Release that Witch

Chapter 63: Stories from the past


Unfortunately, the good times did not last long. In the winter of her fourteenth year, there was a refugee riot in Yinguang City, and the parents who distributed food to the refugees never came back. Nightingale and her younger brother were sent to another branch of the Glenn family, the house of her father's siblings.

It was also that winter that Nightingale awakened as a witch.

She carefully concealed her abilities, but she was still discovered by Old Glenn, who snatched her younger brother from her side, and threatened Nightingale with her brother's life to do things for her.

Nightingale could only do as she did. She was given special training by the members of the Thieves Guild brought by Old Glenn, and then did some shameful things for him, such as sneaking into the houses of business rivals to steal contracts and documents, eavesdropping on the meetings of the city hall, Later, poison was even placed in the water tanks or wine glasses of some potential competitors.

The business of the Ge Lan family is getting bigger and bigger, but his attitude towards Nightingale is getting worse and worse, as long as something goes wrong, he will beat and kick her. In addition to doing things for himself, he kept Nightingale in the room, and the door was replaced with an iron railing. What saddened and puzzled Nightingale the most was that her younger brother Hyde hardly came to see her anymore. She began to wonder if old Glenn had killed her brother.

Under her repeated pleas, the other side brought her brother with disgust. However, Hyde told Nightingale with a look of disgust that she really hoped that without her sister, the witch would go to hell to be with the devil.

Nightingale collapsed immediately, but before the nightmare was over, Old Glenn gave her the final blow—the secret of her becoming a witch was exactly what Hyde told him, in order to get away from the witch, the farther the better.

After sending Hyde away, Old Glenn coldly warned her that his younger brother would inherit his father's title when he became an adult, but if Nightingale did not continue to obey his orders, he could make his younger brother die silently at any time.

In this way, Nightingale, in despair and great grief, was like a puppet under the control of the Gulen family. In the snowy moon she was about to come of age, she met Wendy on her way home from her mission. Or rather, Wendy found her.

When she learned that there was still a witches' association, and that there were many sisters who suffered misfortune like her, but did not give up their resistance, Nightingale's broken heart suddenly ignited a little spark again.

From confusion to determination, she didn't spend much time. A week later, in her coming-of-age days, she gritted her teeth and survived the ordeal, and her strength changed dramatically. The mist not only hides her figure, she finds that those iron railings can no longer stop her.

After her adult-day symptoms returned, she ghostly stepped into Old Glenn's bedroom one night and slit his neck with a dagger. Seeing the blood spurting several feet high and the inhalation sound of the other party drinking, she unexpectedly found that she was calmer than she thought.

Afterwards, Nightingale left the Glenn family. As for her younger brother Hyde, she no longer wanted to care about it.

In this way, she and Wendy embarked on a journey to find a mutual aid society.

After Nightingale finished speaking, she waited for a while, and when she saw that the prince was still immersed in the past, he retired first. And it took a long time for Roland to come back to his senses. I have to say that every witch has a long and bitter history, and those who can live to adulthood are the best among them.

And I can't be lucky enough to be able to become a prince after crossing over.

The next morning, Roland went to the Nightingale room to visit Wendy.

After a whole night of recuperation, Wendy's complexion looked much better, and her attached arm also recovered blood. Although she was still a little weak, she still held up her body and bowed her head to the prince.

"I already know about you, thank you for saving Nightingale's life," Roland took out a piece of parchment from his bosom and said straight to the point, "There is no doubt that Hakara can no longer accept you back to the mutual aid society, why don't you just Stay in Border Town and work for me. If you agree, sign this contract. The salary is the same as Anna, one golden dragon per month."

"His Royal Highness..." Nightingale blinked her eyes, but hesitated.

Roland naturally knew what she wanted to say, but Nightingale didn't want her to force Wendy to make a decision so quickly about this friend who changed the trajectory of her life and saved her life in the Desperate Mountains. In her opinion, as long as Wendy stayed in Border Town for a while, she would definitely fall to her side.

"I also hope to talk about this without being in such a hurry, but some things are more dangerous every day they are delayed." Roland paused for a moment, and Wendy did not interrupt, and quietly waited for the following, "I think I may know A way for witches to survive the Awakening Day without harm."

"What?" As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the two witches changed and they asked in unison.

"It's just a guess, there's no concrete evidence," Roland waved his hand. "The witches will suffer less damage in the camp than in exile. The only difference is that when you're in exile, you hide your identities for fear of being known. When camping, you have to constantly use your abilities to maintain the day-to-day operations of the camp.”

Wendy nodded, "You're right... you're right."

"And when Anna was in the castle, she had to train her abilities every day. Before her adult day, she even used up her magic power and fell into a coma. When she woke up, she had passed the most difficult level of a witch without a trace. No injuries."

"So I think this may be the key to solving the demon's body. The witch is the container of magic power. During the growth, the magic power keeps accumulating. When the body exceeds the limit, it will cause damage to itself. And the devil's moon itself is a witch. The most powerful moment."

"If you can keep releasing your magic power and keep it at a safe value, maybe the torment of the Awakening Day will be greatly reduced, or even disappear completely." Roland paused, and then said, "As the lord of Border Town, , I can provide a place for witches to unleash their power, and no one will arrest, judge, or directly execute you. If my guess is correct, then there is no doubt that Border Town is the holy mountain you have been looking for for a long time. ."

Witches have been educated since birth. This dangerous ability is bestowed by the devil, and even a little sober people will only feel that the power to constantly devour themselves is a curse. This is an endless cycle. It, the power of backlash will be stronger. As a transmigrator, Roland has a completely opposite attitude towards this power. After reading through the memories of the Fourth Prince and ruling out the existence of the True God, he simply regarded magic as a kind of energy, an ability that could be controlled by his own will.

Wendy was silent for a long time before asking, "If I sign a contract and promise to work for you, please... What do I need to do first?"

During these hundreds of years, some witches have been secretly imprisoned by a few ambitious people and used as consumables because of their unique abilities. Although the church severely punishes such behavior, it is still difficult to prohibit. And they use witches without mercy. Once they lose their use value, they will end up horribly.

Of course, Roland has heard of this, but he is looking at long-term interests, a sustainable development system that can win-win. He smiled and replied, "The first thing you have to do is to practice your ability over and over until you fully master it—just like Anna."