and don’t even occupy a seat are a bit shabby.

After the taxi waiting in front finished picking up the passengers, it was finally Dunn's turn. In addition to his fixed salary, he also received a large amount of rewards from sending off passengers, so it was always a good thing to be able to wait for the customers as soon as possible.

"Crack." The door was skillfully opened, and a tall woman first threw her luggage into the back seat, then bent over and got into the compartment.

Dunn looked from the rearview mirror and saw that the other party was wearing an avant-garde jacket and canvas pants, with a peaked cap and sunglasses on his head. He was obviously a loyal customer of Rainbow Stone. However, it was a little strange that he did not find the rainbow stone logo on the other party's clothing.

"Where are you going? There's a city map and route prices in the bag in the back seat."

"I don't think Neverwinter's King's Castle has been demolished yet, right? If it is, I'll go there." The woman replied in a capable and refreshing voice.