Release that Witch

Chapter 1498: different roads


Dunn couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Whether it is from the dress or the coherent movements of her getting into the car, this woman should be a Neverwinter. If the clothes could still be imitated, this kind of whimsical public transportation system could only be done by the Administrative Office of the Royal Capital.

He has been on this trip for almost two years, and he has received countless guests from the fjord merchants to the nobles of Dawning Province, but in Neverwinter, their response is not much better than those of the country bumpkins, which is also a meal between colleagues. The main source of information and jokes. Therefore, when the other party opened the car door, he already regarded the woman as a Neverwinter traveling out, but the other party seemed to be not very familiar with this city...

"You're joking... Who dares to demolish the King's Castle?" Dunn snorted and drove from the passenger area to the main road, "but the Executive Office has proposed several times to expand the castle to a size that matches the royal capital. , but it was all rejected by His Majesty the King. The matter was even published in the newspapers, and the land that was finally scheduled for expansion was turned into a war memorial park. You… are not a local?”

"I stayed here for a while." The woman leaned against the window and looked at the surrounding scenery, "It seems that Your Majesty is quite sympathetic to the people."

"No! Although many people questioned her ability when His Majesty Wimbledon took the throne, it turns out that even at a young age and as a woman, Wimbledon is Wimbledon after all." Tang En praised utterly. This is his truth! If it weren't for the post-war recovery policy promulgated by the other party, how could he have had the chance to move to this dream city from the remote northern land.

"Heh..." The woman raised the corner of her mouth, "Then you can talk more about her."

Wait... How could this man's attitude towards His Majesty be so strange? There was a trace of doubt in Tang En's heart. He was neither full of respect like ordinary people, nor full of sourness like the old nobles. It was as if he was talking about an old acquaintance. Could it be a spy who came to spy on intelligence

This is not his blind suspicion. Tang En has also heard some gossip. Although the War of Divine Will has ended, the Lord of Dawn has announced his abdication, and the influence of Graycastle has spread all over the continent for a while, but this does not mean that all territories are as monolithic. At least in Dawn, many nobles expressed their dissatisfaction with the Quinn family. And the son of the amnesty Duke Longsong has left the fjord. If anyone wants to overthrow the Wimbledon family, he must be one of them.

There is also the widow of the eldest prince, who will obviously become the focus of all forces. Although he is only a child at present, who knows what ideas will be born when he grows up

Maybe those scheming guys are already paving the way for future conspiracies!

The more Tang En thought about it, the more strange he felt. He picked out a few trivial anecdotes and chatted, while secretly looking at the passengers in the back seat. If the other party was a spy, he should write down her appearance and report it to the Public Security Bureau. .

But... She looks really special, would a traitor really look for such a person as an eyeliner

Not to mention the long black and smooth hair and the proud figure, just the ease and atmosphere in the conversation is destined to be difficult to be ignored. What's more, through the silhouette on the glass, Tang En saw the woman's golden eyes hidden under the sunglasses.

Looking at those sharp eyes like sharp swords, he was a little lost for a while.

Just as he was thinking about it, the car arrived at the castle area.

"Uh... it's here," Dunn coughed twice, "the fare is one hundred yuan."

The woman quickly handed out the banknotes, then picked up her luggage and walked towards the castle on the top of the slope.

Are spies nowadays so direct? He stared at each other's back for a long time, until she disappeared at the end of his field of vision... Forget it, don't think about it, Dunn shook his head. Since the other party went straight to the castle, there is no need for him to notify the Public Security Bureau. After all, all the witches who live in the king's castle are far more powerful than the police. If she is really malicious, she will definitely not be able to get out of that gate later.

For some reason, if such a thing really happened, Tang En felt it was a pity.

He smacked his mouth and started the car.

"Aren't we really not doing one step at a time on how to make magic more widely available?"

In the stream of people entering and leaving the castle gate, Isabella caught up with Agatha and asked.

The Executive Office just ended a heated meeting with the theme of strengthening the connection between the Awakened and ordinary people, so that everyone can benefit from magic.

After synthesizing the technologies of various ethnic groups, the Quest Club has given two preliminary routes, one is a magic device similar to the Rubik's Cube power unit, and the other is a reference to the magic stone fusion technology that the devil has now become the Kajade tribe. The former has almost no side effects, but it is still inseparable from the witch to recharge it. Since there are objective restrictions on the speed and talent of the Awakened, this route has an obvious upper limit.

Once the number of devices exceeds the total power supply of the witch, it can easily become the exclusive tool of the upper class, which is not in line with the purpose of the new quest. However, this plan has been approved by most people. In the foreseeable future, those who can enter the castle area and the administrative hall are already high-level kingdoms, and they can enjoy any breakthroughs in magic devices as soon as possible. But not the ordinary people.

The second article has certain risks, and its breakthrough point lies in Eleanor's research. Yuan Sanxi, who became the mother of the soul, is working on cultivating a Kagad prosthetic body that can be combined with the human body. It can be hands, feet, nose, ears... and even the horns on the forehead, and these prosthetics can be Embed the magic stone.

At present, there have been two successful cases in the test. Volunteers have become demons by replacing their limbs. Although their abilities are not worth mentioning, even the power of low-level magic stones cannot be fully driven, but they can use magic devices by themselves, which can be said to break the the limit of route one.

Just according to the basic principle of the mutual influence between magic power and magician, no one knows where ordinary human beings will go after merging the magic stone. Therefore, most of the officials at the meeting expressed their opposition to this, and even the old school headed by Barov was very strong. Request a ban on this technology.

However, Agatha knew that Isabella's so-called one-step approach is not the above two, but a third plan that only the core of the Quest Club knows about is human transformation. From the information obtained from the Battle of Divine Will, life can obtain more magic power through continuous evolution, and magic power itself has certain rules, so the highest goal of research is obviously that everyone can obtain magic power. There is no need to rely on awakening, let alone distinguish between genders, everyone is born to be a demon holder. If it can be successful, it will definitely bring a new round of leaps to mankind!

However, this research is only at the stage of theoretical exploration, not to mention the need for a large number of clinical trials. If it is thrown out now, it will only cause a big uproar. , be regarded as putting it into the cold palace.

"I understand your unwillingness, but you can also see that people's acceptance of magic is far from ideal." Agatha said softly, "The new Quest Club has just been established, and we must produce more results. , in order to let the public realize the convenience and progress brought by magic. We cannot repeat the mistakes made by Lord Akalis."

"But those old stubborn ones are against even the second route." Isabella said gloomily, "Without the support of a large number of magicians, the popularization of magic devices will always be difficult to promote to places outside Neverwinter."

"Indeed. But we are not without a chance." Agatha opened the fist that she had been clenching, revealing a note in her palm that Edith put into her hand after the meeting.

At seven o'clock in the evening, a banquet was held in the Jinbisi White Horse Hall, hoping that the two of you could enjoy the light.

At any time, change means the reorganization and redistribution of interests. The far-reaching magic popularization plan for mankind is not a purely technical problem, but a new battle.

She somewhat missed the days when His Majesty Roland was still alive. At that time, as long as it was a decision made by His Majesty, no one would raise any objection. No matter how incredible it was, everyone would move forward in unison.

But after only a short while of depression, Agatha regained her composure.

That's right, she can't always rely on that person to go on. He has led mankind out of a desperate situation, and then it is up to them to inherit and shoulder this unyielding will.

Just then, a woman walked past her.

Agatha couldn't help but be stunned.

She turned back sharply

"What's the matter?" Isabella asked. "Have you left anything?"

Only then did Agatha notice that the two had opened a distance of several meters, and the latter was looking at her in confusion, as if she didn't understand why she suddenly stopped.

"No... I just thought I saw a very familiar person."

She blinked and swept through the crowd for the last time, but still couldn't find the familiar figure.

"A very familiar person?"

"Well, it's probably a misunderstanding." Agatha took two quick steps, "Let's go back to the Mage Tower, there is still a lot of research to do."

The "battle" of this magical transformation will be started by her.

She is ready.