Remarriage to a Mortal Enemy in the 70s

Chapter 100: Three-court trial


The snow in the courtyard had not yet melted, and the branches were covered with white jade. Zhan Bo called everyone out to take a family photo. More and more people from the Zhan family came out. Zhan Aiping and her husband came out with their two children. Zhan Mingzhao and Gu Xiangyi stood under the eaves sweeping the snow. Zhan Aijia held the child and looked out the window with a frown, "Gangzi is not here, why take a family photo?"

Her husband didn't come.

"Xiao Gu, come here, stand in the middle with me." Zhanbo enthusiastically called Gu Sheng over, and Gu Sheng cooperated and pulled open the "A harmonious family brings prosperity" sign.

Zhu Jiaorong and Zhan Mingkang stood beside Zhan Bo. Zhan Mingkang curled his lips. Zhu Jiaorong asked him to hold the end with the character "兴", hoping that he would have a good future.

Zhan Aiping stood beside Gu Sheng, and the couple held a child each in their arms. His younger brother Zhan Mingzhao and Gu Xiangyi stood beside them. Zhan Aijia stood beside Zhu Jiaorong alone, holding a child.

The whole family gathered together like this.

Neighbor He Qiang came to help the family take photos, and several neighbors from the compound came to watch the fun.

Old Chen, wearing a grey cotton-padded jacket, stared at the painting "A harmonious family brings prosperity", then looked at the Zhan family, which included many handsome men and beautiful women. When his eyes fell on the faces of Zhan Aiping and her brother and Gu Sheng, he felt a bitter feeling in his heart.

Old Chen sneered in his heart, thinking that in such a torn family, how could there be "harmony in the family, prosperity in all things"

Although he cursed the Zhan family for their fake harmony in his heart, Lao Chen was still envious of the cheerful Zhan Bo.

Zhan Bo, the face-conscious scoundrel, is so lucky. He is also so good at marrying off his daughters. Both of his daughters married group leaders and have bright futures. Even his eldest son is dating the daughter of the Gu family.

Unlike his daughter, who ended up marrying a poor and incompetent boy.

Old Chen was furious. After the Zhan family finished taking the family photo, he whispered something sour in Zhanbo's ear: "Old Zhan, your children are very good at finding partners."

Zhanbo smiled from ear to ear: "My child has good eyesight."

"Of course, it's also because of my good education."

The jealousy in Old Chen's body became even stronger, and he couldn't help but said sarcastically: "That's right, if it were in ancient times, you, you old Zhan, would be the emperor's uncle."

"As for me, the children I have raised are simple and honest. They are incapable of doing such flattering things."

Zhanbo felt uncomfortable. What did he mean by "I can't do such flattery"? "Old Chen, the people in our Zhan family are all upright and honest. We are not like some families who are afraid of hardship and suffering."

"My eldest daughter has gone to the frontier with the army, and my eldest son has taken the initiative to go to the countryside as an educated youth. Even my youngest son, I want him to go to the countryside as an educated youth."

Zhanbo glanced at Lao Chen and said, "Some people use their connections to arrange jobs for their children... Oh, the organization sees all of this."

Zhan Bo said righteously: "People in our Zhan family would never do such shameful things!"

Old Chen almost couldn't breathe, his face instantly turned red. Old Chen did arrange jobs for his children, and he even tried to avoid going to the countryside. He was stunned: "You, you want to send your youngest son to the countryside as an educated youth?"

When Zhan Bo sent Zhan Mingzhao to the countryside as an educated youth, many people sighed behind his back. This is the case that where there is a stepmother, there must be a stepfather, and this stepfather sent his own son into the fire pit.

Now—Zhanbo actually wants to send his youngest son to be an educated youth? ! !

Is he "killing his own relatives for the sake of justice"? ? No, no, no, he actually has such a correct mindset? !

If Zhan Bo really let Zhan Mingkang go to the countryside as an educated youth, the leaders would look at him with higher regard.

Zhan Bo said in a loud voice: "Of course, how can a child of my Zhan family be afraid of hardship and fatigue?!"

Old Chen: “…” This Zhan guy must be crazy.

You lose your son for your face!

If his youngest son goes to the countryside as an educated youth, he will become a farmer and his life will be ruined!

That’s right, both daughters married the group leader, the eldest son married the daughter of the Gu family, and the only one left was the younger son, even if he was ruined, he was still ruined.

Old Chen looked at Zhanbo deeply and thought: Once he becomes a stepfather, he will become a stepfather a second time.

"I'm not as good as you."

"Old Zhan, don't just talk nonsense. I'm waiting to see you send your son to the countryside to be an educated youth."

"If you can't bear to let go, Lao Zhang and I will laugh at you every day."

Zhanbo snorted: "Just wait and see."

He had already boasted, and for the sake of his face, Zhan Mingkang had to be sent to the countryside as an educated youth.

Zhan Aijia overheard something, and she ran to Zhan Mingkang and gloated, "Brother, you have to be careful, our father is going to send you to the countryside as an educated youth."

Zhan Mingkang had no sense of crisis at all: "Just listen to my dad's nonsense. Our mom will definitely not agree."

Zhan Mingkang was very confident because he knew that his mother would never let him go to the countryside to suffer.

What Zhan Mingkang didn't know was that at that time his mother was also hoping that he would go to the countryside for reform and strive to make a name for himself.

After taking the family portrait, Zhan Aiping and others stayed in the Zhan family for another day. Zhan Aiping and her brother went to secretly burn incense for their mother Ai Feihong. Nowadays, it is a very taboo to fight against evil spirits and burn money and paper to commemorate ghosts and gods, and it can only be done secretly.

After lunch, they set off for Gu's house again. After leaving Zhan's house, Gu Xiangyi became overjoyed and couldn't stop smiling. After leaving Zhan's house, did this mean that she had met his parents

"I'm almost suffocating!" Gu Xiangyi listened to their verbal battle and wanted to join in and say a few words, but she couldn't say anything because she hadn't become the daughter-in-law of the Zhan family yet.

What if she couldn't hold it in and said it, and people thought she was a powerful "daughter-in-law" and didn't let her in

A little impatience will ruin a great plan.

"Brother, I learned from you that small impatience can ruin big plans." Gu Xiangyi smiled and said, "I'm doing pretty well in the Zhan family, right?"

Gu Sheng: “…”

Zhan Aiping at the side couldn't help laughing: "When your little sister gets married, I always feel that there will be something interesting to watch. Your little sister, you will never mind watching the fun."

Gu Sheng laughed. He put his arm around his wife's shoulders and said, "You make it sound like you're not like that?"

Zhan Aiping said: "I am a serious person."

Zhan Mingzhao: “…”

As they were about to go to Gu's house, Comrade Zhan Mingzhao was the only one who was nervous, depressed and speechless.

Zhan Mingzhao asked weakly: "How many brothers will come back to your house for the New Year?"

With five older brothers-in-law above me, my legs go weak just thinking about it. No wonder no one dared to marry Gu Xiangyi before.

Gu Xiangyi said, "Only my second brother didn't come back this year. His and his wife's children are too young to travel thousands of miles... Don't worry, my eldest brother, third brother, and fourth brother are all bachelors."

"My little brother and I are the only ones who have a partner!" When she said this, Gu Xiangyi was very proud. She could be considered a liberated serf and her younger sister Gu also brought her partner home!

Zhan Mingzhao's eyes went dark: "This is not a question of whether or not you have a partner."

"If you had five older sisters, I wouldn't be so scared." These are five older brothers.

If the target has five older sisters, it would be easy for Zhan Mingzhao to get her and deal with her in minutes.

Zhan Aiping: “…”

This is indeed what friends of women say.

Gu Sheng: "What a pity, I am her fifth brother, not her fifth sister."

Zhan Mingzhao: "Brother-in-law, please forgive me."

"Brother-in-law, if you love my sister, you have to love me."

Gu Sheng got goosebumps: "... ?!"

Zhan Aiping's head was filled with tic-tac-toe sounds: "Don't act like a spoiled child to your brother-in-law!"

Gu Xiangyi was shamefully silent: "Should I say it's a good thing he's my brother-in-law and not my sister-in-law?"

"Sister-in-law, if you love my brother, you have to love me!"

Zhan Mingzhao's scalp tingled: "Then should I say that it's a good thing she's my sister-in-law and not my brother-in-law?"

Gu Sheng: "... If you were my brother-in-law, I would tear you apart with my bare hands."

Zhan Aiping took Gu Sheng's arm and said, "Let's ignore them. They are birds of a feather."

"Ming Zhao, after you retired from the army, did you go to the tea factory to work as a tea picker?"

Zhan Mingzhao said: "That's what I planned. I'm afraid my brother-in-law's family will look down on my work."

Gu Sheng: "That's not the case."

Zhan Aiping said: "Isn't the tea factory also an import and export branch? I don't think the leaders will waste talents."

With Zhan Mingzhao in such a state, why should he go picking tea? He should go to entertain foreign guests and talk business with people.

Gu Xiangyi asked curiously, "What is he going to do?"

Zhan Aiping said, "Selling tea."

Zhan Mingzhao: "Be a salesperson?"

"That's about right."

Zhan Aiping thought that her brother was most suitable for sales and would definitely be able to make the elderly and young girls fascinated.


There were more people at the Gu family at this time, and the atmosphere was serious and solemn, with no atmosphere of the New Year at all.

The eldest, third and fourth brothers, three grown men, have all returned. The fifth brother, Gu Sheng, is almost 30 years old, and none of his older brothers are younger. However, the three brothers sitting on the sofa are still three serious bachelors without a partner.

The third brother looked at his eldest brother on the left, then at his fourth brother on the right, and thought to himself how out of place he was.

It's like getting the wrong number.

The third brother looked at his watch, hoping that the fifth and sixth brothers would come back soon. He really couldn't stand it anymore.

Originally, Brother Gu San had no intention of going home. As a divorced man, why would he go back to his hometown for the New Year? To be criticized

However, because he was divorced, Lao Gu gave him an ultimatum, forcing him to go home.

Third Brother Gu: “…” He was the first man in the Gu family to get divorced. He originally thought that the first man to get divorced would be the fifth brother, but he didn’t expect it to be himself.

Too sloppy.

Comrade Lao Gu and his elder brother were very disgusted with his behavior and took turns to educate him.

Third Brother Gu crossed his legs. No matter if he was a divorced man or not, at least he was better than the two old bachelors around him.

The eldest brother of the Gu family glared at him, and the third brother Gu curled his lips. He had to sit down obediently. The three brothers sat upright, their bodies straight, standing like pine trees and sitting like bells.

Qin Ying had just returned home after buying some groceries. When she saw the scene in the living room, she felt dizzy... These three sons were already quite old, and they didn't have any children. What did these three bachelors look like sitting together

Other people's homes are bustling with laughter and joy from women and children, but as for Gu's family, a few grown men sit together in a serious manner, turning their home into a meeting room.

Qin Ying swallowed, and a word popped up in her mind unconsciously - "three-court trial".

Because of this situation, outsiders don't dare to visit her house anymore. There is no homely warmth at all.

When Gu Ze'an comes back, the father and his sons can hold a meeting directly.

Qin Ying went to the kitchen to put down the dishes, and said with a tut-tut sound: "It's New Year's Day, can't you guys smile a little?"

Brother Gu pushed his glasses and thought that since this was the first time his younger sister brought her boyfriend home, as an older brother he should not act frivolously.

(End of this chapter)