Release that Witch

Chapter 90: Celebration (below)


Six marinated whole cows were carted to the campfire—if it wasn't for the militia escort, Roland suspected that when the cart passed the crowd, the whole cow would have been divided among the enthusiastic crowd.

This is also the entire stock in the basement of his castle. Roland felt tears in his heart when he thought that he didn't have any steaks to eat before the next merchant ship arrived. In order to make this celebration a success, he took out all his family assets.

The royal chef brought from the capital was only responsible for wiping the ingredients and supervising the heat, and the task of grilling was handed over to six powerful people in the militia. An iron rod was inserted into the body from the cow's mouth and placed on the brick platform beside the fire. The flames were burning, and the heat wave could be felt from two or three meters away. Soon the skin of the whole cow made a sizzling sound, and the oil came out from the pores, exuding an attractive fragrance.

Of course, everyone couldn't wait while roasting. Under Roland's suggestion, Iron Axe appeared with a team of militia members.

Those gorgeous and complicated court dances are not suitable for such occasions. Without long-term training, you may not even be able to remember the essentials of movements, let alone show beautiful dances. To ensure that it is simple and easy to understand and at the same time fully express itself, the sand people's dance is obviously more in line with the taste of ordinary people.

I saw the iron axe and the team members with their hands on their hips, one of which passed through the arm of the right partner, forming a ring-like appearance, arranging in two circles around the fire. As the accompaniment—that is, several high-low and low-pitched horns—played, they began to move in a clockwise direction, kicking the other foot forward with each step, while shouting "Hey!"

"Is this what you mean by lead dance?" Carter's eyes widened. "Is this a dance?"

"Of course, and it's simple and easy to remember. Last night, the militia team only practiced for a quarter of an hour and mastered the pace," Roland said with a smile, "Would you like to go up and have a try?"

Carter shook his head in rejection. He just felt as if something shattered in his heart with a bang—farewell, the beautiful girl that made the heart move, goodbye, the slightly sad memories of youth.

The other militia members clapped their hands and followed the dancers' footsteps, bringing a round of applause with each footstep. The very rhythmic sense of rhythm drove the crowd, and they stretched out their hands to follow suit. As the applause got faster and faster, the iron axe and the players were spinning faster and faster, and the rings began to show signs of disjointness. Not long after, a player accidentally fell, and then a group of people fell, and the rotation stopped abruptly. end. The crowd was stunned, but the applause of the militia team did not stop at all, instead it became like a storm.

The iron axe lifted the fallen team member and shouted to the crowd: "Do you understand? Who wants to try it? If you fall, the round will end! Anyone who joins the dance will be given a piece of sweet and delicious honey barbecue. The longer you hold on, the more meat you have!"

If invited by nobles and big families, the townspeople may not actively participate - subconsciously, they are always high above the ground, treating the common people as a must, and it is common for them to go back on what they promised. But when they saw the militia members, the villagers and neighbors who were familiar with them on weekdays, beckoning to them, they couldn't hold back one by one.

With the first, soon there will be a second, a third. A new round of dancing begins again, only this time, most of the dancers are replaced by the masses. Despite the simplicity of the action, everyone enjoyed it, and with the addition of a honey barbecue as a reward, the participants showed their best performance.

This was exactly what Roland wanted to see.

In addition to the barbecue, there are also bread, fish cakes, and ale, which will be distributed one after another after the beef is distributed. The celebration will last until the evening, but Roland will not stay here forever. He arranged for Carter to be in charge of on-site security, the assistant minister came to give the closing remarks, and then left.

He also has a private celebration party to attend, in the back garden of the castle.

When evening fell, the backyard was still brightly lit.

Like the center of the square, a bonfire was also lit here. The difference is that the chicken used for grilling is all cut into pieces. The seasoning and oil are also configured by yourself, which completely imitates the eating method of outdoor barbecue. This novel self-help method makes the witches fall in love with it. Of course, in Roland's eyes, it is also a rare spectacle - for example, after Anna has seasoned the chicken nuggets and wrapped them in green fire, she can burn a fragrant piece in an instant. of chicken. Nightingale showed her incredible knife skills. The table knife was hidden in her hand and flew up and down around the chicken. After peeling it off, the bones fell completely.

And of course there is wine, and these bottled wines from Willow are clearly more palatable to women than ale. Lightning drank half of the bottle alone. Although Roland wanted to say that underage drinking is prohibited, she floated in the air with the bottle in her arms, and it was difficult to dissuade him. He just thought about it.

In the middle of the barbecue, Roland felt slightly drunk. He leaned back on the chair and looked at the group of smiling girls in front of him, and felt extremely relieved. This is the life a prince should have, he thought, and the witches too. Those with extraordinary abilities and appearance should not be hunted and killed. If they were placed in the era before they crossed, I am afraid that they would be dazzling and dazzling people wherever they went. And what I can do now is to let them live a normal life in this square inch of land.

At this moment, the lightning fell and sat directly on Roland's lap. Before he could react, he suddenly put a kiss on his cheek.

Although this action was done very quickly, it was still captured by a group of witches.

She grinned and flew away, seeing Anna, Nightingale, and Wendy looking at her in surprise, waving her hands to explain, "According to the rules of the fjord, women can take the initiative to offer a kiss to the leader at a victory banquet. Dad. I will kiss him every time. Does Graycastle not have such a habit?”

"Of course not," Roland woke up most of the time drunk, "Uh... ahem, Lightning, you're drunk, hurry up and go back to sleep!"

"How is that possible," Lightning protested. "When I was sailing, I often fought wine with everyone, and I never lost."

Roland had no choice but to turn to the witch. He looked at Wendy, who nodded and rolled up a downward airflow, blowing the lightning down. When she was about to land, Wendy took two steps forward and hugged the girl, ignoring her yelling in her arms, and walked straight towards the castle.

"Don't worry about that guy, she just drank too much. You guys continue to eat, there will be dessert later." Roland suddenly felt a little embarrassed, especially the look in Anna's eyes, which made him feel a chill rise from the soles of his feet. The only one who was completely unaffected was Nana, who was still concentrating on roasting the chicken wings in her hands, as if nothing had happened.

When the bonfire was gradually extinguished, Roland asked Nightingale to escort Nana home. He went to the well to wash his face with cold water, and also prepared to go back to his room to sleep. Roland didn't care about this little episode. In his opinion, Lightning was just an underage child.

However, when he reached the door of the bedroom on the third floor, the prince's heart skipped a beat.

He saw Anna leaning against the door.