Remarriage to a Mortal Enemy in the 70s

Chapter 104: Lonely


After dinner, it was still early, so the family sat together and chatted. Sweet and sour pork and small glutinous rice balls were both clinging to their mother, and Sweet and sour pork was holding a storybook and telling a story in a serious manner.

"Pingping, are you pregnant again?"

Zhan Aiping nodded. She was pregnant with her third child, but she didn't make a big fuss about it. Only Gu Ze'an and his wife were excited when they learned that they were going to have another baby. "Our family is getting more and more popular."

Qin Ying was surprised and asked, "You can already read at such a young age?"

Zhan Aiping said: "I can recognize a few words, but I can't write."

The eldest son was precocious, and Zhan Aiping did not push him too hard or restrict him. She let him do whatever he wanted. She taught him pinyin and gave him a dictionary. He was so young, his hands were not even as big as the dictionary, but he began to flip through the dictionary with great interest. When he came across a word he didn't know, he looked it up himself, and I don't know how many words he could recognize.

Gu Ze'an said happily: "My eldest grandson is actually a genius."

"You two must train well."

Brother Gu called Gu Sheng into the room, said a few caring words to him, and said bluntly: "You have to take good care of your wife. If you continue like this, you two will get divorced sooner or later."

Gu Sheng suppressed the smile on his lips, "Brother, can you say a few nice words? My wife and I have a good relationship."

"Good? How good can you two be? After getting married... I think your wife's temper hasn't changed at all. She's still as hard as a rock."

Gu Sheng said: "I just like her personality."

Brother Gu said, "As you get promoted, your temper gets worse. You can still tolerate her personality now, but what about in the future? You have become the head of a regiment, and you are considered a senior officer. There will be fewer and fewer people who will pressure you, and more and more people will beg you for favors and listen to your orders. Can you still guarantee this? Are you willing to go home and be a slave to your wife? I have seen a lot..."

Over the years, there are quite a few people who have changed their wives, and many of them have already changed their first wife several times.

Gu Sheng raised his eyebrows: "You haven't met our father?"

Brother Gu: “…”

"My father is different from my mother."

Gu Sheng: "My relationship with my wife is even more different. Brother, you should worry less and solve your own personal problems."

"It must be hard to be single. The guy you used to play with is three years older than you. I heard his daughter-in-law is pregnant and he's going to be a grandfather..."

Those who got married early have already become grandfathers.

Brother Gu narrowed his eyes and looked at him: "Now tell me your problem."

Gu Sheng looked down at Brother Gu. He was taller than Brother Gu. "Brother, your problem is more serious."

"You must feel bad seeing your good brothers getting married and having kids, right? If you feel bad, find a partner quickly, or I can introduce one to you." His elder brother was the one who got mad as he got promoted. He thought that everyone around him would obey him and please him, so he didn't take other people seriously. Gu Sheng thought that he had to introduce a hot-tempered girl to his elder brother to let him learn from her that not everyone would fall for this.

Brother Gu's face darkened, "Can you introduce someone to me?"

Brother Gu felt that one day he would be pissed off to death by his own brother. Apart from the fifth brother, who else would dare to say this in front of him

Gu Sheng put his arm around his eldest brother's shoulders: "Brother, in this family, among all the brothers, I am the most experienced one."

"You haven't even been dating for a few days, stop giving me advice."

"Do you really like the girl you brought back? Don't you think she's suitable?"

Brother Gu: “…”

“The fit is the most important thing.”

Gu Sheng said: "Brother, you have so many people around you who are obedient to you, what's the point of having another woman who obeys you?"

Brother Gu said: "At least it won't delay my work."

Gu Sheng: "If you just want to find someone who can come and go at your will, then you might as well keep a bird."

"You don't like that girl, and that girl doesn't like you either. She just wants to marry into the Gu family. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that. I don't believe you can't see it."

"You two don't have real feelings for each other."

Gu Sheng found this matter absurd and ridiculous. Just like his elder brother, he never showed true feelings, but others regarded him as a lovesick man.

Brother Gu: "As long as she asks for something."

"She will certainly be under my control."

People like Gu Yao are never willing to give their true heart to another person. As for the woman he brought home before, he knew all her problems and what she wanted in her heart. The more clearly he knew what she wanted, the more relieved Gu Yao felt.

As long as he holds firmly in his hands what she wants and gives her the life she wants, he can hold her in his hands.

Gu Yao hates the feeling of losing control the most and hates having his emotions affected by others.

Brother Gu looked at his younger brother, feeling very disappointed: "Do you think I'm as stupid as you?"

Gu Sheng smiled and said, "I am willing to be played around by her."

He hugged his chest, lowered his eyes and smiled, and many memories unconsciously emerged in his mind, such as before the marriage, Zhan Aiping was testing him in front of him, and the day of getting the marriage certificate, Gu Sheng knew that she was deliberately controlling him, but he still happily washed clothes and cleaned for her.

All emotions will be affected by her every move, ups and downs. There will be times of sadness and lows, but when she is happy, she will be happier.

Brother Gu had a headache: "You are already a father of three children, stop talking about love all the time."

In this world, the person who can most arouse his emotions is Gu Sheng.

Gu Sheng whistled: "I didn't say love, you said it first."

"Don't act at your parents' house. Wait until your little sister is born next year, and I'll come to your house in person. I want to see with my own eyes what kind of life you two can live."

"Look at you, is there any other leader like you?"

Gu Sheng crossed his arms, thinking that Captain Luo next door must not move away, and that his brother should come over to broaden his horizons.

When he returns, he will definitely stimulate Captain Luo and make him a good husband.

"Brother, now I have a wife who loves me and two well-behaved children. You have nothing. Don't worry so much and make our parents worry."

Brother Gu sneered: "Your wife loves you? I can't see that. I just see that you are confused."

Gu Sheng left after he finished speaking. Big Brother Gu was so angry at him that his liver hurt. Among his five younger brothers, who dared to speak to him so rudely

And you dare to say that he has nothing.

Big Brother Gu was so angry that this stinky younger brother was the best at finding a knife to stab him in the heart. Yes, his "good brother" was going to be a grandfather, and he was going to be a grandfather... Heart attack.


Gu Sheng returned to his room to hug his wife. Zhan Aiping said worriedly, "Don't let your elder brother brainwash you."

Gu Sheng smiled and said, "Our party's heart remains unchanged."

Zhan Aiping said: "Okay, don't make your elder brother angry."

"Who told him to discipline you? I haven't disciplined you yet."

Zhan Aiping: "… I told you you were fat and you gasped."

"After the New Year, I will take you back to take care of the baby." Gu Sheng hugged her. Although Zhan Aiping didn't say anything recently, she had a strong reaction to being pregnant with her third child. She had lost a lot of weight. Gu Sheng felt distressed. He already regretted taking her all the way back to her in-laws' home this year.

"Tell me what's bothering you, don't hide from me and vomit."

"You are just stubborn. Don't take what my brother said to heart. Don't let it affect your mood."

Zhan Aiping nodded and leaned in his arms. She felt unwell and wanted to go back.

"When we leave, you can carve a little frog... No, we'll buy a little tin frog for your brother."

Gu Sheng: “?”

Zhan Aiping imitated the frog's calls a few times: "Lonely, lonely, lonely..."

Gu Sheng laughed: "Maybe I'll be so mad at you that I'll find a partner."

"If my eldest brother were to find a partner, that would be the real blooming of an old tree."

Zhan Aiping was also curious about what kind of partner Brother Gu would find.


The Gu family had a lively New Year. After the New Year, Zhan Aiping and her husband took their child to Shanghai. They went to visit their godfather and godmother. Zhan Aiping was pregnant, so she didn't stay long and went back to the base to take care of her pregnancy.

"No place is better than your own doghouse." After walking for a while, the house was covered with dust. Gu Sheng didn't let her clean it up, saying he would do it himself and asked her to sit outside in the sun and rest.

The two children, Sweet and Sour Pork and Little Tangyuan, stayed by their mother's side.

Zhang Lirong from the next door house saw Zhan Aiping and asked in surprise, "Doctor Zhan, are you back home?"

"It must have been tough on this journey." Zhang Lirong was in a good mood. She didn't like the bumpy mountain roads. It was just right. She found out that Captain Luo had a bad relationship with his family and he didn't have any contact with his mother, her mother-in-law...

This is so comfortable.

Even after getting married, no one came to set rules for her.

As for Zhan Aiping, she has to go back to her husband's house and be a filial daughter-in-law. Gu Sheng has four brothers, and that means four sisters-in-law, which are not enough for her to handle.

"It's not very comfortable." Zhan Aiping said: "Didn't your family go out for a walk?"

Zhang Lirong said, "Why should we leave? Lao Luo is at home taking care of the kids. I think he is very good at taking care of kids."

Zhan Aiping urged, "Yes, you have to encourage Lao Luo more. Everyone in the family compound praises you two for being a good match. After marrying you, Lao Luo will devote himself to taking care of the family."

"That's right!" Zhang Lirong straightened her back.

"Doctor Zhan, please ask your captain Gu to love you more. It's so hard for you to raise two children. Men should help women more at home." Zhang Lirong didn't have any other intentions now. She was just hoping that there would be a quarrel in the neighboring house. It would be best if Zhan Aiping had a bad temper and Gu Sheng couldn't stand her.

Zhan Aiping said: "How can you say it's helping? Is the child a woman's child alone? Is it a woman's job to do household chores? Is it a man's job to help a woman? This is not helping us, this is the natural right."

Zhang Lirong: “…”

This was something she hadn't thought about.

But she felt that Zhan Aiping was right.

The two of them were chatting outside, and Captain Luo was listening in the house with a sullen face. Well, Xiao Gu from next door is back, and he was thinking about forming an alliance with Xiao Gu, so they, the men, had to be tough, but the two women ended up going crazy.

When Zhang Lirong walked into the room, Captain Luo quickly stopped her and asked, "What are you talking about with Doctor Zhan next door?"

Zhang Lirong laughed and said, "You don't understand. This is called "When God wants someone to die, he will make him crazy." I have read a few history books recently and I understand the reason behind it."

"We have to let Dr. Zhan next door go crazy. Look at what she said. Does she act like a decent woman?"

"When a man does housework at home, he is not helping women. Who is he helping?"

Captain Luo: “…”

Captain Luo looked at Zhang Lirong's serious face and thought that he didn't know whether Dr. Zhan next door was crazy or not, but Zhang Lirong was quite crazy at home.

When will she perish

Otherwise, he would change his strategy and let Zhang Lirong become even more arrogant at home. Sooner or later, she would get into big trouble and bring about her own destruction.


When Brother Gu left, he took a tin frog with him. He was really angry. Thinking of what Gu Sheng said about "lonely and widowed", he thought that he was indeed lonely and widowed.

If he hadn't been provoked by his fifth brother, he really wouldn't have thought about having a girlfriend.

But when this frog appeared, it was very exciting.

Big Brother Gu was relenting and asked someone to find him a partner. He couldn't stand those who were about the same age, so he planned to find someone younger than him. He also couldn't stand those who were younger than him and were getting married for the first time, so he thought of finding a beautiful one who was married for the second time and had a child. However... that woman didn't need to be too beautiful. If his wife was too seductive, it would damage his image.

A posture slightly above average will do.

After searching for a long time, he happened to find someone who introduced him to a divorced woman with a daughter who had lived in the same compound. She was younger than him and her name was Qin Lu.

(End of this chapter)