Remarriage to a Mortal Enemy in the 70s

Chapter 121: Marry


Little Tangyuan is young and at the age when she loves to show off. She wants to make a fuss about every little thing known to the world. When Gu Sheng comes back, she sticks to her father like a cat smelling blood.

The busiest person in the family is probably Little Tangyuan. She has to take care of her mother and brother's emotions, be a cute little girl to her aunt and uncle, be a close sister to her younger sister, take care of her father who is busy with work, and show various talents in her spare time.

"Dad!" The little girl hugged the man's thighs, pulled his military pants and climbed up, and before she knew it she had climbed to his waist.

This feeling of being possessed by a caterpillar made Gu Sheng want to pull her away. His daughter was like a little monkey and had a little ADHD.

Fortunately, the military uniforms at that time were sturdy, otherwise the clothes would have been torn by her.

This little girl is quite perceptive. Normally, she never pulls her mother's clothes. It may also be because her mother is not as tall as her father, so she doesn't feel a sense of accomplishment when she climbs up.

Compared with children of the same age, Yuanyuan is tall and well-proportioned, neither fat nor thin, with a cute baby fat on her face. She has the skills to act cute and spoiled, but she is reckless and agile, outgoing, shameless and likes to be praised.

Gu Sheng picked up his eldest daughter with one hand and asked her to sit obediently in his arms. In his opinion, this daughter was very much like his wife Zhan Aiping, with the same ADHD, liking to climb around and treating him as a tree.

Like mother, like daughter.

"What's wrong?"

"Dad, I protected my brother today--" Little Tangyuan said as he did not rest his hands. He hugged his father's neck with his little hands, and with a powerful kick of his calves, he tried to climb up along his shoulders.

Gu Sheng simply clamped her around the waist, restricting all her movements.

"Dad, am I really brave and a great little warrior? Can you order some food for dinner? I want to eat..."

Before Xiao Tangyuan could finish her words, Gu Sheng said, "We need to ask your mother for her opinion."

Do I still need to ask my mother for her opinion

Little Tangyuan kicked hard, broke free from his father's encirclement, fell to the ground, ran forward a few steps, turned around to look at his father, and said with a look of disappointment: "Dad, can't you have your own opinion? You always ask mom for advice..."

"Your mother is the political commissar. You must listen to her guidance."

Little Tangyuan: “…”

Xiao Yuanyuan, who had a bad start, could only rub her face. She wanted to act cute and coquettishly to her mother, "Mom, today I want to eat..."

Zhan Aiping held her back with a feather duster: "Get out of the way. I want to eat today, and I want to eat tomorrow... We give you extra meals every day at home, and you all eat so much."

There are two little ones at home who ask for food every day and I always think of various reasons to give them extra snacks.

It was almost the end of the year, and the end of the year was the time to clear out the goods. Zhan Aiping opened a lot of canned food for them to eat. There were a lot of canned food at home, including canned food for military supplies brought back by Gu Sheng, canned food given by Zhu Hui, and canned food for foreign guests brought by her younger brother Zhan Mingzhao.

Many people hoard canned food and are reluctant to eat it, but Zhan Aiping habitually clears out her stock at the end of the year.

The treatment of the kids has been improved recently, and Zhan Aiping has given them a lot of canned snacks. The hateful thing is... kids never know how to be satisfied, they will only get more and more, and want more after eating.

"If you eat any more, you'll become a little fat girl." When Zhan Aiping held her daughter, she felt that she had become much firmer and taller.

Everyone in the compound praised her for raising her daughter well, making her daughter fair, strong, cute, taller than other children of the same age, not shy, and open when going out, calling everyone uncle, aunt, and good-looking brother or sister... She naturally acquired the skill of sweet talk and specialized in deceiving the ignorant young nurses in the hospital.

Zhan Aiping is the director of the hospital. She warned the young nurses in the hospital not to be tempted by her sweet words and give her snacks.

"Mom..." Little Tangyuan rubbed his face pitifully, "Mom, I'm so hungry, I'm so hungry, I'm so hungry."

Guo Bao Rou asked with concern: "Mom, my sister is hungry!"

Zhan Aiping: “…” The acting of this brother and sister is exaggerated and fake.

"If you are hungry, drink a few sips of water first. Mom will teach you a trick. Open your mouth and take a deep breath of fresh air. Inhale it into your stomach and it will fill your stomach immediately."

Small glutinous rice balls and sweet and sour pork: "…"

Zhan Aiping pinched her son's face and said, "Don't encourage your sister all the time. You just sit back and reap the benefits."

This little guy looks easy to bully, but actually he has a black heart. He can bend and stretch himself and pretend to be pitiful. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to make the two sons next door cry just by being a little tangyuan.

Sweet and sour pork looks at its mother with an innocent face.

With the two of them together, Zhan Aiping is no longer afraid that her child will be bullied.

After sending the two little guys away, Zhan Aiping sighed to Gu Sheng: "Now that the children are getting older, the disputes and conflicts among them are becoming more intense and cruel."

Gu Sheng couldn't help laughing: "Wife, where do you get the emotion from?"

"Faced with such a complicated situation, as a mother, I also have to work hard to handle the increasingly complicated diplomatic relations - you know that Political Commissar Niu's family moved in next door."

"Today, the children of the Niu family took Youyou's toys. Xiao Tangyuan tried to get them back and made the two children of the Niu family cry."

Gu Sheng hugged his chest and nodded: "It is indeed a complicated diplomatic relationship."

Zhan Aiping smiled and said, "What do you think, Dad?"

Gu Sheng: "Just listen to the kid's mother."

Zhan Aiping: "I have no opinion."

"I believe that Dean Zhan's children will not be bullied."

Zhan Aiping deliberately said: "I have five sons in my family! If you mess with one of them, it will be like Sun Wukong looking for reinforcements, and my brothers will come one by one!"

Gu Sheng said: "I have five brothers in my family, and I've never seen you afraid."

Zhan Aiping: “…”

"This is your specialty, daughter-in-law." Gu Sheng raised his hand and bumped fists with Zhan Aiping. "Mom passed on her combat experience to her son and daughter."

Zhan Aiping shook her head: "No, no, no, no, didn't you see the consequences of my long-term battle? I married you and gave birth to three children."

Gu Sheng: “…”

Thinking about their daughter getting married, the couple felt a little uncomfortable, and they found the sons next door more and more unpleasant.

Zhan Aiping: "I suggest that Comrade Gu set an example for his daughter and raise her aesthetic standards. She should be determined to find a man who is better than her father as a partner."

Gu Sheng: “…”

"So I'm the one who has to suffer." Gu Sheng looked back on the past and realized that one misstep led to eternal regret. Perhaps if he had persisted a little more, he would have a virtuous wife like Pingping.

"Wife, do you still remember the original agreement?"

Zhan Aiping also showed her goldfish brain skillfully, just like her eldest daughter: "I don't remember."

Gu Sheng pinched her face and said, "Pretend!"

Zhan Aiping smiled and said, "Political Commissar Niu next door has moved in. Are you envious of him? I think Captain Luo is also very envious."

Ever since Political Commissar Niu moved in, Captain Luo had more than just ordinary envy. He was madly envious of Political Commissar Niu. He had two women at home serving him. His wife was virtuous, took care of the housework at home, and was able to give birth to five boys. He also had a younger sister to help discipline the children.

"I won't laugh at you even if you say you're envious, Lao Gu. All men are like this." Zhan Aiping sighed. Places with many women tend to compare with each other, and places with many men tend to compare with each other even more. Especially in the army, there are many men, and these men also compare with each other.

Before marriage, people would compare who is stronger, who gets promoted faster, who is more capable, and who is more appreciated by the leaders. Of course, they would also compare their partners, especially whose partner is younger and more beautiful, has a better family, and can become a good father-in-law.

After getting married, people start comparing wives, whose wife is virtuous, whose wife is considerate...

Gu Sheng glanced at her and said nothing, "So what if I'm envious?"

Zhan Aiping blinked her eyes and said, "If you are envious, I will give you a little sweetness. I will be your good wife and mother for a few days."

So, the first step is to annoy Captain Luo next door.

The second step is to stir up trouble for the Niu family.

Step 3…

"Really, when I married you, I wanted to be a good wife who took care of the family."

"Forget it." Gu Sheng patted his wife's pretty face, "Don't always think about it. Your daughter doesn't believe it."

Zhan Aiping: “…”

Comrade Xiao Zhan was so angry that he climbed onto his shoulder and sat on it.

Gu Sheng sighed: "Who does our daughter look like? She learned all this from her mother."

Political Commissar Niu moved and lived next door to the Luo family. He really felt superior, as he was the grown-up man at home, while the two families next door were one worse than the other. Not to mention that he had five boys in his own family, while the two families next door only had one child... Political Commissar Niu walked on the wind when he went out these days.

He also secretly told his five sons, "Look at the two families next door, and marry a virtuous wife in the future."

"Find a virtuous wife, and the whole family will be blessed."

Niu Da, Niu Er, Niu San, Niu Si, Niu Wu... these five little boys stared at the Luo family and the Gu family. They were all neighbors, and no matter what happened in the family, they could not hide it from the people next door.

Political Commissar Niu asked the child to stare at the other couple, but the other child refused. Niu one, two, three, four, and five stared at the other child.

Especially Jin Baoer from the Luo family, she was a spoiled only child, she could eat as much milk powder and malted milk as she wanted, she became plump and white... They were drooling at the sight.

Jin Baoer always eats meat! He is a silly boy who has no worries about food and drink all day long. He stays in the yard and eats snacks with a smile on his face.

How stupid is this Jin Baoer

He took the initiative to donate meat to feed the big dog Zongzi next door.

In the eyes of the Niu brothers, this guy particularly deserves a beating.

Let’s not talk about Jin Baoer for now. The brother and sister from the Gu family next door are not good people either. They eat well, especially at night. The food is fragrant and there is a lot of aroma. I don’t know what delicious food they are eating... It makes people drool.

Mrs. Niu and Niu Chunyan are both relatively frugal when it comes to cooking. After all, there are so many people to feed in the family, so they have to be thrifty, otherwise they will be gone bankrupt by the children if they are not careful.

The Niu family’s cooking lacks oil and salt, so it’s not delicious. But the Gu family’s cooking is so fragrant that even the Niu brothers wouldn’t believe it if they said it wasn’t delicious! It must be delicious!

According to Gu Ermei Xiao Tangyuan, "Dad's cooking is much better than Mom's."

"I will only eat my mother's cooking if I'm scolded."

But at home, they were not scolded at all, but they ate food cooked by their mother and aunt every day.

Their father even said, "Find a good wife and the whole family will be blessed."

I don’t know whose family is blessed, but they think other people’s children are very blessed.

Niu San encouraged Political Commissar Niu: "Dad, you should cook a dish too."

Niu Si said: "That's right!"

"Dad, you said that people should be positive and have the courage to compete with others. Why don't you dare to compete with Uncle Gu to see who can cook better?"

Political Commissar Niu: “…”

"What kind of kids are you? You don't know what's good for you!"

“Roll, roll, roll—”

During the Chinese New Year, Zhan Mingzhao and Gu Xiangyi came to the Gu family to celebrate the New Year. They planned to get married in the summer, and it would be best to choose the summer vacation when there would be more people and it would be lively, and some of their friends who are teachers could come over.

Zhan Mingzhao's unit allocated a house to him, which was a building, but it was a small studio with one bedroom and a living room. Gu Xiangyi's unit also allocated a house to him, which was also a small studio with one room. The two of them hugged each other and cried bitterly.

Gu Xiangyi: "There are only two small rooms, which we can barely live in together. Mine is on the third floor, and climbing the stairs is tiring."

Zhan Mingzhao: "Mine is on the second floor, it's easier."

Gu Xiangyi: "I also want to live in a house with a yard!"

Zhan Aiping said, "Don't people in cities want to live in apartment buildings now? Isn't it good for both of you to get apartment buildings?"

Nowadays, most of the newly built houses in the workplace are apartment buildings, especially in Shanghai. The characteristic of apartment buildings is that they are small. In order to provide more housing, each household is allocated a small room.

It was already good enough to have a room, as the land here was not in short supply. In 1976, many educated youth had already started to return to the cities, and housing was very tight in several big cities. Young couples got married in small pavilions, and in the future some would even have to sleep on the streets.

Zhan Aiping said: "Your brother and I both live in a bungalow."

Gu Xiangyi: "Then I'll switch with my sister-in-law. I also want to live in such a big house! I also want a big yard!"

Zhan Aiping said: "I still want to live on the third floor!"

Gu Xiangyi: "I want my parents' house!"

Gu Sheng and Zhan Mingzhao looked at each other, and Gu Sheng asked, "Is the furniture ready?"

Zhan Mingzhao said: "Okay, let's ventilate it before moving in."

He had painted the furniture himself and had already moved it to a small room in the new house to ventilate and dry it.

Gu Sheng and his wife sponsored them with a sewing machine, a Phoenix bicycle, and a radio...

"Getting married is a great joyous event. I finally got married." Gu Xiangyi sighed with great emotion.

It’s really hard to find a partner.

Gu Sheng: "You just picked up what was ready."

Gu Xiangyi: "Brother, little brother, seeing that you two have been in love for several years, it is finally my turn. I also want to have two children to play with."

From Gu Xiangyi's perspective, raising a child is very easy. As an aunt, she has raised two or three nephews and is very experienced.

Zhan Aiping: "... You are really full of energy."

—Raising children is exhausting.

Zhan Mingzhao: "I'm getting married, and the old man named Zhan also said he wants to come."

Zhan Aiping said: "Come over if you want."

Zhan Aiping and her brother both knew that Zhan Bo and his wife came here partly for their son’s wedding and partly to see Zhan Mingkang. With both sons here, how could they not come

Gu Xiangyi: "... My parents also said they would come over."

Gu Sheng said, "As your parents' only daughter, how can they not come over when you get married? They will send you off with music and music."

Gu Xiangyi: "Brother, how can you make it sound like you are sending away the god of plague?"

Zhan Aiping: "Look, little sister, your brother doesn't have this treatment."

"You two little mascots, get married and live a good life in the future." Zhan Aiping thought that both Gu Xiangyi and Zhan Mingzhao were not suitable for military service. Gu Xiangyi was in the hospital, unable to move up, and had no knowledge of the ways of the world; Zhan Mingzhao, on the other hand, was a real mascot brother.

He went to the import and export company and felt like a fish in water, especially when he had the opportunity to meet foreign guests, he was always receiving gifts from them.

Zhan Mingzhao has a face that looks like he's ready to receive gifts.

If he were to become a host in the future, his rewards would definitely be top-notch. It's a pity that by the time the internet celebrity economy emerges, he would have been Grandpa Zhan, and he wouldn't have that chance in this lifetime.

The only person who can resist Zhan Mingzhao's charm and take advantage of him is Xiao Tangyuan.

"Uncle! What gift did you bring for Yuanyuan?" Little Tangyuan said that he was very close to his uncle and would give him a warm hug and welcome every time his uncle came over.

Zhan Mingzhao held his little niece in his arms, feeling both love and hate for her. When he was sweet-mouthed, he was the elder uncle; when he was just averagely sweet, he was the younger uncle; and when he was not sweet, he was the bad uncle who couldn't marry his aunt.

"My uncle made you a new dress."

"Wow! New clothes! Uncle is the best uncle..."

After giving the gift, I can hold this little dumpling and listen to her sweet words all day long.

Zhan Mingzhao asked his sister Zhan Aiping: "Why does Yuanyuan have so many words? Children of four or five years old can hardly speak properly."

Zhan Aiping said: "It was all taught by her brother behind the scenes."

Zhan Mingzhao: “…”

Gu Xiangyi is looking forward to it: "When I have a child in the future, I will let Youyou teach him."

Zhan Aiping: “…”

Xiao Guobao is the eldest brother, with a series of younger brothers and sisters behind him. Who says they don’t have enough brothers and sisters in their family

After the New Year, Zhan Aiping returned to the hospital to work. She has been working at Yanxin Health Center for almost five years. She has become the director. Currently, Yanxin Health Center is the best township hospital in the county. Many new departments have been opened and the staff has been expanded a lot. People from nearby townships cannot make it to the county, so they all come to Yanxin Health Center for treatment.

There were few vehicles at that time. In the countryside, a distance of more than ten kilometers was considered far. Few families owned bicycles, and people did not take rides but walked. It would take an average person three or four hours to walk ten kilometers along a mountain road.

Yanxin Health Center is more famous for its cafeteria, where the big-pot meals are delicious and cheap, and the vegetarian dishes are also tasty. They are also provided to patients and their families, and a certain amount of food coupons and money coupons are charged.

Because it’s so delicious, even those who are healthy in town come over to get a meal at mealtime.

Others may not know unless they do the math, but Zhan Aiping is the dean of the hospital. If she does the math, she will know clearly that their hospital cafeteria is making a lot of profit.

Nowadays, a large part of their hospital's profits comes from the canteen, which is really ridiculous.

Zhan Aiping did not make a fuss about doing such a thing that made her fortune quietly. She used part of the profits to pay performance bonuses to employees, expanded the canteen, and saved money to build more houses and an outpatient building.

There are many such cases of people making fortunes in silence. Zhan Aiping had heard of it before. Brave people are very brave. In some places, people are so poor that they can't even afford to eat, while in other places, people have already built factories in the village in secret. The whole village has been making fortunes secretly by hiding it from the public. You have to know that at this moment, the economy has not been liberalized yet. If they keep it secret for another one or two years, they can get on the road to prosperity.

"Director Zhan!" The person who called her in the hospital was Zeng Jiang, Shen Liqing's cousin. He is currently working as a barefoot doctor in the village. This time he came to treat a patient from the village.

"Now I am the barefoot doctor in the village. The previous barefoot doctor was also an educated youth who had been in the countryside for many years. After 1971, he always wanted to be selected as a worker-peasant-soldier student and be recommended to go to university, but the village did not allow him to go..."

In the past, it was not easy to find a reliable barefoot doctor in the village. The educated youth who became barefoot doctors had a relatively higher cultural level, were kinder and gentler, and were more reliable than the illiterate village doctors in the past. With such a reliable educated youth who became barefoot doctors, the villagers were reluctant to let him go.

Now Zeng Jiang has stepped up. "He should be able to get a place in the university this time. After so many years, he has enough experience. Who else can it be but him?"

When Zeng Jiang said this, there was still a hint of envy in his tone. Maybe the other person would go to Shanghai Medical College as a student and return to the big city.

Zhan Aiping asked: "Are you envious?"

Zeng Jiang said: "As for me, I have to endure for at least a few more years."

He had just gone to the countryside as an educated youth, and now that he was married, he was settled there. Xue Xiaomei had a big family, so there was no chance for her to be selected as a worker-peasant-soldier student, so Zeng Jiang gave up on this idea.

"It would be fine if I could be the barefoot doctor."

Zhan Aiping: "Read more books, and you will have a chance next year or the year after next."

Zeng Jiang smiled and shook his head: "Returning to the city is not a good thing."

Going back to the glamorous big city is good, but it also comes with a price. Many people have to pay a lot of bribes to apply for retirement due to illness, which is not easy... If you have a clean family background, it will be easier to go back. For example, if you are the child of a martyr or the child of a worker who died in the line of duty, then you can go to the big city.

If you come from a poor family, you'll have to go back to the big city and get fried in the frying pan from time to time. It's better to stay in the countryside where you can feel safe.

Fortunately, he is a man. If he were a girl, it would not be easy either. She would be afraid of being bullied by the village scoundrels.

Zhan Aiping said, "I used to be a teacher at Shanghai Medical College. I can lend you some old textbooks."

"That would be great."

The selection of workers, peasants and soldiers will begin soon. The school has also reported that the quality of the workers, peasants and soldiers students is not very good, but these problems, which are known to everyone, will not be publicized.

Zhan Aiping is still working as a teacher at the county medical school. She occasionally gives lectures and also guides students in the hospital... Medical students must study in hospitals, and many typical cases are rarely seen.

For example, some people whose hearts are on the right side are registered as teaching volunteers in the hospital. They are treated as VIPs every time they come to the hospital, which is specifically used to observe students.

Zhan Aiping is a very famous teacher. Chuncheng Medical College has extended an olive branch to her. There are very few medical teachers like her who have a good background, no basic problems, and are able to teach.

Many doctors who have studied abroad are not in a good situation now.

Zhan Aiping declined, saying that she did not want to teach workers, peasants and soldiers at the university at the moment.

After work, Zhan Aiping returned to the staff quarters. Mrs. Niu came to her yard to inquire about her situation, asking her in various ways, how much she earned a month.

Zhan Aiping said: "Those are all stipulated by the state."

Mrs. Niu: "Where are the allowances and subsidies?"

Zhan Aiping said: "It depends on the benefits. When the benefits are high, it's good. When the benefits are low, it's not so good."

Doctors are different from other professions. Different departments vary greatly. Some departments are extremely rich, while others have very little money.

Mrs. Niu was anxious. She asked someone and found out that Yanxin Health Center was the most profitable among the nearby township hospitals.

Zhan Aiping is still the dean!

"You are so young, and you can become the dean. That's amazing."

Mrs. Niu said, "Chunyan from our family wants to go to a medical school and work in your hospital after graduation. Dean Zhan, you have to take care of her."

Political Commissar Niu's sister Niu Chunyan is not young anymore, a little older than Zhan Aiping, and she is still unmarried. The Niu family has been planning to find a good partner for her. Niu Chunyan has high standards and does not like ordinary soldiers. She thinks that if her brother's position is higher, she can pick a good partner. Until now, she has not married.

Niu Chunyan herself is not in a hurry. In fact, she used to think that it was fine not to get married. She could stay at her brother and sister-in-law's house. As long as her brother and sister-in-law don't drive her out, isn't this better than working like a slave in another man's house

She also raised her nephews, who always remember their aunt's kindness... Niu Chunyan had previously thought about not getting married so that she could focus on taking care of her nephews.

But now that we have moved, everything is different. It's okay with Captain Luo's family next door because they don't have a sister-in-law. But it's different with Captain Gu's family. He has a younger sister who comes to visit all day long, and she is very happy to be his sister-in-law.

His sister-in-law Gu Xiangyi is getting ready to get married. You can see that she is full of joy in her eyes and brows. Niu Chunyan has also asked around about the person she is getting married to, and it turns out that he is Dean Zhan's younger brother. Her family is doubly happy.

What’s even more embarrassing is that Zhan Aiping’s younger brother Zhan Mingzhao is very handsome.

If it were her, she would be willing to marry!

Niu Chunyan wanted to get married again, and she also wanted to marry someone young and good-looking.

I don’t know if Zhan Aiping has a younger brother.

"Study in a medical school? You have to graduate first—" Upon hearing that Niu Chunyan was going to a medical school, Zhan Aiping was not optimistic. Whether she could graduate or not depended on her luck.

As for getting people into her hospital, Dean Zhan has strict regulations. Only those who pass the basic assessment can get in. Otherwise, if everyone is squeezed in, there won't be enough room.

Everyone knows that the conditions here are good, and many people want to transfer here, so we have to accommodate them.

Now, the hospital director Zhan Aiping is also a popular person. Doctors and teachers have high social status. Everyone has some illness. When they hear that she is the hospital director, they all want to make friends with her. Her title is much more useful in the outside world than that of Gu Sheng, the group leader.

Mrs. Niu said, "Xiao Zhan, you are so careful with your words."

Zhan Aiping said: "Your sister-in-law is not young anymore, why didn't she think about going to a medical school before?"

Mrs. Niu: "She didn't want to do it before, but now she's getting older and doesn't have a marriage partner. Her children are grown up, so she should think about her own life."

"It's not a big deal that she still doesn't have a job. I'm different from her. I have to stay at home to take care of the kids, and she has to find a job."

Mrs. Niu smiled and said, "It's good to have a salary. Just like your sister-in-law, she comes to your house every day and brings a lot of good things."

The Gu family next door looked at the others with envy. They had an aunt on the east and an uncle on the west, who always brought delicious food for the children when they came to their house. The children were envious, especially his uncles.

Comrade Zhan Mingzhao is very good-looking, and Mrs. Niu couldn't help but want to give him a few handfuls of peanuts, but he refused.

Zhan Aiping said: "Relatives have to give and take, and what they get must be returned."

Mrs. Niu: “…”

"Dean Zhan, can I ask you another question? Besides your older brother, do you have any other brothers?" Mrs. Niu asked this question knowingly. She knew that Zhan Aiping had another younger brother, and heard that he was also here, so she came to ask.

Zhan Aiping said: "I also have a younger brother who is currently an educated youth."

Mrs. Niu smiled and said, "You are an educated youth. You are not married yet, right? Is he handsome?"

Zhan Aiping: “Not bad.”

Mrs. Niu gave Zhan Aiping an ambiguous look and smiled silently twice. Zhan Aiping's mouth twitched. She also wanted to laugh, but held it back.

Mrs. Niu said, "What do you think about our two families getting married?"

Zhan Aiping shook her head: "Sister-in-law, my brother has just been sent to the countryside as an educated youth. He is too young to get married."

Mrs. Niu said quickly, "Our Chunyan doesn't mind that he's young. What's the problem with a young boy? In the old society, there were many child brides who were more than ten years older than him. Don't you think so?"

"My wife is older and more caring. I am older than my man."

"This woman is old and can give him the same care as a mother!"

"Isn't there a saying that goes, 'A woman three years older than you is more likely to bring you gold bricks, right?'"

(End of this chapter)