Release that Witch

Chapter 6: training (top)


There is an extra shed in the back garden of the castle, which is covered with wooden boards, leaving only two holes for windows.

In the center of the shed is a square pool made of blue bricks, about three meters in length and width, filled with loess. After a proper amount of water is added, it is not only inflammable, but also has a certain plasticity, and the ideal shape can be dug out with a small shovel. There are also several iron ingots stacked on the loess—this was dragged by Carter Lannis from the blacksmith shop.

There was a well beside the pond, and it was because Roland saw this that he asked people to build a shed here.

But as a laboratory, it is still too rudimentary. He shook his head, and what he put together in one night was naturally not ideal. The official workshop will not start construction until Barov has collected the information.

"How? Did you sleep well last night?"

He turned around, looked at Anna with a blank face, and asked with a smile.

The witch's appearance now is completely different from when she was in prison. After careful cleaning, her flaxen shawl hair is soft and shiny. Although her skin has not been maintained, it is still young, and the light freckles on the bridge of her nose are even more added. A youthful vitality. Her stature was still thin, and her slender body seemed to fall down when pushed, but her cheeks were already rosy, and the bruises and streaks on her neck were much lighter than yesterday. Roland suspected that in addition to giving witches magical powers, that magic also improved their physical fitness. At least in terms of recovery ability, Ana is much faster than ordinary people.

"Having experienced so many terrible things, I should have given you a few more days of rest, but the time is really tight, so I have to wait to compensate you later." Roland circled around the girl, "Does this dress still fit? ?"

The clothes Anna is wearing now is exactly what he has carefully selected from a variety of schemes - to satisfy his bad taste. The ironworker's full-body protective suit was too heavy for her. Although the mage robe in the game looks tall and high, its movements are restricted everywhere. As for the maid outfit, hey, is there anything better than this

Even if the real maid outfit has not yet appeared in this world, it is not a big problem. The maid overalls already have the prototype of the maid outfit of later generations. So Roland directly asked Tyre to cut a set of his clothes according to Anna's body shape, shortened the skirt, changed the long sleeves to short sleeves, changed the round neck to a folded collar, and then tied it with a bow, and the new witch uniform was released like this. .

With a pointed witch hat (custom), black boots (off-the-shelf), and a knee-length cape (custom), a character that was only seen in movies in the past stood in front of Roland.

"Your Highness, what do you... need me to do?"

Anna really couldn't keep up with the thoughts of the big man in front of her. She felt that she was about to lose her ability to think. When she was bagged and dragged away in the dungeon, she thought that this cursed life would soon be freed. But after taking off the hood, Anna found that what she saw was not a gallows or a guillotine, but a large and magnificent house. Then a bunch of people poured in, undressing and bathing her. From the underarms to the gaps between the toes, there is not a single spot that has not been wiped clean.

Then it was changing. She didn't expect that someone would need someone to serve her when she was dressed, and she didn't expect that the clothes could be so comfortable - they were soft against her body, and she didn't feel any friction.

The last person who came in was an old man with a white beard. After he ordered everyone to step back, he put a contract in front of her. At this moment, she realized that it was the fourth prince of the kingdom who said that she was hired in the prison, and the word of employment was not a joke. The contract clearly stated that if she served the prince, she would be rewarded with a golden dragon every month.

Anna knew what a golden dragon meant. His father worked in the mine all day long, and his salary was determined according to the amount of ore produced. The best harvest was only a silver wolf. And one hundred silver wolves can only be exchanged for a golden dragon, it depends on whether the silver wolf is enough.

So, what is her job, sleeping with the prince? Anna had indeed heard such whispers from the maids during the bath, but she didn't think she was worth the price. Bloodline corrupted by the devil, unclean person who has willingly fallen... Anyone who knows her true identity will only avoid it. Even if the prince's curiosity is so strong, even the devil is not afraid, and there is no need to pay her any reward. what.

No one came to her that night, and she fell asleep—the softest bed Anna had ever slept on in her life, so much so that she fell asleep as soon as she lay down. When I opened my eyes the next day, it was noon, and lunch was delivered to the room, with bread, cheese, and a steak. She had clearly planned to die - what would be the memory of a person who even decided to give up her life in this world? What was she thinking. But after putting the steak in her mouth, Anna couldn't help but burst into tears.

The gravy and pepper were mixed in the mouth, and the strong spicy flavor mixed with a touch of sweetness repeatedly hit her taste buds, until it still filled her mouth after swallowing... She suddenly felt that there was still something beautiful in this world.

If you can eat this kind of food every day, you will have more courage to resist even when the demon is eating your body

At this moment, standing in this wooden shed that was neither like a palace nor a cage, she secretly made up her mind. Since the other party needs it, she is willing to give it a try no matter whether it is wearing such strange clothes or summoning that incredible power. So she asked again, but this time she didn't hesitate.

"Your Highness, what do you need me to do

"For now, you have to control your strength and practice it repeatedly until you can send and receive freely."

"You mean the devil—"

"No, no, Miss Anna," Roland interrupted, "it's your strength."

The witch blinked her beautiful blue eyes.

"Most people in the world have a prejudice against you. They think that the power of witches comes from the devil, which is extremely evil. In fact, they are wrong," Roland crouched down and looked at each other. "And you don't think so either, right?"

He remembered Anna's chuckle in the dungeon. How could someone who thinks himself evil make such a mocking laugh

"I've never hurt anyone with it," she said softly, "except the robber."

"It's not a fault to fight against aggression, you're doing it right. People fear you because they don't know you - they know that constant training makes a strong warrior, but they don't know how to become a witch. Unknown power It's always scary."

"You're not afraid at all," Anna said.

"Because I know it belongs to you," Roland laughed. "If that robber had such amazing power, I wouldn't dare stand in front of him."

"Okay, let's get started," he said.