Release that Witch

Chapter 1499: A moment of reunion


Castle study.

"Your Majesty, I have your letter."

Sean knocked on the door, then walked in quickly, placing a crumpled paper envelope in his hand on the table.

Now that long-wave radio, wired telegrams, and listening sigils equipped with magic storage devices are all mature, even civilians can spend a few dollars to shoot a long-distance telegram. Letters like this are hand-delivered less and less. .

"Oh? Where did you get it from?" Tilly put down her pen and rubbed her numb fingers.

"I heard it's... the sea." Sean coughed twice, "The first person to get it was a fjord explorer, then Haishang, Daqing Port, and finally Shoal Port. If you didn't see the signature ,I do not know either"

Before he could finish speaking, Tilly had already torn open the envelope.

There are only a few people who can send letters from the vast sea.

Sure enough, after unfolding the letter, lines of familiar words came into her eyes. After being handled by many people and being exposed to the wind and sun at sea, the paper was a little mottled, but the different handwriting and style of writing could be transformed into She will never admit wrong.

See the letter.

This is the first greeting letter sent by the expedition.

By convention, the head of the group writes first.

Hi, Your Highness Tilly... No, it's Your Majesty, we are now on our way to Tianhaijie. To be more precise, we have reached the edge of the floating continent.

It was not until I saw it that I understood what a real floating continent was. Compared with it, the God of Divine Construct was like a fjord and a realm of dawn. There are mountains and rivers on it, thousands of seawater pouring down from the rock walls, this spectacular scene is difficult to describe in words. If possible, I really want to bring you and Sister Soraya.

Although the monsters in the sky and sea world have all been wiped out, this continent is still an unknown land. Will there be new relics on it? Will there be core instruments to support the land? Ah, it's just a question! I bet it will be the most coveted target for explorers for the next ten years.

But I'm destined to be the first!

If there is more, I will tell you slowly later, my father's fleet is chasing after me, but this time he can't get ahead of me. Then, I go on!

Miss you, Lightning.

The next handwriting turned abruptly.

My second turn is Maisie Goo!

I don't even know what to say, I just feel so happy every day! Although it is very heavy to carry wolves, everyone has a lot to talk about, and there are new scenery to see, which is much better than staying on the beam alone!

By the way, it turns out that there are so many kinds of fish in the sea, it is almost impossible to finish eating goo! But without spices, barbecue has no soul. If possible, can you send some spices to Tianhaijie

Tilly held back her smile and turned to the second letter.

Your Majesty, Hello. I'm Lorgar Burning of the Blaze Clan. In addition, since Joan has been immersed in sea water, I will ghostwrite her content.

Exploration is indeed a very interesting thing. It has made me realize that there is a more fertile area in the world besides the land. After that, our plan is to land in the sky and sea world, first establish a base camp, and then go deep into its core to find the node that connects to the bottom of the shadow archipelago. After all, this continent is extremely far away from the Dawn Realm. If you want to develop it, a shortcut that can pass quickly is absolutely necessary.

Because everyone has not found too many results for the time being, I will not delay your time too much. Finally, I have an unkind request. Can you help me convey to my father and my family that I am all right? Thank you.

By the way, please don't take Maisie's words to heart. We all know that there are so many government affairs nowadays, and it is impossible for Lord Eleanor to open the floating island to the sea. But... But if you do bring the spice, bring some more of Miss Evelyn's bar by the way.

May the three gods be with you.

At the end of the stationery, there is an inscription with a stick figure instead of a signature, which is a man, a bird, a wolf, and a fish.

Tilly closed the letter, took a deep breath, and then motioned to Sean, "This letter doesn't need a reply, you go down first."

"Yes, Your Majesty." The latter bowed and saluted, turned and exited the room.

Seeing the door closed, Tilly was silent for a moment, then suddenly buried her head in the pile of documents.


She murmured enviously and turned her head from side to side, making the table full of documents rattle.

Flying all over the world with the Phoenix and her friends, this is the life she wants!

It's all my brother's fault, saying that I can't go back to find the ashes, and she has to inherit the throne until there is no more separation between witches and ordinary people. As a result, the search has been five years, and Anna and Nightingale are also missing, and now it is unclear whether he is fooling himself!

Look what she's dealing with now.

The fertile plain is being developed, and the original land of Langxin and Yongdong has to be reused. There are calls everywhere asking her to ask for money and people. Please, these resources do not grow from the ground!

There is also the news that Ryan's son is trying to "treachery". Those businessmen invited by him turned around and sold the information to Neverwinter. Does he really not know that his plans are all on her desk? After finally getting his freedom, he sent himself back to the prison, this kind of naive and unplanned approach, Tilly didn't know whether to treat him as a normal opponent or not.

Of course, these are all minor issues.

What really gave her a headache was the direction the kingdom was going to take in the future. What technology to prioritize, the friction between private companies and the Executive Office, and how to balance the power of the various regimes, these are the big issues that really affect the world.

In the past, she always felt that the king was nothing special. After all, even a sloppy person like Roland could handle it, let alone her. But now Tilly has discovered that this is really not a job that ordinary people can do, not to mention that Roland is still taking care of government affairs, taking scrolls and a large group of God's Punishment Witches to collect knowledge in the dream world, in retrospect, it really makes people feel Amazed.


At this moment, there was a sudden sound of opening the door.

Tilly raised her head abruptly, posing as if she was handling official business seriously, and said a little unhappily, "What's the matter, don't you want to notify me first if you say something?"

After all, apart from the personal guards, Wendy, Shu Scroll, Agatha and others are all regulars in the office, especially Shu Scroll, if she sees her being lazy, she will inevitably give a lecture. So early warning is also one of Sean's responsibilities... or, the most important task.

But no response came.

Tilly looked at the door in surprise


The pen in her hand fell straight down, onto the floor.