Release that Witch

Chapter 40: Home book


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The firewood was burning brightly, but Gronn Wimbledon could not feel much heat.

Although it was already a big tent stitched with cowhide, and the bottom circle was tightly pressed with soil, there should be no air leakage, but he still felt cold all over, especially his toes, which were almost unconscious.

"This damn place can freeze even if you urinate," he spat, stood up, clasped the sides of the table with both hands, and lifted it with force, the back of his hand suddenly burst into blue veins, a six-foot-square solid wood square table off the ground.

As soon as the table was placed by the fire pit, Goron felt a lot more comfortable. He took off his shoes, set his feet on the fire to bake, spread out a scroll in his hand, and continued to write the unfinished letter.

"To my dear Livia."

"I've been in Hermes for more than a month. Of course, the guys in the church prefer to call it the new holy city. If it weren't for the Fel Moon Pact, I wouldn't want to stay here for a moment, I just want to go back to your place. Cabin, share a warm bed with you."

"It's ironic that, thanks to the Covenant, the military that monitors the church's every move has become an ally to support them, isn't it? Speaking of the church, I have to admit, what they've done is truly amazing. I remember my first When I came here once, twenty years ago, Hermes had nothing but mountains and stones. The towns built by the church were all at the foot of the mountain. But now, they have not only opened up a road for carriages to go up the mountain, He also built a huge fortress city on the top of the mountain.”

"If it's summer, you should come and see it with me. The new holy city they say is more majestic than Greycastle. Remember the theatre in the Royal Capital of Greycastle? You and I went there to watch The Prince's Revenge. , you marvel at how ingenious the shape of the theater is and how spacious the interior can be.”

"But if you see the martial arts field in the New Holy City, you will find that the Greycastle Theater is nothing at all. If you say it is a building, I think it is more like an exquisite work of art. There are five The theater is the size of a space, but there is no stone pillar to support it. Eight things like giant beast bones protrude from the outer wall. Many branches and hemp ropes are connected between the curved animal bones, suspending the entire roof in the air, like a Like the boom. How did they come up with it?"

"And those bones, if they were peeled from the demon beast, I bet that guy must be over a hundred feet. It is probably only in Hermes to encounter such a monster. But dear, please don't Worry, no matter how huge the evil beast is, it is nothing but the minions of the hell devil. In the face of the God's Stone of Punishment, no evil can escape the punishment of God, whether it is the evil beast, the witch, or the devil itself, the end will be nothing but ashes."

After writing this, Goron Wimbledon put down his pen and shook his numb hand. Strange to say, holding a 15-pound two-handed sword can swing all day long, but I feel tired after holding the pen to write such a few words, he laughed at himself, and I am still suitable for some rough work.

"Speaking of demonic beasts, I suddenly remembered that my fourth brother was assigned to a poor place like Border Town, and I'm afraid he has already fled into Longsong Fortress with his tail between his tails - even though the demonic beasts there are unable to compete with Hermes at all. Compared with the defense line. I can't blame him. Even if I go to that kind of place, I only have the chance to take refuge. From this, I can see how unfair my father is. Just because the second brother has been very smart since he was a child, I decided to let him Inheriting the throne? My father forgot that he didn’t win the throne of Greycastle by cleverness. Since my mother passed away, it has become more and more difficult for me to understand his thoughts.”

The next content made Goron hesitate. He didn't know whether to tell Livya his real plans. After a pause, he decided to write it down. If the plan goes well, he should have arrived at the Greycastle Palace by the time this letter was delivered.

"My dear, Maester Ang is right, if I do nothing, the throne will not belong to me in the end. He has observed this from the stars." The month will completely leave the orbit of the blazing sun. "That's what the maester told me. Obviously, there's not much time left, and I can't wait any longer."

"After today's battle, I will quietly return to the capital, with my loyal warriors. Cold Wind Ridge is far less fertile than Golden Harvest City, but there is no shortage of brave warriors here. Just throw some coins. And promise, they will pounce on my target like hungry wolves. Of course, I don't want to do that. I just want to ask my father why he issued such a playful will as the king's decree, and what made him forget Now, I am the one who has the first right of inheritance.”

"Master Ang has arranged everything for me, Livia, my love, just wait a little longer. The day I become king will be the time to marry you as queen. If I fail miserably... don't come back. Go to the capital and live a good life in the Cold Wind Ridge.”

"Love you, Gronn."

He carefully folded the letter into the envelope and sealed it with wax. After checking several times, he knocked on the table, and soon a personal soldier walked in outside the tent.

"Send this letter to Rose in Cold Wind Ridge. You don't have to travel day and night, and you don't have to ride a horse, dress up as an ordinary traveler, and take the commercial motorcade that travels between the two places. There is only one thing you need to remember, this letter The letter must be delivered by hand."

"Yes, His Royal Highness!"

"Very good, you can go." After Goron waved his guards away, he simply sat on the table with both feet hanging on the fire pit.

In this way, he has no way out.

He closed his eyes and thought back to his childhood. At that time, I took my two brothers and three sisters to play hide-and-seek in the Wangcheng Garden. The third sister fell and the two of them had to accompany her to fall once before giving up. Since when did the three gradually become as strange as they are now

Goron shook his head and put aside his complicated thoughts, sentimentality is not suitable for him, he thought, these confusions will eventually have an answer - after he sits on the throne.

Just then, a dull horn sounded from outside the tent.

"Ohh ohh ohh ohh ohh ohh ohh----"

coming! He jumped off the table and put on his shoes. Out of the tent, the entire camp has moved. Running soldiers and flags merged into torrents and gathered towards the preset battlefield. A murky echo echoed from the distant mountains, continuing.

The horn blared, and the evil beasts attacked.

"Follow me!" He rode on the war horse brought by his guards and trotted towards the top of the city wall.

Only by standing on the wall of the Holy City can you feel its grandeur - it is like an insurmountable moat, standing across the fracture of the Desperate Mountain Range. The top is flat and wide, allowing dozens of people to pass side by side. In front of it is a cliff formed by glaciers, and behind it is a flat plateau.

This is why the church is desperately trying to build the new holy city on top of a hill.

Taking advantage of this terrain difference, they built a line of defense that was almost impossible to break through.

And Goron Wimbledon has to look further. To be able to transport so much stone and wood from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, and to build a city on Hermes in just 20 years, the strength the church has shown is already staggering.

But no matter how much he hated these gangsters, one thing Gronn had to admit, if they didn't support them in defending Hermes, all the countries on the continent would face a catastrophe. This is also the basis for the signing of the Evil Moon Pact.

When the Moon of Demons came, the four kingdoms bordering Hermes had to send troops to support the Church and fight together with the Church's Judgment Army.

The four flags at the top of the city stand against the wind, the "Dawn" of the scepter with a snake body, the "Wolf Heart" of the crossed swords and shields, and the "Eternal Winter" of the Iceberg Rose—

And "Greycastle" with a tower spear.

Looking at the black dots that appeared in the sky in the distance, Goron Wimbledon clenched his great sword.

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