Release that Witch

Chapter 55: Golden opportunity


Roland pushed open the door of the office, and Barov had been waiting in the room for a long time.

He threw the paperwork to the minister's assistant and lay down on the armchair with his feet on the desk.

If it weren't for the presence of outsiders, he really wanted to hum a little tune.

"His Royal Highness, please condolences," Barov quickly read the document and frowned. "The unfortunate death of the king, and the murderer was the eldest prince, this is really a tragedy. I don't know what your plan will be next, Your Highness."

"Gron's death is too strange. I want to see the decision of the third and fifth sisters before making plans," Roland said. "But in any case, there are some things we should guard against in advance."

Barov looked at the prince and waited for the other party's next sentence.

"The capital may become turbulent because of this change of royal power. The first thing to do is to pick up your relatives and family members." Of course, the more important thing is to prevent the second prince from using these people to threaten his family. Minister, for now, if you want to maintain the normal operation of border town administration and finance, minister assistants are indispensable. Roland took a sip of tea and continued, "You and Carter, as well as your subordinates, have written a letter from home, and I will entrust my guards to take them to the capital and arrange for them to take refuge in other towns."

"Don't use Border Town?" Barov was not a fool, and his twenty years of political experience made him immediately understand the prince's deep meaning.

"No." Roland neither wanted the other party to threaten his subordinates with family members, nor did he want his subordinates to think that he was using family members to threaten them, so he chose a compromise method, first resettling to other safer towns, and then waiting for Border Town. Stand firm and move over.

"I see, thank you Your Highness for your concern," the assistant minister nodded in agreement, which made Roland relieved. In the final analysis, there are too few talents who can be used by oneself.

"The other thing is about the ore trade. Recently, the export of iron ore has been suspended, and only rough gemstones are sold to Liuye Town," he ordered. "I need to keep these iron ore for my own use."

"As a result, the revenue will drop, Your Highness."

"But it won't drop too much, and miners have discovered a new gem deposit that can fill some of the gap," Rowland said. Moreover, there is no business in winter, and everyone is reluctant to go out for business on the days when evil beasts may appear at any time. In the long four months, there may only be two or three rounds of transactions. Transporting rough gemstones is clearly a more cost-effective option for a lightweight dhow.

"I see," Barov noted.

After the assistant minister left, Roland called Carter Lannis again, "I need to expand the size of the militia team. After the recruitment is released, you can arrange it. A few quick-response and capable players will be assigned to the new team as captains. . The training is the same as the last time."

"His Royal Highness, if you still follow the training method last time, it may take a long time for the new team to come in handy."

"That's better than a mob," Roland waved and told him to do as he said. Although the team trained in this way is far from being an army, I am afraid that it is the level of college students who have completed military training, but sometimes it is necessary to compare the combat effectiveness with that of the opponent. In addition to the evil beasts with no brains, his most likely opponents are a group of "mixed armies" made up of private armies, mercenaries, and serfs. .

After Carter also left, Roland couldn't help laughing.

He didn't expect such a coincidence to happen! It's like sending charcoal in the snow, handing pillows when you doze off.

Is this bad news for you? A dilemma? Big mistake! He didn't know much about Garcia Wimbledon, but she was by no means the kind of person who would be slaughtered. The eldest prince was sentenced to death in such a short period of time, and even if there is no insider, she probably will not return to the capital easily.

All he had to do was follow suit. As long as they stay in Border Town, someone will inevitably jump out - and the Duke of Fortress is likely to be the first one who can't sit still. Otherwise, he would not have rushed the recall document to himself in this ghost weather.

The Duke hopes that he will see it one day earlier, and it will be difficult to sleep and eat one day earlier.

If he chooses to stay in Border Town, it is equivalent to disobeying the will of the new king. When the Devil's Month is over, the Duke will most likely hold the banner of Timothy Wimbledon and teach himself a profound lesson. And that's exactly what Roland needs.

If you ask what industrialization lacks the most, the answer is undoubtedly people.

It requires a large number of people to invest in this huge production, turning people into parts one by one, and driving this huge machine. It is no exaggeration to say that the British enclosure movement of "sheep cannibalism" drove a large number of peasants off the land and made them free laborers, which laid a solid foundation for the subsequent industrial revolution.

The industrial age is so rude, as long as you continue to invest in this furnace with educated laborers, you can get rich rewards. The finer the industrial classification, the more the required population will be multiplied.

Roland has been troubled by the population problem.

Border Town has a total of more than 2,000 residents. Even if there is a new era of machinery, it is only workshop-style production. Many projects cannot be launched without a large available population. But where did he go to steal so many people

Buy slaves? Not to mention where you can buy thousands of slaves at one time, adult slaves are expensive, and there is not much training significance. The training cycle of young slaves under the age of ten is too long. Even if they employ child labor without conscience, it will take several years.

Recruiting talent? How many people can this kind of frontier land attract? And it will only cost more than buying slaves.

Encourage more births? Forced marriage? forget it…

It's not that he didn't set his sights on Changsong Fortress, but the kingdom was in a stable state, and he was joking about the future when he attacked the surrounding lords. And Duke Ryan also didn't dare to target himself openly, so he could only stumble secretly.

But now it's different. After Tifeko ascended the throne, he desperately hoped that all his competitors would disappear. From this recall order, we can see his eagerness. Duke Ryan can obviously see this. Once he loses the constraints of the old king, as the ruler of the West, it would be strange that he doesn't do anything.

This was the opportunity that Roland had been waiting for for a long time.

As the border of the kingdom, Changsong Fortress has been an important town for centuries and has nearly 10,000 permanent residents. After the fortress, there are more large tracts of land and defenseless towns. As long as he defeats the duke of the fortress and takes the city, he will be able to obtain a large number of free people and at the same time complete the primitive accumulation of wealth.

What could be easier to gain population than annexation? What could build wealth faster than plunder

This news is like a beacon that dispels the fog, illuminating the direction of Roland's progress.

He would never miss such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.