Release that Witch

Chapter 99: Night talk


The witches didn't fall asleep either, and after a series of hardships, they still couldn't believe the fact that they were taken in by the prince. No shackles, no guards, just let everyone live in the castle, or such a spacious and comfortable room

Wendy probably guessed the unease of the sisters. Together with Nightingale, she called everyone to her room, sat in a circle around the bed, and used chat to soothe everyone's emotions.

This is the demeanor of a leader, Ye Ye thought to himself, if it was Hakkara, she would never be so careful, or even if she noticed it, she would not have the time to comfort her sisters.

"Sister Wendy, His Royal Highness... What will you let us do?" Hummingbird asked timidly, "Our ability is too far behind you and Sister Nightingale."

This resonated with the other sisters, who nodded.

Wendy chuckled, "Let me think about it, um... The first thing you have to do is to practice your abilities."

"Practice ability?" Soraya hesitated, "Could it be that Your Highness will let me keep painting?"

"It's very possible," Wendy patted Mystery Moon, who lowered her head, "you too, although Hakara forbids you to use your abilities in the camp, but His Highness won't. On the contrary, he will only encourage everyone to do their best through practice. Possibly master your own abilities.”

"My ability will bring trouble to my sisters," Mystery Moon whispered.

"That also has to be practiced," Wendy said firmly. "It's about our life and death."

"Life or death?" Ye Ye couldn't help asking.

"That's right, His Royal Highness Roland has found a way for witches to spend the Awakening Day safely," Nightingale said in place of Wendy. "From now on, we can say goodbye to the pain of magic backlash, and all sisters can live smoothly to adulthood."

All the witches looked at Nightingale with wide eyes, unable to believe their ears for a moment. Scroll asked in surprise, "Is that the Miss Anna you mentioned last time? But you said at the time that you didn't know the exact reason."

"Yes, it was just His Highness's guess at the time, but Nana's Awakening Day later verified this - she was also unharmed."

"Then this method is..." Scroll couldn't help holding his breath.

"As long as the magic power is consumed every day," Nightingale said word by word, "I can see the changes in the magic power in the fog, and using it regularly will make the total amount of the body continue to increase, and the pain of devouring the body will also increase. Then it will decrease. When the awakening day is approaching, as long as all the magic power is used up, it will hardly cause damage to the body."

"I think everyone can feel it faintly," Wendy added. "In the days when we were chased and hunted by the church, we carefully hid in the corner of the town and didn't dare to use our abilities. Therefore, many sisters left us every winter. Go. But this year in the camp in the Extremis Mountains, except for Aining and Ashe, everyone survived the Demon Moon."

It turned out to be the case, Ye Zi took a deep breath, this is the reason why he encountered the demon bite in the wild, and the duration was extraordinarily short. "That is to say, the holy mountain is not in that no-man's land..."

"That's right, the holy mountain is not a specific place," Wendy nodded. "As long as we can accept us, do not regard witches as devils, and do not limit sisters' abilities, they are holy mountains."

"Wendy also made a request to His Royal Highness Roland, wanting to go to the camp after the end of the month of demons and tell everyone the news." Nightingale looked at Wendy and said softly, "Even if the holy mountain is not found, You can also live well in the deep mountains."

"Since everyone is back, there is no need to mention this," Wendy smiled and shook her head, "So, whether His Highness needs your ability or not, for your own safety, you should practice it every day."

"If this is the key to defuse the magic backlash, will other witches have already noticed this?" Scroll thought for a moment and said, "We are not the first witch organization to gather together. There are other witch guilds, and I have sent letters to them, wanting to invite them to find the Holy Mountain together, but I have never received a reply."

Ye Ye sighed softly, she knew that the scroll still had some words to say. Since Hakara discovered an ancient book in an underground ruin in the Eastern Forest, he has firmly led everyone on the road to find the holy mountain. At this point, the Co-Aid Society began a long journey of exile, traversing almost the entire Greycastle. Along the way, we have met many new sisters and lost many sisters. If they had chosen to hide in that ruin from the beginning, would they have discovered the key in advance

"We can try to contact the hidden witches in other cities," Nightingale said. "His Royal Highness Roland also has this plan. He wants to let the witches notice this remote town by releasing rumors. No doubt it will greatly reduce their vigilance."

"But I still don't understand, what is the purpose of His Royal Highness taking us in?" Echo was at a loss. This alien woman from the extreme south has suffered worse than most witches. She was first sold by the sand people to Bishuigang. Merchant, and later resold all the way to the capital. She was forced to learn dance, court etiquette, and even tricks to please men. If she hadn't happened to be rescued by the mutual aid society, she might have been transferred to a duke or minister at a high price. To this day, she still speaks with a distinctly interracial accent.

"Maybe it's just like those people who want to buy you," Lily pouted, "Men..."

"Don't talk nonsense, Lily," Nightingale said displeasedly, "His Royal Highness Roland is different from those people. As long as everyone lives here for a while, they will naturally understand."

"That's it, I have a deep understanding of this," Wendy still had that gentle smile. "It's not too early today, everyone, go back to your room and go to bed. Even if your ability doesn't work, don't worry. His Highness said. However, he wants the witches in the territory to live a normal life. If you really want to know, what will His Highness let you do tomorrow," she deliberately paused, "I think, probably first Fill out a contract to get started."

Ye Zi and Scroll returned to their room, the latter closed the door casually, "Let's sleep too."

"Yeah." When inquired about her ability before, His Highness arranged her and the scroll in a room, and said that this was only a temporary arrangement, and there would be a brand new single room in the town in the future. But in her opinion, there is no problem with sleeping three people in such a spacious bed.

She took off her coat and got into the quilt. The indescribable softness and comfort immediately wrapped her body. Ye Ye couldn't help but snorted and buried her head in the pillow. After a long time, she asked softly, "Do you blame Hakara?"

"..." Scroll lightly sighed, "No one can predict the future, no matter what she does later, at least at first she really wanted to find a home where witches can live in peace. Now it's pointless to mention these things, sleep ,child."

She closed her eyes, "Good night."